Sheriff Scott Israel – ‘We are Jihad — We are Hamas’

The recent shooting at a Parkland, FL high school is the result of failure on the part of many authorities who had both the opportunity and the responsibility to prevent it from happening. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel was the local law enforcement authority who arguably could have stopped the massacre before it happened. But he didn’t do that.

Sheriff Israel’s Department ignored repeated warnings about the serious mental issues those who knew the shooter reported. He also failed to ensure that his Deputies were adequately informed and trained on protocols for responding to an active shooting scenario in a school.

Perhaps worst of all, Sheriff Israel hired Deputy Nezar Hamze, who not only lacked even the most basic qualifications for the job according to Broward County PD’s own senior reviewing officers, but was and remains an actively-serving Florida state-level official for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), HAMAS’ Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S.–for whom he conducted active shooter weapons training inside identifiable Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Centers–but obviously failed adequately to train his own Broward County deputies on how to defend Florida students from an active shooter inside a school.

No, Sheriff Israel: this is not ‘amazing leadership.’


Sheriff Israel embraces ‘Deputy Hamas’

Average of two suspected terrorists arrested every week in the U.S.

When Did Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Know the Truth About His Cowardly Deputy?

After Complete Failure by the Public Sector in Parkland, Fla., Gun Bill Punishes Private Citizens.

1 reply
  1. Susie
    Susie says:

    I read in a couple of articles that there was a mental health componite that allows the police to confiscate the guns first and gives due process later but I can not find the details. I looked and looked. Does anyone know about this?


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