Breaking The Law Has Become ‘The New Normal’ for a Few but not for We The People

“No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.”— Theodore Roosevelt, quote from Third State of the Union Address given on December 7th, 1903.

“The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary. The Denver shooter identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans. The Nashville shooter identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.” — Benny Johnson, @bennyjohnson

“The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy. People who believe they’re God can’t stand to be reminded that they’re not. The Christian and Trans movement are totally incompatible.” — Tucker Carlson, Fox News

History has shown us that there are some who break the law and get away with it. At the same time We the People are being held accountable, not for our actions, but rather for the actions of others.

It’s interesting to remember the the Colorado Springs school shooter Anderson Aldrich identified as nonbinary, one of the two Denver school shooters Devon Erickson identified as a transgender, the Aberdeen, Maryland shooter Snochia Moseley identified as transgender and the most recent Nashville, Tennessee school shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale identified as a transgender.

Do you see a pattern, a behavior, that is common and deadly?

QUESTION: Are the non-binary, transgender, gay, lesbian individuals mentally stable?

Or this:

And this:

Here’s a member of Congress:

Certain states have passed “red-flag- laws.” According to World Population Review:

In the U.S., red flag laws authorize police or family members to petition state courts to temporarily remove firearms from a person deemed to be a danger to themselves or others.

The order can also bar the person from purchasing guns.

[ … ]

The order can also bar the person from purchasing guns. This typically occurs when relatives or friends are concerned about a loved one who has discussed suicide or harming others and is in possession of firearms.

Provisions for such laws vary state-to-state on matters such as who can initiate the process, if a warrant is required, what factors are considered for the firearms to be removed from posseessions, how long the guns are restricted, and the process by which the individual may regain access to the guns.

Read more.

Before the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, only five states had red flag laws: Connecticut, Indiana, California, Washington, and Oregon. As of April 2020, 19 states and the District of Columbia have enacted a red flag law.

Note that Colorado and Maryland have red flag laws, Tennessee does not. So having a red flag law doesn’t prevent those deemed “a danger to themselves or others” from carrying out crimes including mass shootings.

Giving Criminal Immunity

Professor at Brooklyn Law School Bennett Capers did a column with video on “criminal immunity.” Criminal immunity is a “get out of jail free” card. Until recently there were two types of criminal immunity:

  1. Use Immunity. A criminal defendant comes in testifies or does whatever in exchange for immunity, the government won’t use anything the defendant says to prosecute that defendant later on. So if a defendant has use immunity and says, “Oh, by the way I killed somebody,” because of use immunity, the government can’t actually use his statement to later prosecute him.
  2. Transactional Immunity. Transactional immunity completely covers a defendant. So transactional immunity is basically a blanket immunity. The government is saying, “You will not be prosecuted for the following crimes no matter what. Even if we learn independent evidence, we still will not prosecute.” So that’s what defendants prefer.

Today we see people who have committed high crimes and even treason against the United States and they’re never charged let alone come to trial. Why? Because the deep state has de facto given them transactional immunity.

This is happening with those in the black, transgender and Muslim communities. It is even happening with the family of the sitting president.

With transactional immunity from the deep state anything goes. Hence we the people are witnessing a growing level of lawlessness, violence and murder, especially in large inner cities, against we the people.

Do you see the pattern now?

A War Between Good and Evil

Murder is a sin.

Christians, Catholics and Jews all believe in what is written in Exodus 20 the Ten Commandments given from God to Moses. Those of the Judeo-Christian faith also believe that there are seven deadly sins:  envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth and wrath.

History shows us that the transgender movement has gone from envy to pride to lust to wrath in a short period of time.

Watch this monologue on Radical Trans Activists and Christians:

The Bottom Line

The war against the Judeo-Christian faith has moved forward with the help, encouragement, policies and massive funding of the federal government.

This anti-Judeo-Christian agenda is part of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity agenda of the current administration.

Ulysses S. Grant wrote,

“There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.”

Patriots believe in the Judeo-Christian principles written into the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

We have witnessed how the transgenders came out of the closet to the transgenders working to put Christians into a closet and then throwing away the key.

We’ve gone from the pejorative of Homophobic, to parents who question what is taught in public school labeled “domestic terrorists” by the Department of Justice, to now open threats against the safety and wellbeing of straight people and the very foundation of the traditional family of one man and one woman and their biological children deemed passé.

It is now clear, after the J6 Congressional hearings, that those who resist the status quo are deemed “insurrectionists” and a clear and present danger to the deep state.

At some point patriots, Jews and Christians will have to physically defend themselves from the anarchist transgenders, the Black Live Matter and Antifa members.

It is now closer than ever. Gird your loins.


An obsession with diversity leaves plenty of room for hate

Dem Governor’s spokesperson resigns after posting threat against ‘transphobes’ hours after Nashville shooting


2 replies
  1. Royal A Brown
    Royal A Brown says:

    I would add to this that transactional immunity definitely is happening/has happened with the Clinton family; Obama and most of his regime; many elected Democrats and even some Republicans; the current Dept of IN-JUSTICE and its agencies like the FBI and most of our intelligence community including the CIA. All are weaponized against those who disagree with their socialist, fascist, and/or communist agenda.

    Red Flag laws and their ex parte seizures of firearms, ammunition, permits without a hearing before seizure are unconstitutional. Before VA went back to red, to their shame, only FL and IN had Red Flag laws. In FL approx.10% or 1,000 people who have been accused of being a threat proved at the after the fact hearing they were not. The siezure of their property was not based on any crime committed but based on “reasonable suspicion” the respondent is a threat. These 1,000 innocent folks had their property seized; hired attorneys at their own expense and had to prove at Court Hearing they were not a threat rather than the court proving they were. Wrong method on so many grounds.

    Misuse of the Risk Protection Order (RPO) or whatever it is called in other states is a travesty especially when other legal options were already in play e.g. Baker Act; Marchman Act; Court Injunctions. Use of the RPO is just one more way to chip away at our 2A rights.

  2. Deacon
    Deacon says:


    Episodes of lawlessness recounted by LTC Brown, (USA, Ret.)
    herein signal the necessity for Americans
    to broadly enforce their Christ-given Liberty,
    as memorialized in Galatians 4 & 5 & Romans 13
    of the King James Bible of 1611 and
    the US Constitution & Laws of The United States
    in Pursuance Thereof, per its Article VI,

    To Wit,

    ………… The Supreme Law of The Land. ………….

    Two handy references for the involved US Codes
    are seen in the following two links,



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