The Democrat Party is No.1 Enemy of the American Republic

Why are Their Thought-Leaders Profoundly Un-American?

America is in chaos, the republic is threatened, and it is confused and showing weakness. We hadn’t been prepared for the war that is being thrust upon us, and as usual our weakness invites aggression. We’ve been seeing this aggression for the last four years, but we didn’t know that the chief source of that aggression is the Democrat Party who are confronting the Republicans for power over us and the political system designed by our Founding fathers. Don’t be surprised by the unfamiliar brute force foreign tactics and methods used by the Dems, they have a partner in these endeavors–Putin’s KGB. The coup d’etat against Trump is going into its fifth year. The Deep State, Communist Tom Perez, and Vladimir Putin have an agenda for America–Socialism in America, otherwise—American cities will burn. And… the burning and clashes with police are underway before your eyes…

The Failed American Intelligence

In one of his speeches in 2018, President Trump mentioned the name of Michael Hayden—he is the man responsible for President George W. Bush seeing the soul in Putin’s eyes. Putin’s soul? It doesn’t exist. What a shame for the American Intelligence! Michael Hayden, however, is not an exception—there was no profound knowledge within the FBI of Russian agenda, her Security Services and their methods, tactics, and dirty tricks. As a result we have been deeply infiltrated by Russian Security agencies for at least several decades. In writing about them, I use the term–KGB. This infiltration is responsible for drastic changes in all corners of our society: the government, culture, media, academia, science, courts, sport, and educational system, dividing us and transforming America’s moral face.

In this extremely dangerous time the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says it’s time for statues of Confederate leaders at the U.S. Capitol to go. She has been in the House of Representatives for thirty years and never addressed the issue. Pelosi’s demand did not surprise me, she has been the leader of all fraudulent actions against President Trump for all four years. She continues acting in cahoots with the criminal leadership of the Dems and their military wing, Antifa. America is now experiencing one of those low moments in its history. It seems to be reflecting and reproducing the terrible events that occurred in the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics–USSR.

The Ideology of Socialism is Already Dead

Democrats have a short memory—they don’t remember the collapse of the USSR in 1991. History is the Mother of all sciences and with a horror I am watching a carbon copy of the Russian Socialist history in America, the events today are reflecting events in Socialist Russia in the past: Violent crowds with enthusiasm were vandalizing monuments and changing the names of the streets in Russia, rewriting history, censuring good books and movies. These exact Socialist tactics are going on in America executed by the Socialist Charlatans and their army Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other anarchists, crafted by the KGB. History is permanent and nobody ever can change it. The generation that ignores history is doomed and has no future!

Another similarity with Russia: a leader of the Socialist Revolution in Russia, Vladimir Lenin proposed the dissolution of police. Do you remember Obama’s negative attitude towards the police? After listening to him, I wrote: “Stalin’s policy of divide and conquer has been implemented in many areas on our society including the race relations… to obtain control of the local law-enforcement to nationalize and federalize it, like Stalin did…Obama began this policy within his first five years–dozens of local agencies are being investigated. Be prepared for open season on policemen and remember…where politics intertwine with organized crime. The police already feel under the siege. Be prepared for a lot of killing of policemen and mob rule in America.” Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, p.135, Xlibris, 2016

What I predicted in 2016, came very fast to America. There was only one established and practiced Socialism in the world, the Soviet one. For your information Socialism in Russia proved its own insolvency, it was unable to produce and collapsed in 1991, in the country it was born, Russia. The KGB had usurped the power in the country from weak leadership and catapulted Vladimir Putin to presidency—this, the Socialist model was reincarnated and Stalin/Andropov’s design for America’s destruction had been revived. You are witnessing now the ‘Cultural Revolution’ in America, the way it was in Russia and China in the 20th century. Be ready for new difficulties our police will endure. Read here: State Authorized Killing of Civilians is a War-Crime, May 27, 2020.

