The SPLC File — An Exclusive Report on the Southern Poverty Law Center

James Simpson is an investigative journalist, businessman, and author. Mr. Simpson has published an extensive report on the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which appeared in the Spring Edition of The Social Contract. The investigative report is titled “The Southern Poverty Law Center – Institution of weaponized hate.”

According to Discover The Networks:

Founder, Chief Trial Attorney for SPLC Morris Dees

SPLC was founded in 1971 by two young Alabama lawyers, 35-year-old Morris Dees and 28-year-old Joseph Levin Jr.  The latter served as the Center’s legal director from 1971-76, but it was Dees who would emerge as the long-term “face” of the organization. A leftist who views the U.S. as an irredeemably racist nation, Dees, upon launching SPLC, joined forces with an African American who would serve as a perfect complement to him ideologically — the civil-rights activist Julian Bond, who served as SPLC’s first president from 1971-79.

SPLC’s work of “fighting hate and bigotry” while “seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society,” is rooted in the premise that the United States is perpetually “seething” with “racial violence” and “intolerance against those who are different.”Hate in America is a dreadful, daily constant,” says the Center, and violent crimes against members of minority groups like blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, and Arabs/Muslims “are not isolated incidents,” but rather, ubiquitous “eruptions of a nation’s intolerance.” [Emphasis added]

Dees and the SPLC see themselves as doing good by exposing evil. However, Simpson shows that the SPLC uses its power to demonize those who disagree with it. Simpson notes:

To reconcile the SPLC’s often contradictory and usually false narratives, one must understand that its constant vilification of political enemies is entirely tactical. The terms “hater,” “bigot”, “racist,” and so forth are frequently misunderstood as a spontaneous, visceral reaction to policies the Left opposes. Those with more political savvy recognize such narratives as an application of Saul Alinsky’s Rule Number 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.17

But this rule actually comes from a very specific tactic first articulated 100 years ago by Vladimir Lenin, the first leader of the Soviet Communist Party, who said:

We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding, and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.18

SPLC spokesman Mark Potok.

Simpson quotes former Senior Fellow and SPLC spokesman Mark Potok:

In an interview with NBC’s Chris Matthews, SPLC spokesman Mark Potok stated:

Well, let me say for starters that our—when we name groups “hate groups,” that has nothing to do with any allegation of criminality or some kind of measure of expected violence.It’s purely about ideology.14

At a public speaking event, Potok was even more pointed:

Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on … I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them…15

Simpson masterfully traces the history of political correctness from the Frankfurt School’s German Communist Herbert Marcuse to Angela Davis, the black American Communist, to Critical Theory, an intellectual tool to deconstruct the West through constant criticism, to today what is commonly referred to as Cultural Marxism or Political Correctness. 

Timothy Dionisopoulos in a Campus Reform article titled “[VIDEO] Director at Southern Poverty Law Center tells students parts of Tea Party are filled with ‘racists’” wrote:

Parts of the Tea Party group are “filled with racists,” a prominent director from the Southern Poverty Law Center told a group of university students late last month.

Heidi Beirich, the Intelligence Project Director, at the left-leaning organization, made the claim in a speech to students at the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU).

A video sent to LI’s Campus Reform reveals Beirich making a number of statement’s affiliating the Tea Party with racism and violence.

Beirich also suggested Obama’s Presidency had pushed many conservatives to engage in acts of violence.

“So there’s that, there’s the populism, the reaction against Obama that has helped drive up the number of hate groups,” she said. “It has fueled this movement, fueled a lot of domestic terrorism… This was about that black man with those liberal policies.”

Here is Beirich speaking in a video titled: Hate Groups Are Growing Under Trump. Beirich follows the SPLC ideal of demonizing those that it disagrees with.

Simpson writes:

Our First Amendment allows for the free exchange of ideas, even radical ones. Marcuse claimed that despite this apparent “tolerance,” an oppressive imbalance exists in Western societies, which he said, “favors and fortifies the conservation of the status quo of inequality and discrimination.”28 To correct this imbalance, he [Marcuse] followed Lenin’s lead, suggesting that leftists had a special right to lie, suppress truth, and engage in violence and law-breaking to get their way:

Under the conditions prevailing in this country, tolerance does not, and cannot, fulfill the civilizing function attributed to it by the liberal protagonists of democracy, namely, protection of dissent… I believe that there is a “natural right” of resistance for oppressed and overpowered minorities to use extralegal means if the legal ones have proved to be inadequate… If they use violence, they do not start a new chain of violence but try to break an established one.29

Simpson makes this critical observation about SPLC:

Unlike most of its targets, the SPLC is the organization that genuinely expresses hate. In fact, hatred is its stock-in-trade.

Simpson concludes:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is an extreme Left, communist-inspired, if not communist-led, influence operation designed to rationalize demonizing and silencing critics of the far Left’s agenda for America. This agenda is no less than a fundamental transformation of our Constitutional Republic into a Soviet-style, one-party Socialist state. The SPLC’s tax-exempt status should be immediately revoked, its assets seized under RICO statutes, and its leaders investigated for participating in a continuing criminal enterprise to subvert America.

RELATED ARTICLE: Social Contract magazine devotes entire issue to educate readers about the Southern Poverty Law Center

SOURCE: The Southern Poverty Law Center – Institution of weaponized hate By James Simpson 

EDITORS NOTE: In October 2017 Gonzaga University hosted its the 4th International Conference on Hate Studies. One of the keynote speakers was the co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Joe Levin. The conference was titled “Engaging with Communities for Justice.”  According to the description, “Levin has worked with Morris Dees to shut down some of the nation’s most violent white supremacist groups, reformed juvenile justice practices, shattered barriers to equality for women, children, the LGBT community and the disabled, protected low-wage immigrant workers from exploitation, and more.”

Here is a short video of the history of SPLC.

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