Comrade Kamala: The 4th American Manchurian President

“I am worried about capitalism” — Bernard Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot

The most consequential election in the history of our nation is ahead of us. Kamala Harris can win the election if America votes for her. That is the cause for this column—to warn Americans by telling them the truth, to open their eyes to the fraudulent ideology of Socialism, Soviet Socialism. I am a former Soviet attorney, who loves America and writes about a deep infiltration into the Dem’s party by the Russian Intel. The subject of my writing is an agency, predecessor of the current Russian FSB and I named that agency the KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer. The responsibility of that agency is dispersion of Stalin’s Soviet Socialism throughout the globe…

America knows three previous American Manchurian Presidents. Bill Clinton was the first one, the process of undermining our infrastructure had started with him. I called the Clinton Foundation “the eyes and ears of the KGB.” Barack Obama was the second American Manchurian President given us by the Dems. He continued destruction of our country calling for transformation of America, using Republican patriotic narratives to cover-up his real agenda. Joe Biden, the third Dems’ Manchurian President, has already weakened America and openly begun destruction of the free market and the American constitutional republic. All three Manchurian Presidents were using Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud. None of them is trustworthy.

To prevent you from knowing the truth, the FBI submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent and consequently banned my writings in 2002. America still doesn’t know the truth. Americans have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by professional agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that? The answer is the same America’s Socialist Party under the name of the Democrats. I have been writing and warning you about their treasonous policy by implementing in America the ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism.

That treasonous policy you can see in analyzing the Dems’ recent maneuvers of a coup against Biden, which was based on their covering-up the truth, coronating Kamala. “Yes, something is deeply wrong, because we are dealing with America’s Socialist Mafia, that prevented the application of the 25th Amendment to a senile Biden to cover-up their own treasonous behavior during several years. They have committed a fraud to escape and go around a constitutional rule—they were bluntly lying, covering-up the truth.” Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White House, August 12, 2024.

My column, mentioned above, gives you the list of the countries where Soviet Socialism has been exported: North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, and many others, including the U.S.A. Do you know who is running America today? Is it a senile Bidan or “the D.C. Swamp?” The latter is the Dems’ leadership. As a former Soviet attorney, writing about the Soviet reality, I have been introducing the terms known to me from Soviet life to Americans: Socialist Mafia is one of them. I am doing it deliberately to show the Dems’ dishonesty. They are using Stalin’s Socialist modus operandi: lies, deceit, fabrication and fraud. If you are attentive to the speeches of the Dems’ administrations, you will find all those elements used by them to deceive or confuse you…   

A real patriot of America Ray DiLorenzo in his superb piece gave an actual portray of those people : The 2024 Election: The Final Battle, Canada Free Press, January 28, 2024.

“These are the people who have taken leadership positions against America. They are globalist socialists, allied with the fascist World Economic Forum, the UN, the World Health Organization, globalist billionaire oligarchs, climate change fanatics, and supporters of eugenics, preparing the world for a new vision. A world where America is nothing but another cog in a big wheel, reduced to servitude and God is dead…”

A brilliant description of Political Mafia, but unfortunately, Americans are not familiar with the term “Political Mafia,” which has been well-known in the Soviet Russia. Please, read my column: The Democrat Party: America’s Socialist Mafia, February 6, 2024

Ray DiLorenzo and I have different experiences in life and therefore different names of the enemy. He named it the Left, I’ve been writing about the Russian Intel, to be precise, about the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer for forty-three years. I believe that my writings are the crux of the matter, and Republicans will never defeat the Democrats without that knowledge. Yes, knowledge of Russian history, Stalinism, and Stalin’s weaponized Intel Apparatus is a must. Putin is a devoted disciple of the Stalin/Andropov legacy and a leader of the KGB, I’ve been researching.

A highly anti-Semitic Stalin married Islam with Communist ideology and we got Islamic Jihad. He bequeathed to start effluence Mideast from Iran. The day Putin moved to Moscow to join Yeltsin government in 1990, he began militarizing Iran by building a Drone’s factory under his supervision. All Islamist gangs in the Mideast have been the Russian proxies since 1960th including Iran. The Hamas war against Israel run by Russia, orchestrating all other criminals on the Mideast to help Hamas. They all pursue the ideology of Soviet Socialism regardless of their religion and we have rising anti-Semitism across the globe, including the Biden/Kamala administration that is betraying Israel. They all have Socialist Mafia that is run by the Evil Doer.

