BOOK REVIEW: Black History 1619-2019 — An Illustrated and Documented African-American History


Black History 1619-2019: The Illustrated and Documented African-American History is a must read for all Americans who choose to replace the distorted myths and recapture eradicated facts. It is an informative and fascinating journey through 400 years of African American history.

There is no greater sin against society than historical revisionism. Reinterpreting historic events with false evidence corrupts the moral findings historians recorded as positive forces, and turns facts into fictitious fables.

Once a year, we re-visit Black history and feature the lives of Frederick Douglass, Charles Drew, and Harriet Tubman, as well as other symbolic leaders, thinkers, scientists, patriots and forgotten American Black heroes. But one month is not long enough to pay tribute to so many who did so much. Also, the true politics of slavery and segregation are not revealed. This book details the complete story.

The book begins with Chapter 1, Colonial Domestic Slave Trade (1619–1775), and ends with Chapter 14, Post-Civil Rights Movement (1967–2019). Each chapter is dedicated to revealing the truth, correcting misrepresentations, and literally changing perspectives about black history in America.

The strength of this book is its multifaceted use of original illustrations and photographs; Census Bureau records; court records; newspaper accounts; political cartoons; biographies; contemporaneous testimonials in letters and interviews; party platforms; and Congressional records, including speeches made by 19th century black legislators.

The contributions of Black Americans to our nation and the political dynamics that restricted their socio-economic mobility can’t be found in traditional text books or from tidbits of information on social media. The only way to learn true Black history is from the anthologies of scholars dedicated to accuracy.

The authors did their homework in this well researched and documented account of Black America. They dispel the myth that slavery was an institution of our founding fathers, but instead, was brought to the colonies by the British. They document the fact that most founders abhorred slavery and Thomas Jefferson mentioned this as a major complaint in our Declaration of Independence. This is also the first ex post-antebellum rendering to feature the key rolls of devoted Black patriots before, during, and after our Revolution.

The book details our founders’ inability to outlaw slavery at the Continental Convention in 1787 since they needed the South to support the Constitution and the compromises they had to make. They explain about how the Three fifths Compromise made the South recognize the slaves as men, not property. We are enlightened about who impeded Black America’s progress and who always fought for it; and who continues to do so today.

Carter G. Woodson, the father of Black History Month, is quoted in the book’s prologue:

“Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.” – Carter G. Woodson

This book is a historically significant effort to correct the myths about Black history.  It’s a must read for Black America and a necessity for all Americans.

By William Haupt III

William Haupt III is a retired professional journalist and author. He has been a citizen legislator in California for over 40 years. His degrees are in ethnic American History and political science.

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