The KGB in America

I have intentionally tied those two names, Andropov was a conduit between Stalin and Putin, and Putin is the devoted disciple of Andropov. Unfortunately the FBI and the vast majority of Americans don’t know that. Let me give you some words about the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov 1967-1982 and the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR in 1982. I will give you a conversation of Lt. General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking KGB officer ever to defect to the U.S, with Yuri Andropov:

“In 1972 the Kremlin decided to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the U.S. As KGB Chairman, Yuri Andropov told me a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America that could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter the United States. No one within the American/Zionist sphere of influence should any longer feel safe.  (“Russian Footprints,” by Ion Mihai Pacepa, National Review Online, August 24, 2008.)

General Pacepa wrote in the same article: “According to Andropov… the Muslims had a taste for nationalism, jingoism, and victimology. Their illiterate, oppressed mobs could be whipped up to a fever pitch. Terrorism and violence against Israel and her master, American Zionism, would flow naturally from the Muslims’ religious fervor, Andropov sermonized.”  Epilogue, pp.341-342, What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012.

Here is the answer to many questions about our current enemies and how to divide and conquer America. Following the Andropov design, Socialist Charlatans were set, bent, and fixed across the globe, especially in America by the KGB. It was Andropov who developed further Stalin’s design and for America had implemented a simultaneous infiltration of the media and Security Services to destroy the democratic principles of the American Constitutional Republic left to us by our Founding Fathers. Andropov’s agenda was easily succeeded with the help of two American Manchurian Presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, both Democrats. Read here my column: Revelation, April 26, 2018.

I hope you remember the Black Liberation Army created by the KGB in the 1960s. The issue of black and white was fully exploited by the KGB in the 1960s. The Civil Rights Movement was infiltrated in the beginning with by the KGB to inculcate the Civil Rights members in the Russian social model of Socialism, making them Socialist Charlatans. Dozens of them in the name of civil rights have become the members of the Congress. Bob Woodson, a leader of Civil Rights Movement gave a real history of black America that deteriorated during the last fifty years under the domination of Democrat Party. “We have a 9/11 every six months in the black community killing each other.” Read about the work of the Woodson Center…

Bob Woodson in right: blacks are killing blacks by the thousands in Chicago, more killing there than in the war in Afghanistan. The party of slavery, which pushed segregation and incited violence now is collaborating with Putin to destroy the American Republic and President Trump. Dems have exploited the black community for decades and now the blacks grasp it. Fatherless black family is the central problem created by the Dems. The institution of marriage and family were destroyed by the Democrats welfare system, and as a result the black community suffers enormously today… Vladimir Putin is laughing hilariously in the Kremlin—the Democrats achieved such a distraction of America that the KGB could only dream…

Moreover, the Democrat Party ruined the states and cities where the governors and mayors are Dems. Minneapolis and Seattle are the recent examples, where violent hoodlums are fighting the police. Other Blue states will follow them. Considering the latest statements of Nancy Pelosi there is a coordinated chain of events by the Democrat Party, fighting for power before the election. They have no idea of how to govern responsibly, and can’t win in the election by votes—they are doing it by fraud and force, like Bolsheviks did in the Socialist Revolution in 1917 Russia through the Duma (Parliament). In America today Nancy Pelosi is doing the same—she is a Chief Socialist Charlatan-provocateur.

Ideas are not spread by air or wind—people disseminate them, and Socialist Charlatans distributed bad ideas to divide and conquer. The recent Covid-19 pandemic threatened us all, but we couldn’t find an expert to relay on—the medical community was divided as well. That division was created by China that collaborated with the W.H.O. Director Tedros Adhanom, a man recruited by the KGB in 1970-1980s. If you know the history of Ethiopia and Soviet invasion there, you will grasp the truth. The Soviet policy of infiltration into all international organization is even more intact under Putin. I hope a new Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe knows that. Unfortunately, the FBI Director is an empty suit—he doesn’t know the KGB and doesn’t understand that Squad in the Congress, Antifa and Black Lives Matter are crafted and trained by the KGB… I am not sure that the DOJ knows that…

My fellow Americans!

Our National Security is at stake! The power is in your hands to expose and condemn the Democrat Party combatting the American Republic and President Trump. Your future is in your own hands, learn the Truth. Knowledge is POWER!

P.S. The Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch should read my columns and not become Supreme Justice Elena Kagan.

To be continued and at

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