Why Don’t Democrats Take Responsibility for their Actions?

Merriam-Webster defines responsibility as:

1: the quality or state of being responsible: such as

a: moral, legal, or mental accountability

Do Democrats lack moral, legal and mental accountability?

American writer, poet, and best-selling author James Whitcombe Riley wrote: “When I see a bird that walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.” 

Meaning: “It is usually safe to identify somebody as a particular type of person when his or her appearance, behavior, and words all point to the same conclusion.”

Can you identify someone by type based upon their words, appearance and behaviors? Here are a few examples of words, appearance and behaviors (if anyone has other examples please add them to the comments below):

  • When you identify somebody who constantly calls those who disagree with them and their policies a racist, they are likely a Democrat.
  • If someone calls somebody a Fascist they are most likely a Democrat.
  • If somebody calls others homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynistic or a white supremacist that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone quotes a Democrat who says that after 9/11/2001 they had a “calming feeling” and that person who said it calls that person a racist, they are a Democrat.
  • If someone is caught on video saying “Impeach the mother f***er” that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone says that America must boycott, divest and sanction Israel, that somebody is a Democrat.
  • If someone votes for legislation to give more rights to one group at the cost of another group then that group of legislators are Democrats.
  • If someone votes for legislation to kill babies born after a botched abortion then they are Democrats.
  • If someone raises their hand when asked during a presidential debate if illegal aliens should be given free healthcare then that person is a Democrat.
  • If someone calls for violence against those who voted for a sitting president, including harassing members of that sitting president’s staff in public places, that person is a Democrat.
  • If someone kills someone and then someone else uses that persons crime to fundraise for their political campaign, that person is a most likely a Democrat.
  • If someone exploits a minority group in order to gain political favor, that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone wants to give someone else free stuff at the expense of others, that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone goes on national television and wants America to fall into a recession in order to prevent another person from getting reelected, that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone votes for legislation to take a law abiding citizens gun away that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone owns a social media company and implements policies that silence the free speech of one group over another, then that CEO is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone by their actions hide the truth, that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If a journalist publishes lies, innuendo and falsehoods, then that journalist is likely a Democrat.
  • If one bank uses it’s lending policies to discriminate against a person for their political position or a company because they sell firearms then that bank is likely run by a Democrat.
  • If someone wants to tax successful people at 70-90%, that person is likely a Democrat.
  • If someone believes that the world is going to end in 10-12 years because of climate change, that person is likely a Democrat.


Democrats walk like socialists and quack like socialists. Therefore it is safe to call socialists, well socialists.

Today, Democrats take no moral, legal or mental accountability for their socialist actions and policies.

Based upon their behaviors, they are irresponsible and cannot be trusted.

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