$850 free money monthly for black women in Georgia!

Georgia is starting a pilot program to give – with no strings attached – $850 cash a month from state tax payers (you know – the ones of all ethnicities that work and those that employ others) to 650 black women! Not any poor citizens but only black women. (I am sure that the $850 figure will increase shortly down the road.)

The program will be named “IN HER HANDS” and will initially cost $13,000,000 (yes – million!) of Georgia tax payers money. People who actually pay the taxes will have no say! It’s already decided and will be the largest guaranteed income program in the United States!!

This comes as businesses are finding it practically impossible to hire enough workers. This $850 will be on top of everything else these 650 black women receive in other benefits like Federal benefits, food stamps etc.

Why should they actually go to work at all?

I guess what they are saying is that there are no poor white women in Georgia. Nor any poor Asian women in Georgia. How about Hispanic women? No poor single dads of any race or creed? How about native Americans? Nope! This program is only for one race and one sex.

It will however only go to black women, probably mostly single mothers who didn’t care to understand about contraception, in the Forth Ward in Atlanta. This was Martin Luther Kings Jr. home where he grew up. It was he that initially promoted the idea of a guaranteed income in this country.

Can anyone say REPARATIONS?

Can anyone say COMMUNISM?

Can anyone say RACISM?

Do you want to have a good laugh? Guaranteed income is a step toward creating a more just and equitable economy is what they are saying! Who is saying this you ask?

Let me tell you all.

It is led by the “Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund”, and a coalition of local elected officials and nonprofits, and the nonprofit “GiveDirectly.” The program will include mainly participants who live in Atlanta but also in other parts of suburban and rural Georgia who are near or below the federal poverty line. The program will study how such unconditional cash transfers affect the financial and mental well-being of participants.


Will it actually improve their lives or will they give it to their boyfriends and/or use it to buy big screen TVs and drugs and alcohol. Will their kids actually benefit by a better standard of living?

Probably not as this particular class of citizen is not known for their good decision making. This cash will be a monthly boom to them and I believe most will waste it. It will not help in any major way local legitimate businesses or local legitimate economies.

It’s just more of that good old free stuff!!

Do any of you believe that others of similar class etc. in the state will not be clamoring to be added to the program? Do you believe this will not expand not only in Georgia but in other lunatic run, left wing extremist run blue states?

Other cities like Oakland in the Commie state of California have a similar but smaller project. The city’s website, named “Oakland Resilient Families,” described the program this way:

“A guaranteed income is predicated on the understanding that people are the experts in their own lives, and that the solutions to poverty are being created by the communities experiencing it. This unconditional, no-strings-attached income is meant to enhance, rather than replace, the existing social safety net by providing families with the flexibility to decide how best to meet their needs.”

By the way, that dumb former bar worker, far left and extremist Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has stated that she wants the federal government to provide a guaranteed income of at least $1,200 a month to “most Americans.” Her other extremist Squad members and other Democrats agree!


Anyone see a problem with this? Anyone else wonder where all the money will come from?

I sure do!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

35 replies
  1. Janine
    Janine says:

    Dear Dr. Swier,
    You should not be a doctor, because you can not read. I, however with a bachelor degree can read. This is not government funded, but is given by a non profit group of women for other women as you had to admit in your article. You are intentionally misleading people to create grievenous against a group of women who you have decided is less than yourself. Thanks for taking the time to spew your hateful rhetoric at the black women who are on the lowest social and economic navigation pole on the planet. I imagine you must go to playgrounds and kick disabled children around also.
    As for your claim about the black women not being responsible, I challenge you to look at their statistic rate of education, businesses and home ownership of black women compared to black men and other women who have always had to support and assistance of men of their racial group. Black women hasnt. Everything they have achived, has been on their own by the gracs of God while other groups of women has had support and aid of men of their race to provide for them.
    It appears to me, Dr. Swier, despite you being a doctor that you are a hateful liar on the poorest women and least dsired women on the planet also. How horrible must your life be? Probably jot socially nor economically lower than black women but definitely spirually and morally.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:

      The reason blacks are both the perpetrators and victims of crime is due to the destruction of the traditional black family unit. Today the majority of black families are fatherless. This leads to the children being raised without a key figure in their lives. Sad by very true.

      As to reading it’s also true that most black children graduate from public schools unable to read, write and cypher at their grade level.

      But they have learned how to hate and live off of public welfare, which leads to the next generation of blacks on welfare.

