The League for Islamic-American Relations (LIAR) – Part 2

Many thanks to Laser List member Jim Simpson for information on the UN below.

Today, I pick up where I left off yesterday – tearing apart the false narratives spun by CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

CAIR would have you believe Islam is good for women.  In its op-ed, CAIR said sharia ended the chattel status of women and eradicated female infanticide, among other accomplishments benefitting women.  However, gender inequality is worse in Muslim countries, the testimony of women is worth less than men in sharia law, and Muhammad said women are intellectually inferior to men.  Quran 4:34 condones wife-beating, as long as no bones are broken.  Islam has a history of forced marriage and child brides that continues to this day, right here in America, meaning the chattel status of women still exists in Islam as we speak.  CAIR doesn’t deal with any of this in its op-ed, because it can’t.

On another subject, CAIR’s national deputy director wrote in another op-ed, which was touted on CAIR’s website, that the “great replacement theory” as a way of explaining open borders and mass migration policies is delusional, racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.  However, the United Nations talks about Replacement Migration and promotes regular migration through its actions.  In addition, left-wing activists openly talk about the Great Replacement theory, and the Biden administration has not offered any other justification for its long list of open borders initiatives.  So spare me the indignation.  CAIR is either ignorant or lying about replacement migration.

I would guess lying, and here’s why – the Islamic doctrine of hijrah, the religious duty to colonize.  As one article put it:

To emigrate in the cause of Allah – that is, to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. “And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,” says the Qur’an. “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran] (4:100)

So it’s no wonder CAIR gets all hysterical whenever anyone calls attention to the Biden administration’s open borders policies and the fact that the United Nations is funding and facilitating illegal immigration.  If, somehow, a stop were put to all this, that would put a crimp in hijrah.  The Islamic colonization of the West would be set back.  Funny, but the national deputy director of CAIR doesn’t mention hijrah in his op-ed – not one word about it.  Why do you suppose that is?

One final word:  Everything CAIR tells you is suspect.  This is because Islam imposes a religious duty on its followers to lie to outsiders if it will advance the cause of Islam.  The doctrine is called ‘taqiya’ and the fact that it exists is not disputed.   So, when CAIR or other Muslims tell you that jihad is just a struggle against eating too much cheesecake, or hide the fact that sharia is really about world domination, or proclaim that women have it really great under Islam, just remember taqiya – they are lying to you so they can take over the country and the world.  Realize they will stop at nothing to succeed.  This is why CAIR should rename itself the League for American-Islamic Relations, or ‘LIAR’, for short.

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©Christopher Wright.

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