Tax Exempt Organizations Funnel Millions to BLM Marxists
“The whole political vision of the left, including socialism and communism, has failed by virtually every empirical test, in countries all around the world. But this has only led leftist intellectuals to evade and denigrate empirical evidence.” – Thomas Sowell
“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” – Larry McDonald
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Lenin
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLM Global Network Foundation) is the national, organizing chapter of a network of 16 local Black Lives Matters chapters. They are incorporated in Delaware and they get millions of dollars in donations, but are not a tax-exempt organization. BLM is the primary organizational outgrowth of the more decentralized Black Lives Matter movement, and is a fiscally-sponsored project of Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, whose donations are tax exempt. They are in Oakland, California.
And there you have it, send money to Thousand Currents and you can take it off your taxes just as George Soros has done by donating $33 million to the communist BLM cause to destroy America. Soros’s Foundation has also poured $230 million into racial equality, $150 million in grants for Black-led racial justice groups, and another $70 million toward local grants for criminal justice reform and civic engagement opportunities.
The latest 990 I could find for Thousand Currents is from 2017, and they weren’t too poor then. Bet 2020’s tax returns will be of great interest.
Thousand Currents
Thousand Currents is run by a guy named Paul Strassberg, a far leftist who also worked for the Ford Foundation who is a huge benefactor of the far left.
(Regarding the Ford Foundation, they spent $25 million writing a new constitution for America. A Constitution for the New States of America, from the 1974 book, The Emerging Constitution by Rexford G. Tugwell, who helped develop policy recommendations leading up to Roosevelt’s New Deal, illustrates with chilling clarity the final objective of regional governance conspirators. The goal is a corporate state concentrating economic, political and social powers in the hands of a ruling elite. “A Constitution for the Newstates of America” is the fortieth version of this revolutionary document prepared by a team of social experimenters at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Fund for the Republic (Ford Foundation). They are the enemy of freedom.)
In June 2020, the Capital Research Center revealed that the board of Thousand Currents includes Susan Rosenberg, a former Marxist terrorist with the notorious May 19 Communist Organization.
Strassberg is a former Peace Corp volunteer and he runs Thousand Currents who has an alliance with Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF); thus, your donation is tax deductible.
Twenty-five percent of the millions of dollars that goes into BLMGFN is spent on salaries and benefits. Forty-six percent goes to consultant fees. Seventy-one percent of revenue goes to salaries and consultant fees! Twenty-nine percent goes to paying people and signs and so forth. What a racket! They’re shrewd, no one knows this! Where is the IRS? If Soros gave them $33 million, where is that money? Are there any audits of Thousand Currents or BLMGNF? All the Hollywood pinheads and corporate idiots and everyone else writing checks are going right into the Marxist’s pockets. Link
In 2018 and 2019, respectively, Thousand Currents funneled $2,622,017 and $3,354,654 in donor-restricted assets to BLM.
Among the organizations that have specifically earmarked contributions to Thousand Currents for BLM are the NoVo Foundation ($1,525,000 from 2015 to 2018), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($900,000 from 2016 to 2019), and Borealis Philanthropy ($343,000 from 2016 to 2018).
No one is exposing them, not the New York Times, not mainstream media, not Fox, not One America News, because to do that would be to label yourself as a racist.
Thousand Currents isn’t the only donor avenue to BLM. Visitors to BLM who seek to contribute funds are transported to the web page of ActBlue Charities, an organization that facilitates donations to “democrats and progressives.” ActBlue is the left’s favorite “Dark Money” machine.
As of May 21, 2020, ActBlue had given $119 million to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden. The worldwide BLM protests that subsequently erupted in response to the May 25 death of a black criminal suspect named George Floyd, sparked a new surge of donations to BLM via ActBlue.
Major corporations such as Apple, Disney, Nike and hundreds of others may be pouring untold and unaccounted millions into ActBlue under the name of Black Lives Matter, funds that in fact can go to fund the election of a Democrat President Biden. BLM hates Trump and wants him out of office; their riots are spreading for that very reason.
The role of tax-exempt foundations tied to the fortunes of the greatest industrial and financial companies such as Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Soros say that there is a far deeper and far more sinister agenda to current disturbances than spontaneous outrage would suggest.
Here is ActBlue’s latest 990 from 2017. Check out ActBlue on Open Secrets.
Black Lives Matter
BLM protests rely on the false belief that blacks are targeted for “extrajudicial killings by police and vigilantes.” It is a lie, as demonstrated by decades of hard empirical evidence. I would urge everyone to read John Perazzo’s article, Exposing the Lies of Black Lives Matter. The annual violent-crime arrest statistics for 2003-2009, broken down by race, can be found here: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.
Much of the demands by BLM are clearly modeled on elements of the Black Panthers’ “Ten-Point Program” put forth by the Black Panther Party in the 1960s. BLM is closely allied with numerous groups that are fronts for the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), a Marxist-Leninist entity that calls for the overthrow of capitalism and the elimination of police departments. In an article for Accuracy In Media, economist and investigative journalist James Simpson has identified some of these FRSO fronts that are tied to BLM.
