The Black Roots of Identity Politics

Identity politics began with the the 1977 publication of the Combahee River Collective Statement. The statement was written by “black feminists” with this goal:

Above all else, Our politics initially sprang from the shared belief that Black women are inherently valuable, that our liberation is a necessity not as an adjunct to somebody else’s may because of our need as human persons for autonomy.

The Combahee River Collective Statement reads:

We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy. We are socialists because we believe that work must be organized for the collective benefit of those who do the work and create the products, and not for the profit of the bosses. [Emphasis added]

Merriam-Webster defines identity politics as:

politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group.

The Democratic Party has fully embraced identity politics in all of its forms.

Those who embrace identity politics are fickle and can, and many times do, either turn against one another or their political party. We are seeing this happen since the 2016 Presidential election.

My Way or the Highway

My way or the highway is a predominantly American idiom that dates back to the 1970s. It is an ultimatum like “take it or leave it.” You’re either with me or against me.

Identity politics is tearing the Democratic Party apart.

Identity politics died on November 8th, 2016 according to the Left Voice’s Albert L. Terry III. In his column A Few Words on Marxism and Identity Politics Terry wrote:

The year 2016 will be remembered as the year that identity politics, as it is commonly understood, began the long descent into irrelevancy. The first Black President that saw conditions grow worse for Black Americans and Clinton’s corporate identity politics saw electoral defeat. We must build a Marxist identity politics, which recognizes the special oppression that comes with race and the consequent importance of fighting racism head-on. [Emphasis added]

Terry says identity politics is irrelevant but believes that only Marxism will help restore identity politics to its glory. What Terry wrote on January 8, 2017 is coming true today in the Democratic Party.

The Black Rot that has Infected Identity Politics

The key question: What are the outcomes of the effort to “liberate” the black feminists.

According to according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data:

The share of U.S. children living with an unmarried parent has more than doubled since 1968, jumping from 13% to 32% in 2017. That trend has been accompanied by a drop in the share of children living with two married parents, down from 85% in 1968 to 65%. Some 3% of children are not living with any parents.

The Pew report notes:

More than half (58%) of black children are living with an unmarried parent – 47% with a solo mom. At the same time, 36% of Hispanic children are living with an unmarried parent, as are 24% of white children. The share of Asian children living with unmarried parents is markedly lower (13%).

The primary outcome of this socialist/black feminist/identity politics is the destruction of the nuclear family.

Socialism, true to form, equally shares the life long misery of single parenthood. We are now in a time when there is no real liberation, rather there is government patriarchy in the form of welfare programs. Welfare is dependence and not freedom. Only jobs, created by capitalists, and a Constitutional Republican form of government can defeat imperialism.

The single parent family is neither valuable nor autonomous, rather it is dependent on government largess. 

The black roots of identity politics has infected the entire family tree, which is now rotten to its core.

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RELATED ARTICLE: About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent

RELATED VIDEO: Bill Whittle – Racism – Democrats and Republicans switch sides?

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