Do Politicians Exhibit Wisdom – Understanding – Knowledge or Ignorance – Callousness – Stupidity?

“Solomon and the wise men of Israel regarded wisdom, understanding, and knowledge as worthy pursuits in life. In fact, given the choice between wisdom and material wealth, they opted for wisdom, hands down. For them, clear thinking held the key to success in all areas of life.” – Pastor Chuck Swindoll

According to the Pew Research Center:

When it comes to religious affiliation, the 117th U.S. Congress looks similar to the previous Congress but quite different from Americans overall.

While about a quarter (26%) of U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated – describing themselves as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular” – just one member of the new Congress (Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.) identifies as religiously unaffiliated (0.2%).

Nearly nine-in-ten members of Congress identify as Christian (88%), compared with two-thirds of the general public (65%). Congress is both more heavily Protestant (55% vs. 43%) and more heavily Catholic (30% vs. 20%) than the U.S. adult population overall.

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Jewish members also make up a larger share of Congress than they do of the general public (6% vs. 2%).

Nearly all non-Christian members of Congress are Democrats.

There are currently 9 Democrats and 1 Independent in the U.S. Senate and 26 Democrats, 2 Republicans in the House of Representatives who are Jewish in the 117th Congress.

CLICK HERE: To view a Pew infographic on The Religious Makeup of the 117th Congress.

Let’s look at where we as a people got our definitions for wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

  • WISDOM: For the Hebrews, wisdom (hakam) and its derivatives are the most commonly used terms denoting intelligence.
  • UNDERSTANDING: The Hebrew term for “understanding” is tebuna, which denotes intelligence or discernment.
  • KNOWLEDGE: The Hebrew term for knowledge is based on the verb yada, “to know.”

QUESTION: Are members of Congress exhibiting wisdom (hakam), understanding (tebuna) and knowledge (yada)?

Do members of Congress when “given the choice between wisdom and material wealth,” opting for wisdom?

Or are members of Congress driven by ignorance, callousness and stupidity?

It’s the Cultural War in America, stupid!

Solomon and the wise men of Israel prized wisdom, understanding, and knowledge as crucial to living prosperously, safely, and effectively. Even so, they recognized the limits of human thinking:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. (3:5–7)

Is the God of Abraham alive and well amongst the members of Congress? Or have they succumbed to the glitter of gold and power that they wield?

Has God, like Elvis, left the halls of Congress?

Writer, author and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith Kurt Mahlburg in his November 5th, 2021 column “It’s the culture war, stupid!” wrote:

Elections that follow a Presidential race routinely trend against the party in the White House, so Republicans were expected to do well in the assorted votes that took place around the country this week.

But no one quite expected Tuesday’s results.

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So whence the red tsunami?

If there is a single takeaway from this week’s results, it is that American voters are far more engaged in the culture wars now than in any past election. While the economy and Covid mandates were also on the table, the role of parents in education was a leading concern. This was especially true in Virginia.

Republicans are looking to education as a winning issue ahead of next year’s midterm elections after putting it front and center propelled the party to a clear victory in Virginia on Tuesday,” reported The Hill.

The New York Times was even more blunt: “After Terry McAuliffe stumbled to defeat … a mild suggestion seems in order: Democrats probably need a new way to talk about progressive ideology and education.”

Virginia has been ground zero for a nationwide showdown between parents and school boards. For parents, the issues have been at least twofold: the sexualisation of their children through transgender bathroom policies and curriculum; and critical race theory which is souring race relations, especially in urban centres. [Emphasis added]

With Biden, who is only our second Catholic president, tanking in poll after poll it appears that his policies are not in favor with the people. Many argue that Biden, and Democrats in general, tend to display Ignorance – Callousness – Stupidity.

The Bottom Line

As Americans look at empty shelves, prices for gasoline, meat and food rising at an alarming rate, we remember the retort of Bill Clinton, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

Add to this “it’s the cultural war stupid” and you have a double whammy working against Democrats as we approach the mid-term elections on November 8th, 2022.

Rather than wanting one party to win and other lose, I would rather that all members of Congress get back to policies based upon Wisdom – Understanding – Knowledge.

Don’t you?

Remember these words of wisdom:

How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!, And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. (16:16)

Discretion will guard you, Understanding will watch over you. (2:11)

The lips of the righteous feed many,  But fools die for lack of understanding. (10:21)

Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it,  But the discipline of fools is folly. (16:22)

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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