The Hardest Part of My Job

Watching it Burn


Can I share something that has been weighing on me lately?

In the 20-plus years I’ve been doing this work, I’ve never given up, thrown in the towel, or lost hope. I’m more dedicated today than ever, especially with the enormity of the fires we are all facing. And fires are what I want to talk to you about.

Right now, I’m fighting hard to ensure that we fund this enormous grassroots movement, which has ignited a fire under the feet of every U.S. and state lawmaker in the country! The tools we’ve built and the campaigns we’ve created for you have resulted in an astonishing 224 MILLION ACTIONS directed at lawmakers in seconds each day.

Thanks to people like you, your voice has been heard, resulting in the passage of hundreds of bills and the prevention of many more.

The hardest part of my job is being forced to CHOOSE which fires and battles we fight and which we must let burn. We’ve got children being mutilated by hospitals and border children handed over to criminals. We’ve got parents’ rights being trampled, with children being gender transitioned without their knowledge. We’ve got illegals being registered to vote and disastrous voter rolls. We’ve got no security to protect against non-citizens voting or voting machine hacking that could steal our election in November. As you know, the list of fires we can’t fail to put out is a mile long.

The problem—the heartbreak—is not having the funding to fight every fire and support the efforts to build and send out the ACT NOW campaigns, especially in battleground states and counties that really need our attention. We are spread too thin in funding and the qualified people needed to help put out these hundreds of fires.

But you can help me with that!

The election is just 76 days away, and we still need to recruit thousands of poll workers and volunteers to help secure every polling station. We need to force the cleanup of our voter rolls, pass as many election security bills as possible, and increase the number of jurisdictions willing to hand-count elections and set aside the machines!

If I can raise just 4,000 new monthly supporters, I can double our impact at the state level overnight.

Will you help me while we still have time to make a powerful impact on the quality of the upcoming election?

In Gratitude,

Brigitte Gabriel

P.S. Your support and participation humble me, and I vow to put every dime into real work to save our country!

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