Remove the Cuban Communist Dictatorship by Force as per our 1902 Treaty of Paris Agreement

Our Constitutional Republic, the United States of America is the strongest military power in the world yet we continue to show a passive weakness towards the Communist bottom feeding cockroaches that control the beautiful citizens struggling to survive in Cuba.

I think the U.S. government and our Congress forget that under the Treaty of Paris, Cuba became a U.S. protectorate from 1898 to 1902. Our republic gave freedom and capital entrepreneurial opportunities to the Cuban people.

We had a strong position of economic and political power over the island, which in turn offered freedom to the people of Cuba even after it became formally independent from us in 1902.

Unfortunately our passive weakness allowed a Cuban Revolution in 1959 and our bilateral relations deteriorated substantially. This could have been avoided with a strong U.S. President and Congress and Senate.

Even though Cuba gained formal independence from the United States on May 29th 1902 and became an independent republic it’s important to understand that under Cuba’s new constitution, the United States still retained rights to intervene in Cuban affairs.

Also do not forget the Platt Amendment which included the leased land at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. It’s important to note that the Communist Cuban dictatorship has not ever cashed one lease agreement check. The U.S. government should immediately stop these lease agreement check payments to the Communist Cuban government.

The United States has had plenty of opportunities to make Cuba a state like Hawaii or a territory like Puerto Rico but a weak Colorado Senator in our past history wanted to make sure that Cuba’s sugar would not compete with his state’s crop of beet sugar and prohibited a former president via a bill from annexing Cuba.

The United States still has authority to remove the Communist government by force today if necessary as per the Cuban constitutional agreement in 1902. The only stipulation is all US forces must leave the island once the objective is met.

It’s unfortunate that we have a weak Congress that does not have the knowledge or intestinal fortitude to free Cuba from its dictatorship.

When Marxist’s like Barack Hussein Obama get elected as president he embraced the Communist Cuban regime as friends. In March of 2016 he became the first president to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge in 1928.

The Communist Cuban trade embargo has so far prevented hard cash from entering the country and can only be ended by the U.S. Congress.

Then this evil bottom feeding cockroach Obama singed executive orders to ease restrictions on travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens, as well as restrictions on the import and export of goods between each country.

Obama was complicit in propping up this Communist regime to its advantage. Obama and his family even attended a baseball game in Havana with Cuban Communist dictator Raoul Castro.

Instead of sending billions of dollars to the corrupt government in Ukraine, instead of wasting hundreds of man hours on this Marxist DEI training we should be redirecting our military resources and assets into Guantanamo Bay.

The 9/11 terrorists in Guantanamo must all be executed immediately and their bodies ran through a wood chipper then dumped as shark food into the Caribbean Sea .

Our military must prepare a massive intervention into Cuba as per the agreements we signed in 1902 and annex Cuba as U.S. territory. We must stop protecting the borders of Ukraine instead we must protect our own borders.

Removing the Communist regime by force will take two weeks at the most and will not violate international laws as per the 1902 agreement and the Cuban Constitution.

The communist Chinese listening posts in central Cuba can be dismantled, the Russian Federation will lose a foothold on the doorstep of Florida and the Communist illegitimate regime under Maduro in Venezuela will lose a trading partner.

It’s perfectly legal we just need a Congress and Senate and President with the guts to do the right thing not only for the people of Cuba but primarily for our future national security interests.

Like I said we have the strongest military in the world, but we must start utilizing it for our own interests and stop interfering in European quagmires.

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

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