Fox News Leans Left and Caves to Islamic Shariah Law
Within the government, within the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, you have practically eliminated any training or any use of the term ‘radical Islam.’ That’s what we’re facing. LTG Michael T. Flynn
I will not abridge my freedoms so as not to offend savages, freedom of speech is under violent assault here. Pamela Geller
It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law (sharia) on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet. Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. Voltaire
Fox News is no longer run by CFR member Rupert Murdoch. It is now being controlled by Rupert’s eldest son, 47-year-old Lachlan Murdoch. Although Lachlan says his politics closely resemble his father’s, Fox News and Fox Business are unarguably leaning to the left. Though Lachlan hired West Wing stalwart Hope Hicks, staffers believe he is likely to nudge the network away from its close marriage to Trump, and they have lost many of their famous male hosts to #MeToo claims against them.
Bill O’Reilly left the network in April of 2017 after numerous claims of sexual harassment lawsuits against him.
Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO of Fox News had several women make charges against him. He died shortly after he resigned.
Eric Bolling was accused of sending lewd pictures to female colleagues at the Network.
Unfortunately, none of these charges ever went to court. The alleged perpetrators just resign. Even black host Charles Payne was charged with sexual innuendos, but returned to his scheduled program after a month of absences.
Were all guilty? We don’t know, and never will, but having a Y chromosome doesn’t make someone a lousy human being.
If sexual innuendos do not remove hosts, charges of racism often work, two things the left loves to use against their enemies. But a guaranteed removal is telling the truth about Islam. As Pamela Geller has said, “Truth has become the new hate speech.”
Fox News and Censorship
Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch used to be featured on Fox programs every week. However, in October of 2018, Chris was on Lou Dobbs show regarding the southern border migrants and made the statement, “A lot of these affiliates are getting money from the Soros occupied State Department, and that is a great concern. If you want to start cutting money, cut there.”
He was subsequently banned as being anti-Semitic for stating that Soros was funding the migrant affiliates.
Congressman Louie Gohmert was on Stuart Varney’s Show December 6, 2018, and he made this statement, “George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel, and the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped (the Nazis) take the property that they owned.”
Representative Gohmert was undoubtedly supporting Chris Farrell and exposing Soros for what he really is…someone strictly interested in the globalization of America.
Attorney Sidney Powell, author of the book, Licensed to Lie, was on Lou Dobbs Show last November 2018 and made the statement, “We simply cannot tolerate continued invasion of this country when Americans suffer every day, national debt is exploding, we have diseases spreading that are causing polio-like paralysis of our children.” Lou Dobbs immediately took her to task and cut her off.
We are in the midst of an invasion from people of various backgrounds, from various countries in Central America and South America, and just independently (with some days of separation apart), there’s a story of a shockingly unforeseen increase in polio cases in the United States.
No one can seemingly figure this out or where it’s coming from. Then there’s another story of mass numbers of people from various parts of the world, South America and Central America having this polio like disease. Common sense tells you there’s a relationship here.
The CDC and others have established the fact that new cases of polio and other diseases America previously cured and stamped out, are now showing up again. There is official linkage to undocumented people arriving in the country and being released. How can we not make the connection? Sidney Powell is right.
Fox News Caves to Sharia
The recent outrage surrounding Judge Jeanine Pirro’s remarks concerning the hijab is a reflection of the abysmal degree to which common sense is under assault in America.
While discussing Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Israel remarks with Nancy Pelosi, Pirro said, “This is not who your party is. Your party is not anti-Israel. She is. Think about this, she’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democratic Party, so if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? Think about it. Omar wears a hijab which according to the Koran 33:59 tells women to cover so they won’t get molested. Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?”
There was nothing wrong with Judge Jeanine’s question. Islamic “fashion” has political consequences. The hijab is a symbol and it is a symbol of the fact that the woman wearing it is fully committed to the sharia. It is a symbol that says to infidels that they are kafirs. Kafir is an Arabic term meaning “infidel.” The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in Allah or the tenets of Islam. When you see a woman with a hijab, you are looking at the politics of Islam as it has operated for over 1400 years. There has been jihad against the kafirs for 1400 years; it is a history of annihilation, death and suffering. They are antithetical to freedom.
Terrorism became much more frequent in such societies as Indonesia, Egypt, Algeria, and the U.K. after the hijab became prevalent among Muslim women living in those communities. Link
The reason for this correlation is clear: Islamic sharia commands jihad (terrorism) against unbelievers no less than it commands Muslim women to don the hijab. Where one proliferates—evincing a societal adherence to sharia—so too will the other naturally follow.