      • Neutraliser Janine
        Neutraliser Janine says:

        You mean black men are both the perpetrators and victims of crime is due to the destruction of the traditional black family unit, that they destroy. The women can only manage the cards that they have been dealt by their men since they sold their own people to Europeans and continue to do so today.

        Black women as I dommented above are one of the largest educated groups in America today if you Google stastistics all on their own. It is the black men who dislike education.

        The biggest trick that black men was ever able to achieve was trick SOME black women to hate white men, who have provided for them homes, schools, and jobs while black men has not provided them nothing. This is an ungrateful spirit that the black men have towards their own black women. Black women are blindly loyal to men who has not been loyal nor compassionate to them.

        • Dr. Rich Swier
          Dr. Rich Swier says:

          Interesting indeed that you, a black woman, hate black men. Are you a black feminist and supremacist?

          I think you should read the seminal study presented in the book “The Bell Curve.”

          The answer can be found in a study done in 1994. Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray in their seminal book on cognitive ability The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life state,

          “The question is how to redistribute in ways that increase the chances for people at the bottom of society to take control of their lives, to be engaged meaningfully in their communities, and to find valued places for themselves.”

          Herrnstein and Murray found,

          Ethnic differences in higher education, occupations, and wages are strikingly diminished after controlling for IQ. Often they vanish. In this sense, America has equalized these central indicators of social success.

          Herrnstein and Murray asked,

          “What are the odds that a black or Latino with an IQ of 103 – the average IQ of all high school graduates – completed high school? The answer is that a youngster from either minority group had a higher probability of graduating from high school than a white, if all of them had IQs of 103: The odds were 93 percent and 91 percent for blacks and Latinos respectively, compared to 89 percent for whites.

          Herrnstein and Murray concluded:

          We have tried to point out that a small segment of the population accounts for such a large proportion of those [social] problems. To the extent that the [social] problems of this small segment are susceptible to social-engineering solutions at all, should be highly targeted.
          The vast majority of Americans can run their own lives just fine, and [public] policy should above all be constructed so that it permits them to do so.
          Much of the policy toward the disadvantaged starts from the premise that interventions can make up for genetic or environmental disadvantages, and that premise is overly optimistic.
          Cognitive ability, so desperately denied for so long, can best be handled – can only be handled – by a return to individualism.
          Cognitive partitioning will continue. It cannot be stopped, because the forces driving it cannot be stopped.
          Americans can choose to preserve a society in which every citizen has access to the central satisfactions of life. Its people can, through an interweaving of choice and responsibility, create valued places for themselves in their worlds.
          Herrnstein and Murray found,

          Inequality of endowments, including intelligence, is a reality.

          [ … ]

          Trying to pretend that inequality does not really exist has led to disaster. Trying to eradicate inequality with artificially manufactured outcomes has led to disaster. It is time for America once again to try living with inequality, as life is lived: understanding that each human being has strengths and weaknesses, qualities to admire and qualities we do not admire, competencies and in-competencies, assets and debits; that the success of each human life is not measured externally but internally; that of all the rewards we can confer on each other, the most precious is a place as a valued fellow citizen.

          Finally, Herrnstein and Murray wrote,

          “Of all the uncomfortable topics we have explored, a pair of the most uncomfortable ones are that a society with a higher mean IQ is also likely to be a society with fewer social ills and brighter economic prospects, and that the most effective way to raise the IQ of a society is for smarter women to have higher birth rates than duller women.“

          • Neutraliser Janine
            Neutraliser Janine says:

            I don’t hate black men. I am just truthful. They have done nothing for me and in fact made life uncomfortable for women like me, and had caused people to be ungrateful for their home in America and lack value in what they have. Like I said no gratitude., I don’t have to have any loyalty to them. I am not a feminists nor supremacist of any thing. I am however a nationalists. I love my home and country. America. I am grateful to God for everything I have. 1 Timothy 5:8 says “a man who do not care for their own especially those in their own home is worse than unbelivers.” Black men can not be trusted but sadlyblack women and a lot of people are blinded by their victims, ignoring that black girls and women have the highest mosletation, rape and femicide by black men.

            I’m a conservative, I don’t have any interest in false equalization of people or that book. You have wrongfully judged black women as charity cases robbing black women of their station as women but yet calling for a return to traditional values and lifestyles in which women are and can depend on fathers and husbands (that black women predominately dont have).

          • Dr. Rich Swier
            Dr. Rich Swier says:

            The question is how did this all begin. When I was growing up blank families were stable with a mother, father living with and nurturing their biological children.

            What changed my life and the lives of many families was President Johnson’s Great Society program. I found that the plan paid welfare so long as there was no man in the house.

