Canada’s Leap From Socialism To Communism!

We saw this coming for a long time. And it seemed to explode extemporaneously within this last month. It had already pushed off in the United States, using the Covid19 Virus, as the fuse to began shutting churches down. These actions were attributed to the pandemic ruling that due to the virus, people cannot gather.

This protects people from getting this contagious disease, they say. Great tool for Commicrat thugs who want to control every movement we make. This protects people from getting this contagious disease, they expostulated, even though not that convincingly.

The most threatening gathering place, say the Communist Party recruiters, is the church. The Reds know that a Christian Mind cannot be enslaved. So the first thing they do before takeover is to eliminate all churches. Notice today how in Communist China they bulldoze churches and any crosses that may be in view.

And they are the ones who created and released…not accidental leaked–but released Covid19. Bill Gates, who works with the U.N. to depopulate the earth, gave $1.3 million to Dr. Fauci who took it to the Wuhan lab in China to create this pandemic.

One major church in America that is targeted is John Macarthur’s church, Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. The feds have done everything to shut his church down including raids and lawsuits. But fortunately, Rev. Macarthur is a bit bull headed and he faces them toe to toe and is not about to budge.

We’ve always known that Canada is a Socialist Country which is the stepping stone to Communism. For me there has always been something off center with Canada. Now the war has begun. The Gestapo Cops have been raiding churches, some during services, demanding that people depart. and by the way, take in the following.

In the United States it is a felony to disrupt a religious service. So the next time these intruders storm a church, at least in America, immediately file charges against them with the District Attorney. I had to do that once.

So far the police have been doing this without checkmate. Using the notion of the Covid19 Virus, they claim that they are putting everyone at risk by gathering for church. Perfect for the Communist Storm Troopers who do not want God in their area.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski of Street Church in Calgary, Alberta, was conducting a service when the storm troopers pushed their way into the church, during a service, and ordered everyone to leave or face arrest. Pastor Pawlowski who was familiar with Communist Rule while living in Poland, charged towards the cops and ordered them to leave the area immediately. They did.

Than after another service, as the pastor was leaving the church to go home, five police cars were waiting, followed him, then with sirens suddenly breaking the sound barrier, they stopped him in the middle lane of a Freeway where they arrested him, handcuffed him with his arms behind his back, dragged him down the street and threw him down, again, in the middle of the lane of that busy freeway. He could have been killed but the so called police officers had no feeling about that. He represented God and the church so it isn’t important if he dies.

Next his property was firebombed. To Pastor Pawlowski, this was a sign that someone wanted him dead. Rev, Pawlowski said that his arrest was “painful” and actual torture” saying the entire ordeal was “unbelievable.”

Meanwhile, a small “Church of God” in Aylmer, Ontario, faced a police ambush during their service, ordered the parishioners to exit the church, then they changed locks on the church so that nobody could come in again. The church group decided to have their services outdoors. This rankled the authorities who fined the little church, $200,000 for continuing to hold worship despite provincial ‘Stay at home” orders.

Still not satisfied, those crazy Canucks fined that little church an additional $66,000 over Memorial Day Weekend, for having outdoor services which attracted some 400 attendees. and live-streamed online. They were then fined an additional $100.000 dollars.

The Crown Communist Attorney, Lisa Brost said in court, “The church is escalating its defiance of governor edicts by continuing to hold outdoor worship service,” which she described as ‘an intentional confrontation.’ “The church ‘deliberately did exactly what they knew they were not permitted to do,” Brost belched, adding she believes the congregation should be barred from appealing having their facility locked until they fully repay all the outstanding fines against them. Get that? Pay up first then you can go back into your church. Sounds like Ransom to me.

So even in a Communist Country money can compel others to change their minds.

And Canada, with this latest and ferocious attack against churches, have, as expected, taken the step from Socialist to Communist. There, to me, was always a sense of something strange in Canada, while dissecting the personalities of people I met. First of all, I met a lot of former Nazis who retired there. They were not that pleasant to talk to. While in show business I performed throughout Canada. And that is the only country that actually booed me. And why?

I was the Ringmaster of the Shriner’s Circus, a huge benefit program which supports the Shriners Hospital for children. While performing in a major arena with a packed house, the Fire Marshall came to me and requested that I make a “No Smoking” announcement, which I did. Then I added, “And to you young people here, don’t even start it or even try it. You only have one set of lungs…take care of them.” That resulted in resounding BOOS throughout the stadium arena. I couldn’t believe it.

I let them continue the booing until they stopped. I waited another minute, then said, “Any country who would boo someone for advising young people to protect their lungs by not smoking, is not ready for self government.” Things suddenly got so silent that one could hear a caterpillar doing pushups on a Lemon Meringue Pie.

I waited another minute, then resumed the show. There were no further problems.

Let’s face it. One by one, countries are giving in to Communism. Yes, it is even in The United States, but it is not fully recognized yet, but it is getting there..

God help us all!

©Reverend Austin Miles. All rights reserved.

