Hey Joe, How many U.S. Soldiers Lives will be Needlessly Lost after you Convert to a All Electric Military Fleet of Land Vehicles (EVMLVs)?

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. has made it his mission to go all electric when it comes to vehicles. To do this he is mandating new car-pollution standards in a way that’s meant to dramatically speed the adoption of all electric vehicles (EVs).

The Associated Press asked the following,

Q. What is the EPA proposing?

A, The proposed tailpipe pollution limits don’t require a specific number of electric vehicles to be sold every year, but instead they mandate limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on how automakers comply, the EPA projects that at least 60% of new passenger vehicles sold in the U.S. would be electric by 2030 and up to 67% by 2032.

For slightly larger, medium-duty trucks, the EPA projects 46% of new vehicle sales will be EVs in 2032.

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Q. What is the auto industry saying about the proposed rules?

A. John Bozzella, CEO of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a trade group representing most automakers, called the EPA proposal “aggressive by any measure” and wrote in a statement that it exceeds the Biden administration’s 50% electric vehicle sales target for 2030 announced less than two years ago.

The Washington Post reported on the biggest hurdle facing America’s EV revolution,

Most electric vehicle drivers charge their vehicles at home. But as Americans buy EVs – to the tune of 7 percent of all new vehicle registrations in January – more and more people are finding that the public charging system is unreliable, inconvenient and simply confusing.

“I’ve seen people wait because there are only four chargers and two of them are out of service,” said Bill Ferro, the founder of EVSession, a software firm that tracks charger reliability. “Everything that I’ve seen shows that it’s driving away current and potential EV owners.”

Read more.

QUESTION: What about our military land vehicle fleet?

U.S. Military Land Vehicle Fleet

The Biden EPA vehicle standards also apply to all the cars, trucks, postal vehicles and military land vehicles in the current inventory.

Let’s just look at the military land vehicle fleet.

According to Military.com here is a list of military land vehicles:

Main Battle Tank

Infantry Fighting Vehicles

Armored Personnel Carriers

Light Armored Vehicles

Mine Protected Vehicles

Combat engineering vehicles

Self-Propelled artillery and Anti-Air

Prime Movers and Trucks


Unmanned Combat Vehicles

So our U.S. military has 81 different models of military land vehicles, that number in the thousands of vehicles that must now meet Biden’s new EPA rules.

Are you getting the picture?

The Bottom Line

According to the Modern War Institute,

The US military is the largest institutional consumer of petroleum fuels on the planet, using as many as 4.2 billion gallons of fuel each year. The military pays a premium for its fuel—the Defense Logistics Agency spent over $9 billion dollars on fuel in 2019. Expenditures went down significantly during the pandemic but in 2022 Congress had to appropriate more money for fuel purchases not once, but twice for a total of $3 billion extra. Furthermore, the ongoing war in Ukraine and OPEC’s commitment to reduce production will keep fuel prices high for the foreseeable future. The price of delivering fuel to remote outposts can cost the Pentagon as much as $1,000 per gallon, according to the Army. And dollars aren’t the only way the military pays for fuel; it also pays for it with the blood of service members. Between 2003 and 2007 one out of every eight casualties in Iraq came as a result of protecting fuel convoys.”

Read more.

The U.S. military is investing around $2.4 billion towards integrating hybrid (HEV) and plug-in electric (PEV) vehicles into its fleet in order to become net-zero in energy consumption by 2050. The Army plans to electrify light-duty non-tactical vehicles by 2027 and all non-tactical vehicles by 2035, along with energy efficiency improvements and microgrid systems at all Army installations. Training and leadership development will incorporate climate change topics no later than 2028.

So, our military will gradually become HEV or PEV and our troops will be schooled on climate change.

When I was in the military we always refueled all of our vehicles whenever we stopped in a new tactical location.

Please, Joe, explain to me how will we re-charge and refuel all of these HEVs and PEVs in the field during combat?

Is the U.S. military going to tow around generators in the combat zone? Will they only be deployed into those countries that have sufficient charging stations that our PEV military land vehicles can plug into?

Get the idea?

Biden is weakening our military and putting our soldiers and national security at great risk just to reduce America’s carbon footprint. Why?

BTY, most of the batteries currently used in EVs and in the new PEVs will most probably be made in China.

It doesn’t get any worse than this.

War fighting and winning on the battlefield is being replaced with the Biden Green New Deal political agenda.

Biden wants to “save the planet” while he puts American soldiers, sailors and Marines at ever greater risk.

Our enemies are watching and laughing at the U.S.

Biden’s green policies are a clear and present danger to America and its citizens.

©2023 Dr. Rich Swier, LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.). All rights reserved.


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  1. […] Mankind must control the climate in order to save the planet. This myth has lead to the Green New Deal and efforts to reduce the carbon, CO2, levels. This myth has lead to mandating the use of all electric vehicles, stopping efforts to drill for fossil fuels in America, importation of oil from foreign nations and even an attack on appliances such as stove that use natural gas, a very clean form of energy. This my has been debunked by a study titled World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-Fossil component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018) which stated, “Our results show that the percentage of the total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from 0% in 1750 to 12% in 2018, much too low to be the cause of global warming.” This lead to our asking: How many U.S. Soldiers lives will be needlessly lost after our military converts to an all Electric Military Fleet of Land Vehicles (EVMLVs)? […]

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