            This I believe was the downfall of the black family.

            We also stopped giving IQ tests to public school children. Another big mistake.

          • Kevin C
            Kevin C says:

            Dr. – you’re quoting books, biased studies, and talk about the so-called “bell curve.” Bottom line – Blacks or “the blacks” – as you snidely refer to them – suffered CENTURIES of forced enslavement building wealth and opportunity for LAZY whites, suffered 100-plus years of LEGALIZED apartheid-Jim Crow racism, destruction of PROSPEROUS Black cities & towns, and gov. sponsored KKK domestic terrorism. Blacks were DENIED education, wealth, quality of life, and civil rights ALLOWED to whites… and have the NERVE to blame Black people for issues in PRESENT-DAY. The nerve of “you people!” And yes… I mean white people.

      • Kevin C
        Kevin C says:

        You don’t know JACK about Black men. Over 50% of Black men DON’T have kids. At least 30% are married, presumably producing kids with their wives. Less than 20% of Black males produce all these out of wedlock kids. Check the stats. It’s all out there on official gov. sites. This is NOT a Black male problem!

      • Kevin C
        Kevin C says:

        Dr. Sweir – if you are in fact a real PhD – then surely, you’re aware the role WHITE SUPREMACY played in destroying the Black family. 1960s and prior, Black families were very intact with an almost 80% marriage-rate. Government and white leaders introduced feminism to separate Black men & women, welfare with requirements to eliminate men from homes, crated poverty & crime-filled ghettoes, and eliminated blue-collar neighborhood jobs held by primarily Black men. Black men TRADITIONALLY raised INTACT families for decades on this type of income. This was done to sabotage Black progress and break up the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements. You so-called “academics” ALWAYS dismiss the government’s role in destroying Black America, while placing sole blame to victims.

      • Kevin C
        Kevin C says:

        Dr. Wier – I see your admin folks are deleting comments on how the U.S. government AND white supremacy destroyed Black families and Black progress. If you simply delete responses that you don’t like while denigrating Black people, then it’s not honest and objective dialogue. You’re just another white supremacist spewing WS talking points, while blaming “the Blacks” for the mess that white supremacy CREATED over the past 400-plus years. Be honest and post ALL the comments – I dare you… or continue to perpetrate a fraud.

      • Kevin C
        Kevin C says:

        Dr. Wier – despite your fancy PhD, you’re ignorant of the fact that this 2-year, $850 “free money” program is yet another white supremacist tactic to divide & KEEP Black men separated from Black women. The point is to ELIMINATE the need for Black men and INTACT families, and have women go straight to gov. or privately-funded handouts. It’s white supremacy 101, and a few quick google searches reflect the number of gullible women falling for the scam. Notably, these programs are NEVER offered to whites, Asians, Latinos, or other groups. Other races get money DIRECT from the government and never parsed as handouts, but “official” programs. U.S. gov. does NOT want strong Black families with confident male leaders. They want broken, disjointed single mothers and uninformed women seeking handouts versus depending on competent Black male leadership, guidance, and protection. It’s working very well as women fall for it hook, line, and sinker…

  2. Neutraliser Janine
    Neutraliser Janine says:

    I grew up in the 70s. One day all the black husbands and fathers of the family i grew up with just left. They went to just hang out with their friends, or do drugs or violence. My dad was the only father and husband left on our street before we moved to rural area. He did his best to help the other families like cutting their grass and fixing cars and helping the mothers and children with food. They did just leave. The father not allowed in the home restrictions was only 5 years during the 60s and ended in 1968. You can check the history. A black woman petitioned to end those restrictions. The only thing black men has ever petition for is to have access to white women during the same time. You have listened to black men lies. They are only with black women for as long as it benefit them. When they make more money, they partner with white and other women, who are not black. The black race is in the condition solely because of black men, not welfare, not white people or any women; Just like other people are in the condition they are in because of the men of their people.

    I never knew they stop giving IQ test in school. Maybe you don’t know when they’re being administered. That is how they place students in advance classes or special Ed. They must be tested.

    • Dr. Rich Swier
      Dr. Rich Swier says:

      I fully agree. The black man has failed to be the responsible father and husband. The same is happening with some white men.

      The cancel culture is working hard to destroy the nuclear family and they’re successful in the big cities where crime and poverty are rampant. The top 12 cities that have seen the greatest rise in crime and murders are all controlled by Democrats.

      I’ve learned that it’s the women who need to step up and fight. Women like you.

