RUNNING FOR THEIR LIVES: Nearly 42 Thousand New Yorkers Abandon State for Florida
Fleeing slave states to free states.
Residents have developed a distaste for the Big Apple. New York Post: A record-breaking number of Empire State residents switched their driver’s licenses to the Sunshine State version last month, according to a Post analysis of Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles data. A total of 5,838 New Yorkers made the switch in August — the highest recorded number for a single month in history, the numbers show. Year to date, 41,885 New Yorkers have handed over their licenses after moving south, a torrid pace that’s pointing to a new annual record (New York Post). Daily Wire: The New York exodus began when people left the heavily-restricted state during the pandemic to live in the Republican-led Florida that had lifted COVID restrictions, but rising crime rates in New York also seem to play a factor in people’s decision to leave (Daily Wire).
How can a state break free from federal management that is detrimental to its citizenry?
Every part of our country does not have to go down with the larger ship. A state, or group of states, could choose to remove itself from federal processes. By that, I am not recommending secession from the union, but deciding to forego all federal monies and thereby reject the federal control that comes with federal funds.
A change in taxation would be essential, of course. The state or states involved would collect federal income tax from their citizens. The citizens would pay federal taxes for only those federal services they continue to use.
So, they would pay taxes to support the military, international relations, debt retirement, etc. They would not make contributions to Social Security, welfare, food stamps, Medicare or Medicaid, the U.S. Department of Education, or any of the other social or regulatory federal programs.
If taking this path, the states must assume responsibility for those federal programs important to their citizenry. So, obviously, state taxes would increase on some level, while federal taxes would decrease dramatically.
The Only Way Out of the March to Socialism
The states would gain, of course, control over those social and regulatory programs they choose to bring under state management, and they can discontinue as many programs as their voters desire to stop paying for. This can accurately be viewed as a return to the self-government and federalist structure on which the country was founded, and restore systems of operation that are far healthier than the current arrangement.
Removal from federal programming is the only alternative to the ever-increasing reach of the federal government. If a state or states can make the numbers work, this approach could result in saving the republic. Thus, states choosing to remove resources from the federal government may be the best hope for the survival of the republic.
At the very least, this would provide the option of living in this country outside the constant reach of an all-powerful federal system. Personal responsibility and liberty would be the hallmark of those states. That seems to me a great place to live — kind of like the entire United States of America was just a few decades ago.
Pamela Geller
REALTED VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump’s Save America Rally in Wilmington, North Carolina
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.
Oh, hell no! Go back and fix New York. You broke it so you fix it.
Don’t bring the stupid ideaology and nonsense ideas that wrecked your state with you!
Agree. Well said.
Airborne all the way!