One Powerful Message Sent! Masking is Corporate Fascism

Not everyone is as brave as my friend Fred, so the next best thing is to send his post and his message out as far and wide as you can!

Fellow blogger Fred Elbel was kind enough to give me permission to repost the story of his recent excellent adventure with United Airlines.

From Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform:

Masking corporate fascism

Yesterday after visiting family, I flew back via United frequent flyer miles. As I entered the airport, I dutifully donned my two-layer micro fiber cloth mask with an embedded internal pouch for an additional HEPA filter. Probably the best mask aside from an N95. I had a nice chat with the attendant at the check-in desk who tried to convince me that I was not really as ugly as my Real ID driver’s license photo.

Fortunately, I was not arrested for failing to don my mask while masticating an expensive but unidentifiable sandwich. I then made my way through the serpentine TSA line and had a brief but polite discussion with the TSA agent who asked me to remove my mask in order to verify that I matched my ugly license photo.

When boarding the plane, I scanned my boarding pass and an alarm immediately went off while a red alert flashed on the gate agent’s screen. It was a sentence of about 10 words, beginning with “Do not board with…”. I couldn’t read the rest. I thought oh, great, I’m being cancelled for my political beliefs just like Nick Fuentes.

America First Patriot Nick Fuentes Put On No-Fly List

Fortunately, the gate agent gave me a huge smile and waved me on. The flight was exceptionally smooth and fast; we must have caught the jet stream running in our favor. I settled into a sound sleep slouched insecurely against the window only to be awakened by two stern flight attendants urgently rapping my arm. I thought, what – was my snoring disturbing the other passengers?

Pulling out an earplug, I heard one of them mumble something about masks while urgently thrusting a handful of bright blue masks in my direction. Puzzled, I could only utter a surprised “what?” Mumbling again, she pointed to her nose – that is, to an unsightly protrusion that vaguely resembled one beneath her all-encompassing face diaper. In ape-like mimicry, I touched my nose, the lower 3/4″ of which was proudly and tightly covered by my very own diaper.

I pulled my mask up a bit and made an obvious effort to re-seal it against my nose. This seemed to satisfy her. Nevertheless she wrote down my name and gave me an official-looking notice regarding mask rules.

Was it something I said? No – upon reflection, all my interactions were polite and friendly. Perhaps it was something my mask said. Yeah, that must have been it:

“This Is What Tyranny Looks Like”

Ironically, United exhibited the epitome of corporate tyranny – that is, Fascism. Today in America, the Deep State and the Democrat Party are delegating enforcement of tyrannical censorship and coercive societal control to corporate interests. The degree of control being exercised is too aggressive for the State to attempt directly, at least for now

Both Mussolini and Hitler merged state and business leadership into a form of corporatism referred to as Fascism. We see it today with Big Tech censorship, corporate cancel culture, and corporate-infused Critical Race Theory (CRT). Corporate interests benefit hugely from this power arrangement, and the resultant monopolistic control.

As a result, we have the insane requirement that people in airports and on planes wear ineffective face masks which the CDC says are not necessary. Americans, once a free people, must now kotow to corporate directives.

I bet the next time I fly somewhere on holiday, the same thing will happen and I’ll be banned from flying for the rest of my life. All for visibly displaying a token of resistance to our Fascist masters.

Visit Fred’s blog and see the long list of related articles he has catalogued at the end of this one.

Again, encourage bravery!  Send either my post or Fred’s far and wide.

Fight back!

If you missed my post yesterday at RRW (I thought it was a good one!), check it out now.

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