      Have a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

    • Kevin C
      Kevin C says:

      Janine – you’re incorrect. Black men just didn’t leave families, and NO ONE counts any male who abandons family as leaders. You dismiss what gov. did in the 1960s & 1970s to destroy Black families, and sabotage the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements. As someone who “grew up” in the 1970s, you omit reality and the history of gov. in destroying Black progress. In present-day, over 50% of Black men DON’T have kids. At least 30% are married, presumably producing kids with their wives. Less than 20% of Black males produce all these out of wedlock kids. Check the stats. It’s all out there on official gov. sites (e.g., Dept. of Health, Dept. of Vital Statistics, Institute for Family Studies, etc.). Over 60% of Black men are middle-class earners or better – American Enterprise Institute (AEI) confirms this as fact. If over 50% of Black men DON’T have kids, and with 60% at middle class… WHY are Black women ignoring PRODUCTIVE men in favor of losers & dirtbags? This is NOT a Black male problem!

      • Rob
        Rob says:

        The Black Power movement as you say was actually pushed and created by the KGB’s subversive department during the early years of the Cold War using the Cubans for support. This is already well documented from declassed docs.

  3. Kevin C
    Kevin C says:

    “This was Martin Luther Kings Jr. home where he grew up. It was he that initially promoted the idea of a guaranteed income in this country.” – You whites ALWAYS reference Dr. King without PROPER context. It’s disrespectful! King promoted Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a necessary and quick fix for the 3000-mile-wide income gap between Black and white households. This HUGE gap formed by white supremacist, racist, and discriminatory laws and practices that CREATED the problem in the first place. Enslaved Blacks were DENIED wealth, land, and opportunity. Although not enslaved, Free Blacks were restricted in many ways as well. Only a select few overcame these circumstances to build wealth for themselves. Ex-slaves were DENIED land and reparations, but instead suffered 100-plus years of education limitations, economic disenfranchisement, and white terrorism/KKK state-sanctioned violence. Black Americans have NEVER received FULL rights as citizens. It’s their birthright, and it’s still denied in present-day. Other races (whites, Asians, Latinos, immigrants, and even NON-citizens) don’t have this history and DON’T experience the same present-day systemic oppression and mistreatment as Black Americans… which is why EVERYONE ELSE does better in America. I dare white people to eliminate white supremacy, and watch Black Americans catch up and surpass the rest of you…

    • Neutralise Janine
      Neutralise Janine says:

      No man should be so dependant on another group of men. Your victimhood is false. The Jim Crow era offered opportunity for you black men to build and take care of your people but you black men refused. The black men including MLK only wanted access to white women. No one would even know who MLK was today if he had been able to marry the white woman he was in love with during college. That was his primary motivation for everything he did and it was for the majority of your black male leaders, like Fredrick Douglas. Black men immediately had the right to vote after the civil war but lost it to the white women of the suffrage movement because they feared black men would have the power to subjugate them and treat white women like black men were treating black women. Black men didn’t want black women to vote. Black men aligned themself with the suffrage and feminist movement long before black women did. Susan B. Anthony was friends with Fredirck Douglas and their friendship ended over how black men was using their power and she has been accused of being racist every since.

      Black men has always wanted white men to give you things that you have not earned with false equation and no proof that you are competentent. Black men didn’t prove they could take care of your own people, nor protect black women in all of history after selling black women into slavery and still has not today. Black men has not peoven they can be self sufficent. Black men allowed all of those things to happen to black women and children and then turn around and sought after white women with no care for the conditions of their people.

      Black men are the men making single mothers of black women at 72% and all the other races of women also at 92%. More than black women now. White men gave black men access to the women of their people and this is what black men has did with that trust. Thomas Dixon was right but was accused of racism and silenced. White men had every right to not allow black men near the women of their people and even more so today after black men has proven they were right with the more freedom and money and power that black men get.

      Black men doesnt provide safe neighborhoods or communities for anyone women on the planet. Black men doesn’t provide jobs nor protection for black women and children anywhere on the planet. White men does. BLACK men dont provide nor protect like men are suppose to but you blamed white men for 500 years and now starting to blame black women solely for the conditons that youre in.

      Black men are the world biggest liars and there is a world of history to prove it. Everything that you attempt to accuse white men of doing black men has did worse and still have slavery and human trafficking to day as legal practice in Africa.

      Look at the crime statistics. Black men has genocide on black people, more than white men. Black men has murdered, raped and stole from black women more than white men. What black men has done to their own people is far worse than anything white men has ever done. Yes. Worse because black women and children should be able to depend on the men of their own people just like other women can depend on the men of their people.