5 replies
  1. Nat
    Nat says:

    Why do you Jew worshipers never actually read up on who started communism? It’s like you are willfully ignorant. Jews started it. Jews run it to this day. It’s part of their revolutionary strategy as their left hand of Zionism. The Zionism which professes from their Talmud to bring forth a messiah that will kill all their enemies. That’s you and me. And those lucky to survive will be made goyim slaves. Specifically every Jew will get 2,800 slaves. Further, they teach to their young, that your precious Jesus is boiling in a vat of shit in hell and that Mary was a whore. All of this is in their Talmud friend. If we had anything like that in our religious literature, Jews would be all over us calling us white supremacists with a religion of hate. But nauseating Christians like you, bow and kneel and lick their books. You’re disgusting. You support RACISTS. You support SUPREMACISTS. You support COLONIZERS. I would be a Christian (As I am a believer) if it were not for you retarded ChristCUCKS. Jews….DESPISE….you. Wake up. This isn’t even a grain of sand of the piles of information I could dump here. But anyone with an IQ above 80 could find this videos. Jews walk all over you and destroy you, our culture, our institutions and our nation. You are Zionist USEFUL IDIOTS. You are no better than their marxist useful idiot goyim on the left as Yuri Bezmenov explains. Evangelicals are idiots. You’ve all been played for the clowns you all are. It isn’t going to be the left that takes your heads. It’s going to be the RIGHT.

    • Nat
      Nat says:

      I want to be clear about something before you run off like to bitch to the FBI to tattle. When I say “take your heads”, I am referring to Bible prophesy in the Book of Revelation. And you know I am. The context of my post is Christianity and its perverse submission to Zionism and it’s RETARDED support of an enemy that hate it. I’ve seen NOTHING but absolute bootlickers to Israel on every Christian site I come across. I’m a lover, not a fighter. I just call it as I see it. And that is not a crime. So don’t wet your panties. I’m not threatening you. I don’t care about you. For some reason your site just irritated me. Along with so many others I guess. I’m trying to help you. I’m trying to help you see. Christians…need to cut ties with the Jews. They are an albatross around collective necks. If ChristCucks make a stand with them…they will be making enemies of everybody else. When those days come, because of Zionists like you, I will have to hide the fact that I am a Christian. The world is going to turn on them. And rightfully so. Their beautiful multicultural diversity monster they pushed on us, is already beginning its ascension. They are losing control of the left just as they did in Communist Russia, that YES they the Jews, created. And soon they will lose control of the right as a result of their losing the left. This is why they want all of us in the center of politics and why the election was thrown to Biden. The center is their control box. But tt’s too late. Patriotism is dying as long as it’s chained to Zionism. Trump is the end of Patriotism. He was their last shot to fend off nationalism. The split is already starting. Why can’t you ChristCucks figure this out? Why? Because you have your heads so far up Jew ass you can’t even see the tip of your own noses. Don’t you know who Albert Pike even is? The right is being set up to be a reactionary movement to agitation by the left. It’s all a psyop. And you dumb ChristCucks are falling right into it. You are leading your people to their death and you don’t even have a clue. Now that I think about it, you ChristCucks are going to get killed by both the left and the right. Me? I’m going to live in a cave and watch it all unfold with my bowl of popcorn. Good luck.
      Let me give you a quick rundown of who the Jews have lost:
      Blacks – specifically black women
      Native Americans – They are sick of the Jews
      Hispanics – What do they even care about whites killing whites? They see no difference between a Jew and a white Christian and the Jews are very worried about this. Read about how they think of us as nothing more than cattle they will mix and breed to create a more docile worshiper of their HollowHoax which they use to secure in his words “privilege”
      The Muslims? Are you kidding?
      Why do yo think the Jewish controlled media won’t shut up about white supremacy? They are worried about a reactionary movement. But it’s already begun. Conservative Inc is done. The ChristCucking Evangelical RINOs are done. It is just a matter of time before they get the numbers and the break with RINO Zionism happens. And then…that is when Christianity becomes the enemy to the right. The left already hates you and wants you dead. But you are taking the right for granted. That’s your blind spot. The REAL right, hates you. If not now, they will. The CENTER is gone. And Evangelicals need to make the adjustment. There is no point in going left. They hate you there. Bruce Jenner isn’t going to change that. The tranny vote isn’t going to change that. Conservationism is not a big tent. The people on the real right think of Trump as nothing more than a meme. He will not be president again.
      So back to the list of people red pilling on Jews
      The Chinese? They know all about the Jew
      China Studies Jews
      The world is waking up to the Jewish subversion and no amount of their threats of jail, their censorship or their control of the gates of information is going to stop it. White supremacy is not their greatest threat. Their greatest threat is that nobody cares about them but YOU. And they hate you, above all others. They want the world to hate you as well. Just take a look. It’s all Jewish. All of it. And it’s all hate for you. It’s pretty twisted. But it’s going to blow back on them. They are losing their victim card. And they are losing it fast. And no HollowHoax shaming and indoctrination at all our schools is going to change that. They’ve made competing victims and they are going to clime and boot the Jew off the top of the victim pedestal. And their fall is going to be hard. And Christian zionists need to have already cut their ties or they will be guilty by proximity. Christians need to take a hard line anti-war stance. We need to totally abandon neo-liberalism (globalism). When the Jew doesn’t get his way he screams “antisemitism”. it just isn’t going to stick to the left. It has too many women of color now. And they are not going to take it. Jews created that to destroy whites. Jews just can’t learn, their hate leads to their eventual destruction. And the hammer is coming down. And the question is, are you going to lead your flock into that hammer? Or walk them into it? If you actually want to ask me a question, reply here. I i will come back and check. But again, I have NO personal intent of harm against you. Though my post was angry I want to make it clear, I don’t speak for the right or nationalists or anybody. I just see it coming. It’s easy for me.

