Communism, the Stealth Invader

First Communists/Democrats/Globalists (aka Globalists) came for the Constitution… they call it a living breathing document subject to constant change. The want it replaced with their UN Declaration of Human Rights which claims the Government and UN grants your rights. Whatever man grants, man can take away.

Then the Globalists got patriots to sign way their liberty for security. Today Americans have neither liberty or security. – Patriot Act.

Then the Globalists got Congress to sell out the American citizens without due process in the name of fighting terror while refusing to name the real terrorists – NDAA

Then the Globalists turned the children on their parents – Reporting is done in school through a series of probing questions on the computer using specific algorithms on the national data base designed for children to report on their parents. Common Core remote learning is designed o keep the people ignorant. Approximately half of Americans are functionally literate.

Then the Globalists came for the Judeo-Christians by demanding they participate in killing their unborn in Obamacare.  Oppressive power hungry Globalists are closing churches due to CCPVirus.

The Globalists target our kids to sexualize them in K-12.  By using familiar items Trafficking, Sex Slavery, Drugs, alcohol abuse, suicide become the norm. Stop Globalists from sexualizing public school classrooms. Stop federal curricula to kids. Close the Federal Department of Education. Education is a states issue.  See Oreo Cookie targets Children for LGBT Recruiting – read here

Now Globalists are coming after “We The People/Americans” by promoting a fraudulent election.

The Green New Deal (GND) is a copy of Agenda 21/2030 following the UN programs of sustainability (do more for less). It is the goal for the UN take over of the sovereignty of America, causing a loss of American freedom and liberty and elimination of private property. Elimination of the 2nd Amendment is on the menu. UN Agenda 21 is the plan using the environment to control human activity.

Another goal of UN Agenda 21 is to depopulate the planet by claiming there are too many humans. Progressives use phony science of man made global warming designed to control human activity not save the planet. If people are guided into believing in warmth, they will not prepare for extreme cold. Crops will freeze, less food will create food shortages which will kill people. Food, corn is used for fuel causing food prices to escalate. Was CCPvirus designed to kill off the older population (less useless eaters.) Goal accomplished.

Globalists want your land for the good of the collective and use unproven, overly expensive central planning (never presented with financial information) for sustainable developments designed to redistribute your wealth and steal your private property through rezoning schemes and conservation easements. With the rise of Nationalism, we learned through this last election Globalists are in the minority. They are comprised of ignorant Americans, mostly young adults and politically ignorant adults assisted by a compliant media carrying the communism message cloaked in warm fuzzy words. Globalists are determined to secure the prize, America, (with all of its natural riches) and transform America into a communist police state.

Globalists are atheists and many believe in GAIA, “mother earth is god” They have waged war against all religious groups. They are determined to remove all mention of GOD (you know, the “THING”) from every place possible because God must be replaced by your allegiance to the STATE and the UN. They fail to realize that God and morality are part of the soul of America and can not be removed by eliminating mere words.

Globalists are Republicans or Democrats who are cloaked in their new definition of Globalism. Students are taught to repel America and replace America with Globalism. Americans, now are describes as the enemy, will you be silenced by fear. You will be cancelled.  Americans   are finally realizing the only way Globalists have power is if Americans give it to them.

We are many, they are few. This election proves that. The only way Globalists can win is by cheating. If you are silent you allow them to control you.

Is America worth saving? What can you do:

Contact your legislator and demand they follow the law.  What good are laws if they are not applied equally?

Did your state legislature ever pass a Statute (Law) addressing Communism?  Florida did.  Did you know Communism is against the law in Florida?  Read FL Statute 876.01.  Are there communists in the Florida legislature?  In our schools?  Social Justice, Wealth Redistributions, BLM and 1619 project are communist programs.  Are they in your community?  Now is the time to expose these communist globalist programs.

Go to your school board meetings and find Americans to run for the position in 2022. Start now to get name recognition.

If you can donate to the GA Senate race and Donate to the Trump legal team.

If you can go to Georgia and rally for the truth.

Stop using their stuff. Stop giving money to people who want you dead.

The hardest thing for us (Americans) to understand is that YES, they want you eliminated. I can’t remember the last MS movie I saw.


  • Everything is connected – always the same globalists elite
  • Nothing is random – All MSM carries the same message
  • There are no coincidences – 5 states shut voting down at same time
  • Everything has a plan – Cheat to win the election at all costs

The only thing a Globalist understands is Money, Power, Control.  We have the power to take that away one American at a time. I no longer will use FB, Twitter etc.

I am now on

Ask Globalists questions. Do not accept anything they say as true.  Make them prove it. If you are called a racist, ask them for an example. Isn’t it interesting that the same people who demand “Choice” for a woman to kill their unborn baby, are the same people refusing to give adults a “Choice” in handling CCPVirus.

“I dare hope that all the peoples who have lived through communism will understand that communism is to blame for the bitter pages of their history.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn–Source: 

Communism never died. It just went into stealth mode and slid underground. Then like hot lava, it began its spread devouring and destroying everything in its path.

If everything is a lie in the Globalist world, does the truth matter?

I will not comply, will you?

The Truth



Listen to: The Prism of America’s Education on Saturday and Sunday, 9AM ET and Thursday 8PM ET

©Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

2 replies
  1. Bob
    Bob says:

    Speaking of invasion, some progressives in Hawaii that it was a good idea to welcome PLA troops on US soil holding joint “disaster relief” training about a week ago. Not a peep from the mainstream. Why are Chinese soldiers allowed on US soil?

  2. Bob
    Bob says:

    Speaking of invasion, some progressives in Hawaii thought it was a good idea to welcome PLA troops on US soil holding joint “disaster relief” training about a week ago. Not a peep from the mainstream. Why are Chinese soldiers allowed on US soil?


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