From Soviet Socialism to China’s Covid-19 Pandemic

President Trump once used the word “plague” with disgust on his face talking about Covid-19 at a WH coronavirus task force briefing. He reminded me of my Father, who often used the word “plague” with the same disgust on his face talking about Soviet Socialism. There is an inextricable chain of events in the world we live in and as a student of history, I have found a striking similarity in human behaviors in the events of the 1980s and 2020. I’d like you to be a judge.

It was in the 1980s, around the time I was about to immigrate to the West and visited my father in Leningrad to say goodbye to him. We had a conversation that I recalled in my first book Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, pp. 315-316 and in my third book: What is Happening to America? pp. 164-165. I’ll give you the essence, a short transcript of the conversation between three of us my Father, my son Roman and me:     

“Separation from you will be one of the most difficult experiences of my life. It’s even more painful that I can’t help you. But the thought that you and your children will be free at last gives me some comfort. Yet you have to promise me one thing.” He glanced at me and waited as I dried me eyes.  

“What should I do, Papa?”

“I want you to promise me that no other country will ever seduce you—not England, not France. You must go to America… there won’t be peace in Europe… you’re entering an unfamiliar world, and I want you to understand the transformation going on in it. Have you heard about the American hostages in Tehran?”

“Well, I’ve heard something.” Roman said

“It’s not something! Young people… students brainwashed by Marxist ideology, took those Americans and humiliated them. The only crime of those hostages is that they’re American.

Do you know who’s behind that ordeal?”

“No, I don’t.”

“The Soviet bandits, who are spreading the plague of hatred against America because they can’t destroy it the way they’re destroying Europe.”

“What do you mean, destroying Europe?” Roman asked.

“I mean just what I said. In our age, ideas run the world, and the wrong ideas destroy it. You… are leaving because the country adhered to a wrong idea. That’s why I want you to go to America. …Did you meet the KGB agents recruiting students in your law school?”

“Yes, we had them every year. They asked for cooperation.”

“You see how easy it is—first indoctrinate and then recruit. Remember, the KGB uses the same strategy in major universities around the world. It gets its payoff when youngsters become professionals. In the Middle East some of them join terrorist groups trained by the Soviets, in Europe they join the government. Let me tell you about the results of that. In the thirties, the KGB recruited five students from Cambridge in England, and later on it had the entire British counterintelligence in its pocket. You are not staying in Europe… you must do your utmost to get to America.”

What a short lesson of real history! What an analogous use of the word “plague” with disgust in different continents, different countries, and forty years apart. What an incredible connection of times in human feelings! My father knew well Soviet Socialism and Communist ideology. What an ideological tie of times! Don’t you see a direct similarity between coronavirus in 2020 and conversation about Soviet Socialism with my Father in 1980? I do and that drives me to present some explanations:

The Ideological Ties Between Times

Yes, what an ideological tie of times forty years later! Today, we are blaming Chinese Communist regime of the crime of spreading the global coronavirus pandemic. Do you know where the Chinese Communist regime came from? It came from Soviet Socialism and was implemented by Josef Stalin. It took Stalin twenty-nine years to achieve the result by 1949. Russian Security Services and military have built Chinese Communist State and implemented the entire Soviet governmental structure and institutions, which means placing the Soviet system within the Chinese State with the Communist Party on the top, like in the USSR. Mao had accepted the Soviets leadership of the Socialist Camp after the KGB attempted to poison him. You can read the details on the Chapter 5 Tell me Something I Don’t Know, What is Happening to America? By Simona Pipko, Xlibris, 2012.

Moscow had been running all Soviet Republics and having identical departments for all involved–it had eased the control. Asian experience of implementing Soviet Socialism in Mongolia, North Korea, and China also helped Stalin to implement his Soviet Socialism within Eastern Europe. Under the Warsaw Military Pact it was done the same exact way—replicating the Soviet governmental structure with all its negative features of total secrecy, fraud, disinformation, stealing technology, nepotism– the entire Soviet System to all countries of the Eastern Europe. That was a simple way for the Kremlin to run the Socialist Camp from Europe to Asia and all mentioned countries had received from the Kremlin the Project of 1955 to study and follow it. To grasp this recent pandemic, read here my column Covid-19: A Fascist Act of Terror Against Humanity, April 12, 2020.

Don’t be confused by the different terms Marxism, Communism and Socialism—all three are a fallacy-a fraud with a utopian concept. In fact, we were dealing with Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which began killing Americans in the 1950 Korean War, when Soviet pilots were shooting down American planes. The Vietnam War of 1962-1975 with Chinese volunteers had brought another killing of over 50 thousand American military. After that the Soviet killing field moved to Middle East: in the Beirut barracks bombing 243 U.S. military men were killed in 1983. The collapse of the Soviet Union has changed the world temporarily, yet, by the end of the 20th century and Putin’s presidency, Russia has obtained power again; close relations with China resumed and a new group of the Chinese leaders has been trained and drilled by Moscow. The killing of Americans was also resumed in the attack of 9/11/2001, near 3 thousand Americans killed in New York…

Yes, there is no more Soviet Socialism, it was replaced by a new criminal cabal—the Axis of Evil under Russian umbrella. Russia is there again in a new century, because Putin and his Security apparatus are still running this criminal cabal and the war against American capitalism. Only people who know Russian Security Services, I called them the KGB, are aware of Russia’s power in the world through the agents of influence, designed by the Project of 1955, I called then the Soviet Charlatans. We also should consider a great “success” of the Russian/Chinese Intel, infiltrating all corners of our society: the governmental institutions, especially the House of Representative, business, sport, academia, and the media…