  2. Natt
    Natt says:

    I want to be clear about something before you run off to the FBI to tattle. When I say “take your heads”, I am referring to Bible prophesy in the Book of Revelation. And you know I am. The context of my post is Christianity and its perverse submission to Zionism and it’s RETARDED support of an enemy that hate it. I’ve seen NOTHING but absolute bootlickers to Israel on every Christian site I come across. I’m a lover, not a fighter. I just call it as I see it. And that is not a crime. So don’t wet your panties. I’m not threatening you. I don’t care about you. For some reason your site just irritated me. Along with so many others I guess. I’m trying to help you. I’m trying to help you see. Christians…need to cut ties with the Jews. They are an albatross around collective necks. If ChristCucks make a stand with them…they will be making enemies of everybody else. When those days come, because of Zionists like you, I will have to hide the fact that I am a Christian. The world is going to turn on them. And rightfully so. Their beautiful multicultural diversity monster they pushed on us, is already beginning its ascension. They are losing control of the left just as they did in Communist Russia, that YES they the Jews, created. And soon they will lose control of the right as a result of their losing the left. This is why they want all of us in the center of politics and why the election was thrown to Biden. The center is their control box. But tt’s too late. Patriotism is dying as long as it’s chained to Zionism. Trump is the end of Patriotism. He was their last shot to fend off nationalism. The split is already starting. Why can’t you ChristCucks figure this out? Why? Because you have your heads so far up Jew ass you can’t even see the tip of your own noses. Don’t you know who Albert Pike even is? The right is being set up to be a reactionary movement to agitation by the left. It’s all a psyop. And you dumb ChristCucks are falling right into it. You are leading your people to their death and you don’t even have a clue. Now that I think about it, you ChristCucks are going to get killed by both the left and the right. Me? I’m going to live in a cave and watch it all unfold with my bowl of popcorn.
    Good luck.
    Let me give you a quick rundown of who the Jews have lost:
    Blacks – specifically black women
    Native Americans – They are sick of the Jews
    Hispanics – What do they even care about whites killing whites? They see no difference between a Jew and a white Christian and the Jews are very worried about this. Read about how they think of us as nothing more than cattle they will mix and breed to create a more docile worshiper of their HollowHoax which they use to secure in his words “privilege”
    The Muslims? Are you kidding?
    Why do yo think the Jewish controlled media won’t shut up about white supremacy? They are worried about a reactionary movement. But it’s already begun. Conservative Inc is done. The ChristCucking Evangelical RINOs are done. It is just a matter of time before they get the numbers and the break with RINO Zionism happens. And then…that is when Christianity becomes the enemy to the right. The left already hates you and
    wants you dead. But you are taking the right for granted. That’s your blind spot. The REAL right, hates you. If not now, they will. The CENTER is gone. And Evangelicals need to make the adjustment. There is no point in going left. They hate you there. Bruce Jenner isn’t going to change that. The tranny vote isn’t going to change that. Conservationism is not a big tent. The people on the real right think of Trump as nothing more than
    a meme. He will not be president again.
    So back to the list of people red pilling on Jews
    The Chinese? They know all about the Jew
    China Studies Jews
    The world is waking up to the Jewish subversion and no amount of their threats of jail, their censorship or their control of the gates of information is

    going to stop it. White supremacy is not their greatest threat. Their greatest threat is that nobody cares about them but YOU. And they hate you, above all others. They want the world to hate you as well. Just take a look. It’s all Jewish. All of it. And it’s all hate for you. It’s pretty twisted. But it’s going to blow back on them. They are losing their victim card. And they are losing it fast. And no HollowHoax shaming and indoctrination at all
    our schools is going to change that. They’ve made competing victims and they are going to clime and boot the Jew off the top of the victim pedestal. And their fall is going to be hard. And Christian zionists need to have already cut their ties or they will be guilty by proximity. Christians need to take a hard line anti-war stance. We need to totally abandon neo-liberalism (globalism). When the Jew doesn’t get his way he screams
    “antisemitism”. it just isn’t going to stick to the left. It has too many women of color now. And they are not going to take it. Jews created that to destroy whites. Jews just can’t learn, their hate leads to their eventual destruction. And the hammer is coming down. And the question is, are you going to lead your flock into that hammer? Or walk them into it? If you actually want to ask me a question, reply here. I i will come back and check. But again, I have NO personal intent of harm against you. Though my post was angry I want to make it clear, I don’t speak for the right or nationalists or anybody. I just see it coming. It’s easy for me.


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