Newly Surfaced E-mail Helps Prove Bidens in Business with Beijing Chinese State-Linked Company

What’s it going to take to oust this criminal family from the White House?

Newly surfaced e-mail allegedly helps prove Bidens in biz with Beijing-linked firm while Joe was still VP

By: Steven Nelson, NY Post, Feb. 13, 2024:

A newly surfaced document allegedly helps prove Hunter Biden was working with Chinese state-linked CEFC China Energy while his dad was still vice president — as suspected by Republicans leading the impeachment inquiry into reputed corruption by the president.

President Biden has repeatedly claimed his family never got money from China​ — despite his own alleged direct involvement in relations with two different Chinese government-backed ventures.​

“We anticipate working together on a number of opportunities in the US and abroad,” says the potentially damning March 22, 2016, letter that surfaced Tuesday and was addressed to CEFC Executive Director Jianjun Zang on Hunter’s letterhead about 10 months before his dad Joe left office as vice president.

“I believe we have presented a collection of projects that parallel the interests of you and your team and we look forward to discussing them in detail,” says the draft letter to Zang, which was distributed among Hunter and his partners Rob Walker and James Gilliar as an e-mail attachment.

“As we await your next visit to the United States, please continue to coordinate all matters with my confidant and trusted advisor, James Gilliar,” the letter says.

Read more.



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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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