Agents of Influence or the Soviet Socialist Charlatans

History is the Mother of all sciences. In this time of crises, stress, anxiety, and fake news, history is the only way to find the Truth. We are at war, in asymmetrical war. It was the Soviet Russia that injected viruses in the war, opening a new sinister front against Western civilization and American capitalism. Though today, with all eyes on China, we should remember: China has the same counterintelligence apparatus that Russia has, (under different names), the same institutions, agenda and methods against us. Knowing Chinese politicians, their connection to Russia, their incompetence and dishonesty using lies, fraud, intimidation, and deception, I don’t expect a word of truth from them–they are all Socialist Charlatans. So, I have found some objective materials. Here is one of them:

Nature, WUHAN, CHINA, by David Cyranoski, 22 February 2017. It is a big column and I give you one paragraph, where I found three Red Flags:

“The Wuhan lab cost 300 million yuan (US$44 million), and to allay safety concerns it was built far above the flood plain and with the capacity to withstand a magnitude-7 earthquake, although the area has no history of strong earthquakes. It will focus on the control of emerging diseases, store purified viruses and act as a World Health Organization ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world. “It will be a key node in the global biosafety-lab network,” says lab director Yuan Zhiming.

Three Red Flags:

First: The wet market is the Asian primitive medieval tradition in the times of plague and cholera. The Wuhan lab was built in the 21st century. Why was the location of the lab chosen in proximity to a wet-market, known for its anti-sanitary conditions?  I suspect it was done purposely with mischief reasoning to have a current explanation. Besides, the bat-virus was researched miles apart from the wet-market…

Second: The Wuhan lab “…will … act as a World Health Organization ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world.” This is telling me the Soviet agenda to run a global organization through their agents–I have no doubts the W.H.O. General-Secretary Theodor is a KGB agent, recruited in Ethiopia and has been promoted since… Besides him, Bill Gates is also closely connected to the W.H.O. sponsoring it. The KGB agents serve an ideological agenda, regardless of their race and ethnicity, it doesn’t matter he or she is Russian, American, Chinese or Ethiopian—they are all the Soviet Socialist Charlatans confronting the U.S.A. The tendency to infiltrate the world organizations was and is the ultimate Communistic agenda to have a global control.

Third: Who is the Director of the Wuhan lab? His name is familiar to me. I am not a biologist, but I know Chinese politicians, and especially China’s Presidents. The Wuhan lab construction started under President Jiang Zemin in 2003 and I suspect that he and the Wuhan lab’s Director are relatives. Their last name spells a bit differently, yet, I still suspect. Look at this former Chinese President:  

Jiang Zemin is a Chinese retired politician who served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2002 as Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2004 and as President of the People’s Republic of China from 1993 to 2003… I still suspect the relation, which will testify to the lifeblood   connection between ideology and virology in the world of Communism.

Russia/China: The Biological Connection

I believe there is not only an ideological connection between Russia and China, but a criminal bio-chemical connection as well. It was Soviet Socialism that injected viruses in this war for Global control. I’ve told you the story of my client who worked by the Soviet government assignment in researching HIV in Africa. Having the same Soviet System, and common agenda, the Russian virologists provided Chinese scientists with needed techniques to use viruses in this current war. As a result, we have several types of the viruses connected to HIV, besides coronavirus–a new one. Please, listen to a respected contemporary scientist:

Professor Luc Montagnier, who was the 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus accidentally released from a lab in Wuhan. Chinese researches are said to have used the coronavirus in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. Fragments of HIV DNA are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, the HIV virus (AIDS virus)” Man Who Discovered HIV Makes Explosive Comments About Origins Of The Coronavirus, The Patriotic Voice, April 22, 2020

I am talking about Russia/China ties for a reason—both are totalitarian states, both our mortal enemies working hand in hand. Nothing substantial has changed in Russia since a devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov Putin become the President–runs by the KGB’s officer the Soviet system was revived in Russia. Here is a Russian journalist’s opinion today: “Putin’s pyramid has no system of checks and balances other than Putin himself. Neither the parliament, nor the court, nor the press can become a truly serious obstacle to those influential groups that seek to maximize their income by any means. … This kind of standard procedure results in two types of abuse: bribes and kickbacks.” Will the Putin System Exist Until 2042? By DMITRY TRAVIN

As you can see, very little has changed in Russia during last forty years. Perhaps only the titles have changed: Stalin had a Socialist Camp, Putin has the Axis of Evil under his Russian umbrella. Of course, China is still the most dangerous economically and militarily to the West, but it is worth remembering the criminal cabal of the Socialist Charlatans in America and around world. Iranian boats are provoking our military ships at the time of global pandemic. Look at the chorus of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran how they are covering up the real number of Covid-19 victims, lying and deceiving the world, while the pandemic kills 60 thousand Americans.

Be ready for several bombshells about America’s Socialist Charlatans, yet the story requires a separate column. At least, I hope now you understand the reason I renamed Soviet Socialism to Soviet Fascism. History is the Mother of all sciences and we can expect a very challenging time ahead. North Korea is a Stalinist police state. Knowing the events in March 1953 in Moscow after Stalin’s death, I can predict a power struggle in a highest echelon of the North Korean authority, like it was in Moscow in 1953…

To be continued or at

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RELATED VIDEO: Why Do Russia And China Love Each Other?

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