      Just like you can see white and Asain men are 100% responsible for the conditions of their people. You black men are 100% responsible for black people and no other men.

      Every man on the planet has fought for resources and power and money and to provide and protect their people. You are just the only group of men who whine about not wanting to but want another group of men to do it for you. No other group of men owes you anything. Just like black women had to learn that and has did for themself despite black men degrading black women to the world with the most violent dgenerate and foulest music ever created, not protecting but preying on black women and not providing for them.

      White men had every right to do what they did for their own. You think you black men have been unfairly treated on this planet but you have gotten exactly what you deserved, by God’s standards. Its unfortunate that black women and children have had to be dragged into your mess as black people. 1 Timothy 5:8 A man who do not take care of their own especially those in their own home is worse than an unbeliver.” God has never lied. Black men are the devil, but has accused white men of being evil.

      • Kevin C
        Kevin C says:

        Janine – you LITERALLY sound like a white supremacist. You can’t be a Black woman, because regurgitate WS talking points JUST like right-wing, hardcore racists. Blaming Black people for their issues while ignoring the oppressive system CREATED by white supremacy. While WS does not account for 100 percent of Black America’s problems, virtually 85 to 90 PERCENT of Black issues have direct link to white supremacy. Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, and other races have NOT experienced anywhere CLOSE the same level of mistreatment, disenfranchisement, and white violence when compared to Black people in America. You somehow expect Black people to have the SAME outcomes, resources, wealth, and prosperity. Put those groups under the EXACT same conditions and they will fare no better that Black people under the pressure of white violence. You CLEARLY dismiss the white violence and sabotage that CREATED the problems in the first place – typical, white supremacist babble, double-speak, and victim-blaming. Bottom line – Black and white people do NOT have the same access, economic and educational opportunities, and FULL rights as white people… form the 1600s to present-day. There has never in U.S. history been a Black man – police officer or otherwise – who has given a white man, woman, or child the “George Floyd treatment.” That can ONLY be done in a system of white supremacy. It doesn’t matter the officer was punished for LYNCHING a Black man. Chauvin should have NEVER felt okay to murder a man in public in the first place. You’re essentially a tool for white supremacy. It’s unfortunate that the Black men in YOUR life are useless, lazy, and shiftless losers. You transfer your negative life-experience to ALL Black men. God has NOTHING to do with Black issues and problems – it’s white oppression. Period!

        • Neutraliser Janine
          Neutraliser Janine says:

          You want to t alk about violence? You are again, lying to victimize yourself. All anyone have to do is look up statistics of black femicide, molestion, rape, and murders. Black men ARE the the oppressors and black women get nothing in return for beliving anything that black men has lied about and being loyal in such horrific conditions all over the world. Not just America.

          No other group of men owes you anything. That’s not oppression what black people are experiencing. What you are experiencing and what it has always been is black mens lack of accountability, responsibility and duty and honor to their people that you want white men to do for you while the majority of black men lay up with white women, the more resources, money and position they get.

          People are not blind. Yes, I very well am a black woman and I am not blind. A lot more black women are not blind. Cut the “poor me” crap. You’re simply ungrateful for what white men has done for you that they didn’t have to at all. No one owes you anything. You’re the one that has always been entitled and has dragged black women into your mess and fooled a lot of people. Enough is enough.

          • Kevin C
            Kevin C says:

            Lady – you and women like you ARE the problem. You choose the WORST Black men, make babies with the WORST Black men, and blame ALL men. Your mother did the same, which is why you complain and HATE Black men. Your father was a loser and you picked loser baby daddies for your BASTARD kids. Black women CHOOSE to make over 70% out of wedlock babies with the worst, most violent, sexually abusive, and SORRIEST Black men. You women literally CHOOSE these pedophiles who abuse your kids, and allow them access to YOUR children. After screwing up your lives and your KID’S lives, you’re upset that NO ONE wants you and these BASTARD children! You are NOT worthy of a Black man with his life in order, with focus and discipline, productive, and a hard worker. You and your loser baby mama family members and friends are the WORST type of Black women. You’re NOT worthy of a good Black man who provides, protects, and leads his family. You deadbeat, sorry-ass baby mamas and hoodrats bring CHAOS to good men. AGAIN – OVER 50 PERCENT OF BLACK MEN DON’T HAVE KIDS IN 2021. All you whores are having sex with the same 15 to 16 percent of Black men making all these damn out of wedlock kids! That’s YOUR fault for having sex and moving in with these losers. It’s the reason that Black women will accept a bullsh*t $850 from the welfare state. You women CAN’T get husbands because NO ONE wants you OR you BASTARD kids with Pookie and Ray Ray. It’s why you’re upset that hard-working and productive Black men DON’T claim you! It’s a safe bet that your sorry-ass baby daddy ran of with some white woman, which is why you’re salty about it. By the way – over 80 PERCENT of Black men are married to Black women. You’re wrong about that too. Less than 20 percent of Black men go outside the race. With sorry-ass women like you, you’re lucky it’s only that small number. 80% Black women are obese, with 50% being GROSSLY obese. Most of your have one, two, three, or five to seven kids! Many of you are whores and open your legs to EVERY man. Most of you have THOUSANDS in student debt, tattoos all over your ass and face, and upset that a PRODUCTIVE man avoids you like the plague! I’d be mad too if I was as sorry as you!

