VOTER ID LAWS: And The Many Myths of ‘Voter Suppression’
“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” – John F. Kennedy
“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” – John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11, 1962.
We are barely into the new year when we are already hearing myths about “voter suppression.”
In a The Daily Wire article titled “Biden Judicial Nominee Said ‘Proof of Citizenship’ is ‘Voter Suppression’” Gabe Kaminsky reported:
A left-wing activist with ties to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) nominated by President Joe Biden to be a federal judge has argued photo ID and proof of citizenship constitute “voter suppression.”
Nancy Gbana Abudu, the deputy legal director at SPLC, was picked by Biden in December to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. The 11th Circuit covers parts of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The vacancy came about upon the retirement of Judge Beverly B. Martin — a President Barack Obama appointee.
What exactly is a voter suppression myth?
When one political party, group, organization or individual calls any form of a Voter ID a way to suppress the vote. The ultimate goal is is giving anyone and everyone, regardless of age, citizenship, legal status or criminal background, the ability to vote.
The National Conference of State Legislatures reports:
Despite being one of the hottest topics in elections policy for the last several years, voter ID is not new. The first state to require voters to show some kind of identification document at the polls was South Carolina, in 1950. No photo was required—just a document bearing the voter’s name. In 1970, Hawaii joined South Carolina with a voter ID requirement. Texas (1971), Florida (1977), and Alaska (1980) rounded out the first five. In some states the request was for an ID with a photo; in others, any document, with or without a photo, was fine. In all these states, provisions existed for voters to be able to cast a regular ballot even if they did not have the requested ID.
Over time, and with little fanfare, more states began to ask voters to present an identification document. By 2000, 14 states did so. These states had Democratic and Republican majorities.
Those who want only “legal voters” to vote are labeled as racists.
According to Wikipedia, “Voter suppression is a strategy used to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing specific groups of people from voting.”
Wikipedia is fomenting the “big myth” of voter suppression via its definition of “preventing specific groups of people from voting.” Question: Which groups?
The National Conference of State Legislatures says this about Voter ID Laws:
A total of 35 states have laws requesting or requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls.
[ … ]
The remaining 15 states use other methods to verify the identity of voters. Most frequently, other identifying information provided at the polling place, such as a signature, is checked against information on file. See NCSL’s Voter Verification Without ID Documents.
There’s a renewal of this issue as we are now into a mid-term election year. The issue at hand is Voter IDs.
Wikipedia defines a Voter ID:
A voter identification law is a law that requires a person to show some form of identification in order to vote. In many jurisdictions requiring voter IDs, voters who do not have photo ID often must sign a Challenged Voter Affidavit in order to receive a ballot to vote.
To Have Voter IDs or not to Have Voter IDs – That is the Question
There are many myths that a Voter ID is somehow racist or suppresses the vote. The counter argument is that Voter IDs are a way to insure only legal voters vote to insure our elections are free and fair. Non-citizens, convicted felons, illegal aliens and those under a certain age are generally not allowed to vote.
The idea is to have only legal of age voters vote. It has been this way since the first ballots were cast once the U.S. Constitution was approved.
Voter ID Election Laws by State lists the Voter ID laws by state.
Strict Voter ID States
Voters need to confirm their identity with an ID when they vote in person. If you don’t bring your ID, you may cast a provisional ballot but you need to take additional steps for it to count.
Each state has a specific list of IDs that are acceptable for voting. Some states require a photo ID, while others accept some forms of ID without your photo.
Non-Strict Voter ID States
Voters may need to confirm their identity when they vote in person. If you don’t provide ID when voting in person, there are other ways to cast a ballot that counts. Check your state page for more information.
Each state has a specific list of IDs that are acceptable for voting. Some states require a photo ID, while others accept some forms of ID without your photo.
- Alabama
- Florida
- Idaho
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Alaska
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Iowa
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania (when voting for first time in precinct)
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
States with No Voter ID
Most voters don’t need to show ID to vote in person, with the exception of some first-time voters.
- California
- District of Columbia
- Illinois
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Vermont
The Bottom Line
Voter IDs are part and parcel of the free and fair election system in the United States of America.
Here’s the issue of Voter IDs as viewed by two black men.
Democrat (Rev.) Al Sharpton on March 16, 2012 said:
“Your water fountain is voter ID.”
Former Republican Congressman Allen West on June 18, 2012 said:
“I don’t think it is disenfranchisement. I think that African-Americans that are citizens of [the] United States of America can get out and vote. Four years ago we saw them vote in numbers that had never been seen before.”
The Democrat sees Voter IDs as racist. The Republican sees Voter IDs as enfranchisement.
Today in the Democrat control states of California, New York and Hawaii you’re required to have a Vaccine Passport before you can leave your home. Yet Voter IDs are racist? Really?
REMEMBER: Every illegal vote cancels a legal vote.
That’s the truth. Everything else is a myth.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
You can’t take many actions without a photo ID so why isn’t this required for the most important responsibility of US citizens which is voting in elections ? This is not “voter suppression” but rather voter verification and prevention of voter fraud which occured in mass in 2020.
Following is a partial list of actions that require a photo ID:
– Flying on airlines
– Renting a vehicle
– Applying for a Driver’s License
– Checking in at Medical Clinics & Hospitals (in order to have insurance applied)
– Identifying yourself to Law Enforcement when asked
– Applying for a US Passport
– Applying for a Concealed Carry Permit
– Opening a bank or other financial account
etc., etc.,etc., etc.
And some Democrat controlled states like California, New York and Hawaii are requiring Vaccine Passports yet voter IDs are evil?
Give me a break.
Ohio may allow a non photo ID but the Ohio driver’s license has a QR code on the back and Ohio polls are equipped with readers. It’s ridiculously easy to vote by presenting your driver’s license then vote. Not presenting a photo ID requires more steps.