National Day of Mourning & Repentance — February 23rd, 2019
President Donald J. Trump at the State of the Union said the following:
To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking the Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.
Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God.
There will be a National Day of Mourning in silent protest of the state of New York’s infanticide law.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12210
According to the National Day of Mourning website:
The state of New York just voted to expand abortion access right up to the birth of the baby! To celebrate this unbelieveable depravity they lit the One World Trade Center in pink! Women used to celebrate motherhood and find joy in their children. Today, in places like New York City, they are taking joy in destroying their children. N.Y. State has crossed a line of inhumanity that should drive us to our knees. 46 years of the state sanctioned killing of our most helpless and defenseless children should cause us to weep, to mourn, and to take action. What is to be thought of a society that kills her own children? What will the future be of such a hearltess society that celebrates such barbaric inhumanity?
“If the foundations be destroyed what shall the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3) We are calling for a National Day of Mourning and repentance. We are in desperate need for God to move upon the hearts of young and old in our nation. If our hearts do not break over the killing of these little image bearers of God in the womb, then how can we expect those growing up in this lost, confused and decadent culture to take our message seriously? Join us February 23rd for “A National Day of Mourning.”
Please CLICK HERE to sign the National Day of Morning petition.
Short Is the Road That Leads From Abortion to Infanticide, Euthanasia
House Democrats Block Request to Vote on Bill to Stop Infanticide For a Third Time
One Democrat Stood When Trump Called for Banning Late-Term Abortions: Because They’re “Horrific”
EDITORS NOTE: All images and information for this column is from the National Day of Mourning website.
Murdered simply for being alive.
Thank DR Swier for standing up for the innocent. We should all hang our heads in shame. God bless you indeed!
We are no longer on a slippery slope sliding down into a unacceptable, disastrous immoral hill. We are (as a nation) falling straight down to hell !
I will continue to pray for the unborn and for those thinking about this or being told things to swing their decisions this effects young lady’s to often heartbreaking 💔
Thanks for organizing this Day of Mourning we need to stand
We as the church of Jesus Christ need to be a voice and light in a world that is silent and dark for the sanctity of life. We are all created in His image!
II Chronicles 7:14
That verse was for Israel
What about the fathers of these murdered babies? Don’t the fathers have any say at all? I wish we would hear some of them speak up.
How much longer before God’s righteous judgment falls big time on our country?
I am a pro-life conservative black minister and I am very interested in becoming a member.
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