At a July 2015 conference in Cleveland, BLM presented There’s A Method To The Movement: Examining Community Organizing Methods and Methodologies, a workshop that taught, among other things, the tactics and philosophy of the late Saul Alinsky. Known as the godfather of “community organizing,” a term that serves as a euphemism for fomenting public anger and in some cases, violence, Alinsky was a communist fellow-traveler who laid out a set of basic tactics designed to help radical activists destroy their enemies while gaining power for themselves. Hillary and Obama learned his lessons well.
Alinsky also exhorted activists and political radicals to be entirely unpredictable and unmistakably willing – for the sake of their cause – to cause the government, or the society at large, to descend into chaos and anarchy. They must be prepared, Alinsky explained, to “go into a state of complete confusion and draw their opponent into the vortex of the same confusion.” Reveille for Radicals, page 150-151.
BLM and their associate organizations are Marxists. As such, they hate God and want all vestiges of America’s Judeo-Christian society eliminated. In June 2020, 40-year-old BLM activist Shaun King demanded that religious statues showing a light-skinned Jesus be toppled to the ground. King said on Twitter: “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.” Asserting also that “all murals and stained-glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends” should likewise be destroyed. Like the other uneducated fools of BLM, his stupidity of Biblical history is monumental.
Obama Endorsed BLM
In August 2015, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) approved a resolution endorsing the BLM movement. The resolution stated that “the DNC joins with Americans across the country in affirming Black Lives Matter.”
BLM leaders met at the White House with President Obama as well as senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and other administration officials. They told reporters that the president personally supported the BLM movement. In a December 2015 interview on National Public Radio, Obama described BLM as a positive force on policing in America, notwithstanding the violence and incendiary rhetoric exhibited by many of its members. In February 2016, Obama invited BLM leaders to the White House during Black History Month.
On July 13, 2016 — six days after a BLM supporter in Dallas had shot and killed five police officers and wounded seven others — President Obama hosted BLM leaders DeRay Mckesson, Brittany Packnett, and Mica Grimmat at a four-and-a-half-hour meeting at the White House. Also invited were Al Sharpton, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards (D), St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman (D), Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D), and some police chiefs.
BLM Anti-Semitism
More than 1,000 BLM activists signed a statement proclaiming their “solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and commitment to the liberation of Palestine’s land and people;” demanding an end to Israel’s “occupation” of “Palestine,” condemning “Israel’s brutal war on Gaza and chokehold on the West Bank,” urging the U.S. government to end all aid to Israel, and exhorting black institutions to support the Palestinian led Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions movement against the Jewish state.
Over the Shavuot festival on May 30, 2020, BLM members carried out a pogrom in Fairfax, a Los Angeles community largely populated by ultra-Orthodox Jews. On that day, BLM not only vandalized five synagogues and three Jewish schools in Fairfax, but also looted most of the Jewish businesses on Fairfax Avenue. Moreover, they chanted “F*** the police and kill the Jews.”
At a July 1, 2020 demonstration in Washington, D.C., BLM protesters tied their own cause to that of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. The rally was billed as a gesture of support for the “Day of Rage” that had been called by the Palestinian Authority and other groups to protest Israel’s plan to annex portions of the West Bank. The BLM protesters chanted: “Israel, we know you, you murder children, too.” Chants also alternated between “Black lives matter!” and “Palestinian lives matter!” *Link*
BLM in American Schools
In 2016, BLM started to move beyond street protests and began to establish a growing influence in America’s public schools. In October of that year, teachers in Seattle organized a “Black Lives Matter at School Day.” When the National Education Association subsequently adopted a resolution endorsing that measure, “BLM at School Day” grew into a full “BLM at School National Week of Action,” to be held annually during the first week of February as part of Black History Month activities. As of 2018, it is now in school districts in more than 20 major cities. They teach kindergarten to 2nd grade children to be good little Marxists. Link
A key resource for BLM-related lessons is a textbook titled Teaching for Black Lives, whose opening sentence reads: “Black students’ minds and bodies are under attack.” The book stokes fear, anger and resentment in the minds of children of color. One reference to “the continuing police murders of black people,” for instance, declares: “In August of 2014, Michael Brown was killed in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, his body left in the streets for hours as a reminder to the black residents in the neighborhood that their lives are meaningless to the American Empire.” Lies and more lies.
The book also includes essays bearing such titles as: “Rethinking Islamophobia: Combating Bigotry by Raising the Voices of Black Muslims,” “Plotting Inequalities, Building Resistance,” and “Racial Justice Is Not a Choice: White Supremacy, High-Stakes Testing, and the Punishment of Black and Brown Students.”
By 2019, “Black Lives Matter at School Week” (BLMSW) was being observed by thousands of educators in public school districts across the United States. BLMSW’s online guide abounds with suggested lesson plans and recommended resources for educating students, all of which are dangerous to the equality of all Americans. Link
In my recent article of June 23, 2020, I wrote about Obama’s love of communist Nelson Mandela, the terror of white farmers in South Africa, Winnie Mandela’s necklacing of their enemies, and whites having to live in compounds to avoid being murdered.
Obama said, “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s life. My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid. I studied his words and his writings. The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.”
Yes, Obama drew inspiration from an avowed communist whose intent was to destroy white South African farmers and give their land to blacks. Does he revere the rape and slaughter of pregnant women and children and their farmer fathers hacked to death by Mandela’s black forces? Apparently so. His words have inflamed those who hate America’s whites who are burning, looting and murdering in America today.
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