UC Berkeley cancels Free Speech Week events as Hate Speech

University campuses have become safe zones against freedom of speech. University of California at Berkeley was the epicenter of the 1960s Free Speech Movement (FSM). According to the UC Berkeley Visual History: Free Speech Movement 1964 website from September 14th to October 1st, 1964:

[September 1st] Student organizations receive a letter from Dean of Students Katherine Towle announcing that tables will no longer be permitted in this area, and that collecting money or recruiting participants for off-campus political activity and taking positions on off-campus political issues will be prohibited. Over the next two weeks, student groups and administrators exchange demands and responses while demonstrations continue.

[September 14th] Students from SNCC and CORE set up tables at Sather Gate without permits from the Dean of Students. University administration representatives take the names of those manning the tables. Five students and three demonstrators are called for disciplinary action. More than 500 sympathizers join them in what is to become the first of the Sproul Hall sit-ins. A little after 2:00 am, the sit-in is disbanded. The eight students are suspended.

[October 1st] In defiance of the ban on on-campus political activities, at 10:00 am Jack Weinberg from campus CORE sets up a table with political information. At 11:45 am he is arrested after refusing to vacate or identify himself.

Eight UC Berkeley students suspended are: Left to right. Seated: Brian Turner, Sandor Fuchs, Arthur Goldberg, Elizabeth Gardner. Standing: David Lance Goines, Mark Bravo, Don Hatch, Mario Savio.

Eight students were suspended for operating a table on campus without a permit.

Fast forward to September 2017. Students at UC Berkeley are now the subjects of an investigation and possible civil or criminal prosecution and suspension for hanging posters promoting a Free Speech Week.

Watch this video with comments on the cancellation of Free Speech Week hosted by Milo Yiannopoulos with Pamela Geller and Mike Cernovich.

The home of off-campus political activity on political issues is now officially dead at UC Berkeley.

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