PODCAST: Media’s coverage of the Democratic National Convention, dishonest and unfair!



Clay Clark former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year and the Founder of Thrive15.com — a highly respected Business School as seen on Forbes, Bloomberg and YahooFinance. He is also a Contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine, and is an investor and co-owner of several multi-million dollar companies around the world.

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Julio Gonzalez nationally recognized Tax Reform Expert and CEO of Engineered Tax Services. His expertise and strong presence in the field is helping define our current tax laws. Under Gonzalez’s guidance, Engineered Tax Services is one of the largest, fastest growing, and most innovative engineering, energy, and specialty tax credit services firms in the country.

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Dan Gainor Vice President for Business and Culture for the Media Research Center. He is also a veteran editor whose work has been published or cited in the following media: Congressional Quarterly.com, Investor’s Business Daily, Chicago Sun-Times, New York Post, Washington Times, Orange County Register, San Diego Union-Tribune, Dateline Washington, Janet Parshall’s America, Chuck Harder Show, Thom Hartmann Show, American Family Radio, CNBC’s “Power Lunch,” CNN’s “Paula Zahn Now” and Fox’s “Hannity & Colmes” and “Fox Business Live.”

TOPIC: Media’s coverage of the Democratic National Convention, dishonest and unfair!

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RELATED VIDEO: Tucker brings us some of the DNC conference that for some reason, was not on TV

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