Open Letter to Senator Cory Booker and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: Let he, or she, who is without sin cast the first stone.

TO:   Senator Cory Booker
359 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
Palo Alto University
1791 Arastradero Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94304

RE: Let He, or She, Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone

Dear Senator Booker and Dr. Ford,

It has come to my attention that you have cast dispersion on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, nominee for the United States Supreme Court. Your argument is based upon behaviors which occurred over 35 years ago when Bret Kavanaugh as in high school.

It has also come to my attention that you Senator Booker in an article titled “So much for stealing second” in the student run Stanford Daily dated Wednesday, February 19, 1992 (see attachment below) you wrote:

New Year’s Eve 1984 I will never forget. I was 15. As the ball dropped, I leaned over to hug a friend and she met me instead with an overwhelming kiss.

As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next “move” as if it were a chess game. With the “Top Gun” slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my “mark.”

Our groping ended soon and while no “relationship” ensued, a friendship did. You see, the next week in school she told me that she was drunk that night and didn’t really know what she was doing.

Senator Booker you also said, “I received messages that sex was best achieve through guile and strategy.”

Dr. Ford it likewise has come to my attention that you, while a student at Holton-Arms, an all girl prep-school, your behavior was documented in SCRIBE the school’s year book volumes 82, 83, and 84. In SCRIBE volume 84 you are pictured at a Halloween party in your junior year. The caption on the right states:

“Lastly one cannot fail to mention the climax of the junior social scene, the party. Striving to extend our educational experience beyond the confines of the classroom, we played such intellectually stimulating games as Quarters, Mexican Dice and everyone’s favorite, Pass-Out, which usually resulted from the aforementioned two.”

Other SCRIBE articles indicate that your school’s faculty ” approved racism, binge drinking and promiscuity.”

Please note links to the articles from which I got this information below.

Perhaps you both should remember the words of Jesus in John 8:7,

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


Richard M. Swier, LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.)


YIKES: Cory Booker Wrote An Op-Ed In 1992 Where He Literally Admits To Groping A Woman

WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity

EDITORS NOTE: The feature image is by Unsplash/Simon Schmitt@helloschmitt.

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