Uh Oh, Biden/Harris announce ‘First ever White House office of gun violence protection’
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.” ― The Art of the Rifle.
“An armed society is a polite society.” ―
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” — Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Adolf Hitler said, “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
Other have noted that, “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”
Fast forward to August 2023 and the White House announcement of a new Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
The attacks on the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution have been relentless. Both parties have embraced “red flag” laws and restrictions on gun ownership. They use the excuse to severely restricting gun ownership because guns have been used by mass murderers in our public schools, which are “gun free zones.”
On August 22nd, 2023 Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. during his remarks on this new White House office of gun control stated,
If you need 80 shots in a magazine, you shouldn’t own a gun.
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That’s why this new White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention — it’s what it’s designed to do. It will drive and coordinate a government and a nationwide effort to reduce gun violence in America.
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An office — and the office will have four primary responsibilities:
First, to expedite the implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and the executive actions already announced. And I mean it: We’re going to fully implement it.
Second, coordinate more support for survivors, families, and communities affected by gun violence, including mental health care, financial assistance — the same way FEMA responds to natural disasters. The same way. And it helps folks recover and rebuild and alter. Look, folks, shootings are the ultimate superstorm, ripping through communities.
Third, identify new executive actions we can take within our legal authority to reduce gun violence.
And fourth, expand our coalition of partners in states and cities across America because we do have partners to get more — we need more state and local help to get these laws passed locally as well — and to strengthen our laws and give us more hope.
As many point out its not the gun that does the crime but the criminals who use guns to commit crimes.
This White House announcement came just days after a federal judge temporarily blocked New Mexico Governor’s gun ban.
This also comes after Hunter Biden was indicted by the DOJ on three gun charges.
So, does Hunter fall under this new White House gun control agency?
Enjoy being defenseless against carjacking, home invasion, rape, and murder… pic.twitter.com/48MRqhzLZQ
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 22, 2023
Violence is perpetuated by people.
If you want to stop violence focus on those who are most likely to become violent.
If you want to stop violence then arm the non-violent so that they may protect themselves and their loved ones.
As Tiffany Madison said, “Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly ‘free’ state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? It cannot.”
©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
UH OH….gun sales getting ready to skyrocket again…..hope the retailers are ready….