          • Kevin C
            Kevin C says:

            At least 30 PERCENT of Black men are married, with at least 80 PERCENT married to Black women. Look up the statistics for yourself! You won’t, because you’re lazy and too busy sucking up to the white man. You LOVE your white daddy because he gives you welfare and bullsh*t jobs, but makes sure you DON’T build wealth to pass to the next generations. The small percent of Black men who marry other races of women is because Black women CHOOSE the worst men, and blame ALL Black men. MOST Black women are NOT suitable for marriage. Black men CAN’T find a young, fit and in shape, cooperative, and feminine woman who DOESN’T have kids! Over 70 PERCENT Black kids are born to single mothers. Black women CHOOSE and make babies with deadbeat men. OVER 50 PERCENT of Black men DON’T even have kids. There are TOO DAMN MANY baby mamas. If a good man wanted to marry you, you and your baby mama family and loser friends REJECT productive and hard-working men. You instead PREFER criminals, deadbeats and LOSERS. Black women are BASTARD baby-makers! Black women are 80 PERCENT overweight, with 50% of that 80% GROSSLY OBESE. Most of you are ONE ham-sandwich away from a stroke or heart attack! Many Black women are angry feminists! Even white women are smart enough to ditch feminist ideology and find husbands, but you REFUSE to get off that crap. There are Black women who behave like men, have NUMEROUS sex partners, fight like men and twerk on tables in restaurants in the middle of the day. This masculine behavior is ALL OVER the internet, and people from ALL races see the negativity. Black women carry the MOST student load debt from USELESS degrees, and beg the government to pay THEIR debt! Black women ALLOW men to sexually abuse their daughters, which is why so many have emotional trauma and are unfit as wives. Many Black women have tattoos EVERYWHERE, dress and behave like whores, and party ALL throughout their BEST years in their twenties. These same women show up as WASHED-UP, USED-UP, PASSED-AROUND party girls at age 30 DEMANDING husbands. Even worse is these same women bring a bunch of out of wedlock kids, obesity, nasty attitude, body tattoos, and emotional trauma from failed relationships and their bad childhoods. You demand men accept these sorry Black women with ALL these problems, and get upset when good men REJECT you. Men from others races see these problems, and they DON’T want these issues. Women like you CAN’T get Black men or men from other races, because good men from ALL races have STANDARDS. The “divest” and “swirling” movement is dead on arrival. NO ONE wants all your problems. Other races of men REJECT you the same way. It’s why you’re angry and frustrated, because you CAN’T get a good man as a husband. You simply don’t deserve it.

          • Kevin C
            Kevin C says:

