PODCAST: Blood on the blades! Are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for ‘clean’ energy!



Paul Driessen is senior policy advisor for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and author of articles and books on energy, environmental and human rights issues.

TOPIC: Don’t Look Up! by Paul Driessen


Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington, Virginia and an expert reviewer of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.. He is the best-selling author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. Gregory is a geologist with more than 35 years spent investigating the Earth and its processes. He earned an undergraduate degree from Waynesburg University and a masters degree in geology from West Virginia University.

TOPIC: Blood on the blades: are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for “clean” energy!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

4 replies
  1. Scarlett Robbins
    Scarlett Robbins says:

    The liberals always TALK about the animals, pretend they only care about the animals. They do the same with children, the same babies they aborted. Stats from 1972-2022 63 million babies murdered . They won’t care about the eagles because they are getting in the way of their silly windmills. I think I heard they contribute to 3% of the renewable energy. I guess the libs would let the eagles & other animals die just like children. You either join in with their lies or they threaten you. Sorry I got a bit off topic but had to point out the TRUTH about fact “HIDING” liberals. #libstherealliars


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  1. […] Blood on the blades! Are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for ‘clean’ energ… […]

  2. […] Blood on the blades! Are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for ‘clean’ energ… […]

  3. […] Renewable Energy Health and Ecosystem Consequences:We Are Massacring Birds to Slow Climate Change. It’s Got to StopGreen Energy’s Hidden Eagle SlaughterSpain’s Wind Industry Slaughters Thousands of Endangered Birds With ImpunityBlood on the blades! Are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for ‘clean’ energ… […]

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