The Doublethink of Biden’s ‘Build Back Worse’ Agenda

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” ― George Orwell, 1984

It seems that not a moment goes by before either Biden, one of his handlers, the White House, Democrats, liberals and the media, both legacy and social, come up with an idea that is patently absurd. Then they, using doublethink, twist it until it becomes a critically needed public policy.

It is now clear that Biden, his administration and Democrats, with the support of RINO Republicans, are doublethinkers par excellence.

The Biden administration has a malignant case of doublethink. For example, Biden says his Build Back Better agenda will cost $0 but in fact it has already cost $ trillions, e.g. Democrats infrastructure Bill. Watch as Joe Biden stands firm over debunked zero-cost, 3.5T BBB spending plan. Of course it takes a reporter from Communist Vietnam to explain it to us.

This is doublethink, coupled with circular reasoning, at its best. Biden begins with a fallacy that his agenda costs nothing, when logic says it must cost something. Biden’s Orwellian pragmatic defect.

Build Back Better is actually Build Back Worse!

What we are witnessing daily is Democrat doublethink. Doublethink is a process of indoctrination whereby the subject is expected to simultaneously accept two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in contravention to one’s own memories or sense of reality.

Doublethink and Circular Reasoning in the Biden Administration.

Orwell defines doublethink as:

To know and to not know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy is impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy. To forget, whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself.

Doublethink requires circular reasoning to become public policy. We’re literally watching uncontested absurdities become public policy!

Examples of Democrat Double Think [DDT]

Let’s look at some public statements made by Democrats.

On MSNBC’s MTP Daily, Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal responded on how to address soaring gas prices using doublethink by stating,

“It isn’t really that you have to reduce the gas price, what you have to do is reduce the costs for families… But again, I want to say that it isn’t — the gas price is an indication for families of other things that they are feeling. It isn’t really that you have to reduce the gas price, what you have to do is reduce the costs for families so that they can manage.

In the below tweet by Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency Saule Omarova states, “There will be no more private bank deposit accounts and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the fed.”

White House Press Secretary Psaki said, “Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options so we are not relying on the fluctuations and OPEC and their willingness to put more supply and meet the demand in the market.”

Finally back to Saule Omarova saying that in order to save the planet we must bankrupt the fossil fuels industries. Watch Omarova state, “We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”

Finally here is Al Gore wanting “big brother” to watch you if you oppose Biden’s climate change agenda. Watch Al Gore’s latest ‘solution’ to Climate Change is mass surveillance:

This is pure Democrat Doublethinking. It is reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984 double think: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

For Democrats ignorance is their only strength.

In a Wall Street Journal The Editorial Board column titled “Inflation and Building Back Worse” warned,

For something we’re told is “transitory,” inflation sure is persistent. The latest evidence arrived with a jolt Wednesday when the Labor Department reported that consumer prices jumped 0.9% in October, or 6.2% from a year ago and the fifth straight month higher than 5%.

That’s also the fastest rate since 1990, despite reassurances since March from the White House, Federal Reserve and Keynesian economists that inflation would soon vanish. It follows Tuesday’s report that wholesale prices rose 0.6% in October, or 8.6% from a year earlier. Producer prices flow into consumer prices, assuming businesses believe they have enough market power.

That’s not all the bad news. In a separate report Wednesday, the Labor Department said average hourly earnings after inflation fell 0.5% in the month. Real wages are down 2.2% since January. American purchasing power has declined, and the average standard of living has fallen, despite unheard of levels of government spending. [Emphasis added]

Read more.


The best way to get out of a circular thinking argument is to ask for more evidence, proof or facts. While Democrats say they believe in science they in-fact ignore science when it doesn’t fit their political agenda.

Biden is building back worse in every conceivable way. From forcing people to get jabbed or lose their jobs, to bankrupting America, to Biden’s inflationary policies to taxing the rich to designating parents “domestic terrorists.”

Just like the White House Press Secretary spouting  that we Americans must “double down” on advancing Biden’s green agenda after Biden’s own policies caused the energy crisis in the first place. If this isn’t doublethink I don’t know what is!

It is all part of the big plan. It is the joining of Critical Theory and Intersectionality.

Douglas Kellner in his book Critical Theory, Marxism, and Modernity wrote:

“As we move into the 1990s critical theory might help produce theoretical and political perspectives which could be part of a Left Turn that could reanimate the political hopes of the 1960s, while helping overcome and reverse the losses and regression of the 1980s.”

Biden and his administration are now reversing the losses of Marxism in the 1980 collapse of the former Soviet Union. Biden is making a hard left turn to bring back the 1960 ideal of socialism.

Biden’s Build Back Worse agenda is morphing from a cultural war into a full blown Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. The causes of the Bolshevik Revolution were widespread inflation and food shortages in Russia after World War I.

We are now seeing widespread inflation and supply chain issues that have led to food shortages.

Ukrainian-Russian Marxist revolutionary, political theorist and politician, Leon Trotsky warned:

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

Today we are seeing a growing number of Americans who “vote for a living” rather than work for a living. Employers are now competing with government welfare handouts for workers.

Biden’s Woke Cultural Revolution (a.k.a. the Great Reset) mirrors Mao’s Cultural Revolution which destroyed China’s economy and traditional culture, with an estimated death toll ranging from hundreds of thousands to 20 million.

Gird your loins. It will get worse before is gets better, no pun intended.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



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1 reply
  1. Royal A Brown
    Royal A Brown says:

    So what do we do about all this Truth in the article above.

    1. Get involved – recruit and support true constitutional conservatives and primary out the existing, elitist, establishment, ruling class RINOs who have done nothing about this terrible situation and have actually contributed to it.

    2. Take back the House and Senate in 2022 but hold the Republicans accountable – pass laws that counter or remove all the socialist crap being passed in Congress, unfortunately some of it with help of RINOs.

    3. Bring back either President Trump or his protege Gov Ron DeSantis as POTUS in 2025.


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