            Lady – you’re praising and sucking up to white men like a plantation mammy and devoted bedwench. Let’s talk about “what the white man has done” to Black people and EVERYBODY else. Let’s talk about VIOLENCE! “These people” are the MOST violent, evil, selfish, destructive, LYING, and most DANGEROUS race on planet Earth. NO ONE else comes close – whites committed genocide on DOZENS of indigenous populations around the globe. They murder, lie, and STEAL land and wealth from OTHER groups and have the nerve to record and BRAG on their crimes. These people have been doing this for CENTURIES, and you praise them like a plantation mammy. You talk about Africans selling Africans, but say NOTHING about how whites TOOK OVER the slave trade and CONTROLLED it for HUNDREDS of years. They DID that on their own, because they are greedy, lazy, and homicidal killers. This is white history – not that whitewashed crap you learned in college while getting your useless degree. Europeans haven’t EARNED anything – these people lied, murdered, raped, and STOLE their way to the “resources” they have in present-day. The world watched them commit these crimes against indigenous and African civilizations. NO ONE said or did anything to stop these maniacs. Europeans raped indigenous women and young GIRLS, and BRAGGED in their recorded journals on their crimes. You PRAISE this behavior. Let’s talk about violence! Africans were ENSLAVED by whites in North America for over 250 YEARS, using VIOLENCE to KEEP Black people enslaved the WHOLE TIME! They also RAPED women, young girls, men, AND boys as well. Anytime Black people revolted or defended themselves and their families, whites response with MORE VIOLENCE. That’s all they know! After Black slaves and Free Blacks fought the Civil War to free THEMSELVES, white people inflicted 100-plus more years of LEGALIZED apartheid-era, Jim Crow racism and KKK domestic terrorist VIOLENCE against Black Americans. Let’s talk about VIOLENCE! These savages attacked Black people for NO reason, STOLE Black land and wealth, and BURNED DOZENS of prosperous Black cities and towns to the GROUND for DECADES! These maniacs did this ALL OVER the country and NO ONE stopped them, and NO white person EVER received punishment. An innocent 14-year-old Black boy, Emmett Till, was MURDERED by white men based on a lying-ass white woman who ADMITTED the lie YEARS after the murder. Whenever Black people stood up for their rights as a group, the response was WHITE VIOLENCE! The Civil Rights and Black Power Movements has a long list of Black men KILLED by white terrorists AND the U.S. Government. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Medgar Evers, etc. etc. – the list goes on for days. Let’s talk about VIOLENCE! In present-day when Black people protest mistreatment and abuse, police respond with VIOLENCE – these savages are just NOW starting to get punished for their crimes. For decades whites have been killing Black people – Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland was killed in POLICE CUSTODY, Breanna Taylor was killed by police while SLEEPING in her OWN bed. Let’s talk about VIOLENCE! EVERY week some crazed and deranged white teen shoots up his OWN classmates and teachers. These people shoot into crowds at mall, concerts, sporting events, and EVERYWHERE ELSE! It was a crowd of 5,000-plus white people who VIOLENTLY STORMED the Washington, D.C. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. You praise white violent behavior, and ONLY point to the few Black men who commit crimes. These murdering, white savages have 400-plus years of VIOLENT behavior AGAINST Black people, and they RARELY get punishment. Because of that, they can EASILY end your life and get away with murder. But you ONLY talk about the few violent Black men in your circles. Let’s talk about VIOLENCE! Let’s talk about VIOLENCE! Let’s talk about VIOLENCE… and when you do, make sure to mention violence coming from white men!!

          • Neutraliser Janine
            Neutraliser Janine says:

            Kevin, your are again making up pages after pages of lies on a whte mans website that you claim is so evil. Who are you really trying to convince? I dont have relationships with black men and neither did my mother. You made up a whole story about my life to spread your lies. I would never go near any black man because I see what they really are.
            Black men are the devil and the devil stay busy trying to trick people to believe that they are bond unfairly. You have gotten everything you deserve, especially for your constant aggriveous lies on people that try to deter people from seeing the truth.

          • Neutraliser Janine
            Neutraliser Janine says:

            After you have said the most disgusting things about black women, you want to plead with me, to see the white men as evil!? LOL! You black men are demonic. You black men has lied on white men for 500 yrs and blamed them solely for selling your own people into slavery, and “oppressing” you when you hlack men are the real oppressors and bullies. Now you want to blame black women when you’re not spewing hate at white men.
            You black men are nothing more than lying bullies, forcing yourself on people all the time like the RAPIST that you are. Always dmanding others to do something for you and give you something that you have not earned yet want to be treated like other races of men.

        • Neutraliser Janine
          Neutraliser Janine says:

          I would never let any black man near me because of everything you said about what happen to black women and ALL races of women who associate with black men. Yet you made up a whole story about my life.

          You’re all demonic black men to me.

          • Kevin C
            Kevin C says:

            Lady – everything I wrote is the truth. Black women CHOOSE and make babies with the worst men, and blame ALL Black men. You ignore the fact that over 50% Black men DON’T have kids, 60% are in the middle-class, and at least 30% are married to MOSTLY Black women. You women ignore the competent and responsible men for the losers, dirtbags, and irresponsible men. You also ignore CENTURIES of white violence committed on Black people and other groups, while praising white people. The white man trained you well, while he gets you to do his dirty work. Lady – just take your $850 in welfare money and go off into the sunset. It’s what your white daddy wants you to do, and you’re more than happy to please the white man OVER your OWN race. Just be honest and say that you’re NOT worthy of a good Black man’s effort and his time. You woman always say “I don’t deal with Black men” or “I choose to be single.” The simple fact is that the best Black men see you as UNWORTHY and DON’T want your multitude of problems, bastard kids, and emotional issues. Instead of accepting that and doing better, you spend time trashing Black men. Your white daddy is very pleased with how you plantation mammies love to betray your race. Run to your white daddy – it’s what you want anyway…