So just why is it that with any other politician we are allowed to ask personal and religious questions. When John Kennedy ran for president, everyone was concerned that his Catholic faith would interfere with his political decisions and he was constantly questioned, but we are considered Islamophobic if we ask questions like Judge Jeanine asked? Ilhan Omar should be asked the following questions regarding her visceral hatred of Israel and the Jewish people:
- Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that Jews are “ descendants of apes and pigs“?
- Will you repudiate the attacks upon Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah?
- Do you believe Israel has a legal and moral right to exist behind safe and definite borders?
Don Boys recent article asked many more legitimate questions, but Omar’s vitriolic diatribe against Jews needs to cease or she should be expelled. She was neither reprimanded nor censored for her deeply ingrained bias. The only consequence of her bigotry has been an innocuous resolution against hate speech. She has not been removed from any Congressional committees.
And now of course, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on all advertisers to drop Fox News until the network fires hosts Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson due to comments by both hosts that CAIR called “Islamophobic.” This is sharia and how Islam conquers and controls.
While Iranian women rip the hijabs from their heads in defiant protest of oppressive Islamic law, our Congress changed a 181-year law to allow Muslim women to wear the hijab.
Ilhan Omar’s district in Minnesota is where almost all of the 70,000 imported Somali immigrants were located by Obama. That district was recently identified by the FBI as America’s terrorist capital and their Congresswoman is calling for the dissolution of America’s Homeland Security. The Muslim Brotherhood has a plan for world domination and North America is their next target.
Oaths Sworn on Koran
None of the Muslims in Congress have sworn allegiance to the Constitution on the Bible. This tradition of being sworn into office to swear on the Bible is because our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states that our rights are given to us by the God of the Bible. Anyone who swears on any other book, like the Koran, is swearing an illegitimate oath. Congressmen Andre Carson (D-IN) and Keith Ellison (D-MN) both used the Koran. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took their oaths of office on the Koran.
The reason their oath is illegitimate is that the book upon which they swore teaches that the only acceptable religion is Islam, and they can lie (Taqiya) in order to advance Islam. When they swear on the Koran they are lying, knowing that the law of Islam does not allow freedom of religion.
Fox Muslim Attacks Pirro
Hufsa Kamal is a Pakistani American, born in England and raised in Tennessee. She is a producer for Bret Baier on Fox News, and has a long history of vicious attacks on conservatives including Michelle Malkin, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino and Charlie Kirk.
She took to twitter to excoriate Judge Jeanine for asking Speaker Pelosi if Ilhan Omar’s allegiance is to the Constitution or the Koran, and claimed that many Muslims work at the Fox Network.
The Gateway Pundit exposed this story and listed many of Hufsa Kamal’s vile tweets.
Fox found it necessary to condemn Pirro’s remarks and said they have “addressed the matter” with Pirro. It appears that Fox will continue to cave to sharia.
New Hires at Fox
Former Speaker Paul Ryan and Formula One Group executive chairman Chase Carey will join Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, and Jacques Nasser as members of the powerful Fox board. Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little a liberal, left wing progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice. Ryan was the VP candidate with neo-con Trotskyite and pro-abort, Willard Mitt Romney in 2012. During his time as Speaker of the House, he fought President Trump at every turn, and it became obvious he was pro-amnesty and pro-open borders.
Donna Brazile is joining Fox News as a contributor. She was the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee. When former Fox host Megyn Kelly asked Brazile about passing debate questions to Hillary Clinton so she’d be one-up during debates against Donald Trump, she blatantly lied to Kelly. Now she’s going to work for the very network she lied to.
The Jew Who Died for Ilhan Omar
Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism belies the fact that if not for a Jew who gave his life, she may not be in America and in politics. Lawrence Freedman went to Somalia in 1992 as part of the U.S. led relief effort to help relocate tens of thousands of Somali refugees to escape starvation, famine and civil war that turned Somalia into a failed state in the early 1990s.
Freedman was a U.S. Army veteran from Vietnam, and original member of the Green Beret. He reached the rank of sergeant major and eventually became an instructor. In 1990 he joined the Central Intelligence Agency and in 1992 he was sent as part of an advance team to prepare the way for American troops in Somalia. On December 23, two weeks after the troops had arrived, Freedman became the first American killed as part of the relief effort. Thousands of Somali refugees who live in Omar’s district had their freedom and security paid for with the blood of American soldiers – 22 of them, including Lawrence Freedman.
The Number One Cable Network is no longer teetering toward the left but is now an active part of it. Brazile’s arrival in the aftermath of Fox News suspending Judge Jeanine Pirro, all for asking questions about radical Somalian activist Ilhan Omar on her “Justice” show, is not only a slap in the face to Pirro and her many followers, but a slap in the face to the network’s many conservative viewers. Link
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