          • Neutralise Janine
            Neutralise Janine says:

            Kevin, I have a millon dollars to bet that you think you’re one of the good “black men”, with the foulest mouth about black women and the most egregious lies about black women that you want the world to belive. You want the world to pretend that black men are not liars, about not having children, abandon children without conscious and are even now doing this to white women. Black men don’t have more out of wedlock babies with black women they have more outwedlock babies that they abandon with white women. Thats your statistics of having less children than black women BECAUSE BLACK MEN ARE DOING IT AT EXTREME RATES WITH OTHER RACES OF WOMEN!!!!
            I truly believe white fathers should take aggressive measures to stop black men from abandoning their white daughters with biracial children as they did after the civil war. I don’t believe the KKK was a terrorist organization. I believe white women like Susan B Anthony and I do not believe black men were falsly accused at any time in history. BLACK MEN ARE LIARS AND ARE PROVEN LIARS.
            There is no such thing as good black men. Your pathology is global. The whole continent of Africa a testimony filled with black men who refused to cloth and feed their children but still take access to those women and make them have babies in the most filthiest conditions. You’re no different ALL OVER THE WORLD. THIS IS WHO BLACK MEN REALLY ARE.

    • Rob
      Rob says:

      The KKK was created by the Democrat Party and were the same party that supported slavery. The three fifths compromise for example was imposed by Democrats to reduce Congressional representation of opposing Republicans. A bit ironic bringing up the subject of terrorism. The Democrat party was the one that gave false promises to blacks and pushed for the civil war, they were known as loyalists and pacifist quakers before that. Also, Nazis were a socialist party and no different from other totalitarian systems. The Soviets killed three times more than the Nazis ever did but are both equally evil. The largest slave owner in America was black by the way, and there were far more things going on with the global bankers like the ones from England who made their money from the Opium wars in Asia during the 1800s. The Zionist Rothschild bankers and Vatican, for example, controlled the gold. Thus, the missing gold from WTC 7 and *art students*.

  4. Rob
    Rob says:

    Interesting to see so many random comments here peddling the same narrative the Black Liberation Army sympathizers proclaim about deemed *white supremacy.* The GroFund Executive Director, Hope Wollensack, was one of the panelists along with Chinese Communist related groups via the Netroots Nation 2021 event. Several prominent Chinese Communist Party United Front lackey officials out of the California region were at this event. Mark Lee, for example, is listed as the GroFund’s Policy and Advocacy manager and during the 1980’s was the media spokesman for the Communist Worker’s Party via The Expert Red group.

    • Neutraliser Janine
      Neutraliser Janine says:

      Rob, I don’t know what any of those groups are. This discussion was primary about the conditions of black women and what they deserve or dont deserve and who actually is giving it to them which is actually no one but other black women. A nonprofit group of black women are supporting poverty stricken black women. They are doing it for themself. But hate towards black women want to push a narrative of black women being beggars and simply make bad decisions, despite black womens overwhelming ability to thrive despite being used abused and discarded by the men of their people and the world. There are women and men of all colors who are insistent upon blindly victimizing black men and blaming white men and even themself for being dragged into black mens mess but black men are solely responsible for their condition and the conditions of their people. It’s really is that simple. Just like black women has been shown and learn quickly without mercy that they are soley responsble for their own conditons. You see, Rob, black men tend to have a double standard when the topic is about what they want from other people. They don’t want to provide for nor protect black women and children and dont want any other men to as well (unsafe food desert neighborhoods, cities and whole continent as example) but if black women simply do for themself everyone mocks black women as being strong independent modern women who are not traditional.

  5. Rob
    Rob says:

    The African Liberation Support Committee and Trade Unions with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (mob) were supporting the pro-Soviet Communist Workers Party in the U.S. for decades. To this day, they operate under the guise of various spaghetti groups that like the Bill Ayers working with the Cuban intelligence, specifically targeting Black communities in the south for labor union strikes and support to destabilize U.S. economic and other infrastructures.

  6. Neutraliser Janine
    Neutraliser Janine says:

    People scorn, mock, and degrade black women for accepting any charity or government assitance even though they personally dont view black women of value enough to be treated humane as daughters and wives that black women can depend on. At the same these same people scorn, mock and degrade black women for doing for themself, and being strong independent women who don’t need men.
    Which is it? You want black women to depend on the good charity and leadership of men or don’t? Make up your damn minds!


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