I have been writing dozens of columns about the Soviet Socialist Mafia that have been spreading the system of Soviet Socialism by implementing  Trogen horses across the globe. As you can see the two issues are intertwined: the Dems’ dishonesty and my information on the Russian Intel, because they are inextricably connected. The Democrat Party has been infiltrated, contaminated and Truman’s party converted into America’s Socialist Party by the Russian Intel. Watch Democrat’s Socialist modus operandi: deceiving and confusing the opponents by lies, institutionalized fraud, and cheating—propaganda, symbols and slogans, intimidation, manipulation, provocation, and threat. Remember Stalin’s postulate: “Never admit crime committed, instead accuse your opponent of that exact crime.” Please, recall the recent eight years and the Dem’s fiasco accusing Trump of collusion with Russia. They did it to cover up that exact crime they had committed following Stalin’s recommendation.

All of that plus high emotions you will find in the Kamala campaign. She is not a fresh face, but a part of Biden’s team and responsible for its harmful policy. She has no idea of how to run the country’s economy and substitute lack of knowledge with arrogance and emotions, the Hollywood production. Her DNC speech was a total lie, accusing Trump of the harm to America committed by Biden’s administration. Please, remember my warning about the KGB’s Mafia/Army–Evil Doer, helping the Dems to deceive you. Watch swing states for fraudulent machines or ballots. The FBI doesn’t know Evil Doer and Putin are watching America, laughing hilariously and joyfully in Moscow…

Nobody discusses his design of surrendering Afghanistan in 2021 and he continues destroying American capitalism.

Who do you think came up with the policy of price controls? If you don’t know, I’ll tell you, because I lived under that policy of Soviet Socialism, experiencing shortages of everything in 1970th Russia and described it in my book twenty years ago. Kamala has a lot of big Socialist ideas, which will crash the free-market economy and price-controls will definitely do it. This is your future under Kamala. Here is a page from my book:


“When the last client left, I didn’t go home. I needed to prepare a good supper, as we were expecting a guest from Leningrad, so I went shopping.

What an exhausting shopping trip I undertook! In the evening, I came home half-dead, and not only because of physical fatigue. For some hours I had been driving to different stores were my clients worked—directors of the grocery store, the vegetable store, and the butchers. I had no time to stand in line; my clients knew that. I called them, and they arranged the goods for me. I would pick them up from back doors—and that was a most disgusting and dangerous thing to do.

First, I had to enter the main door, fight my way through the crowd, and let my client know that I had arrived. Then he or she would give me a signal meaning proceed to the back door. I had to fight my way back through the crowd and on to the street. I would always rest for a few moments to catch my breath before going around the corner.

The back door would be open, waiting for me, if the coast was clear. We’d talk for a few minutes, and I’d pay for the groceries. If the back door wasn’t open, I had to wait. Those minutes spent waiting always seemed endless. Every time I had to wait, my entire body would freeze with tension, fear, and an overwhelming desire to flee. Passers-by would recognize me or wonder what I was doing there. And when the back door finally opened, everything happened in a split second. I would only see a hand putting the bags of food on the ground outside the door, and I would slip money into the hand. The door would close immediately. With the full bags, I always had to move fast—going back out onto the street was actually dangerous. I generally left the bags behind the store, hurried to the car, and opened the trunk.

Then, like a pirate with his booty, I ran back to the car with the groceries, throw them in the trunk, and zoom off as from the scene of a crime, gripping the wheel like a life buoy…  I always felt totally depressed after such trips, but I had no choice. I had to get food and feed my family three times a day.” Baltic Winds Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, XLIBRIS, 2002.

I am a witness of the policy of Soviet Socialism and Kamala’s policy of price controls is not accidental. Knowing her friendship with Soros family, and interpreting Socialist dynamic I knew that she was Putin’s protégé. The Soviet influence has started with abortions and fraud pro-choice policy. Learn about Kamala’s Socialist plans, read my column: Abortion & Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America, published on October 3rd, 2020.

You will be stunned reading THE LIFE AND TIMES OF KAMALA HARRIS by Geoffrey B. Higginbotham Major General, USMC (Ret.). “For your knowledge and interest about the Biden Vice President, Kamala Harris. Here is a timely editorial that exposes the hidden background of Kamala Harris from the Combat Veterans for Congress Political Action Committee that is posted here with permission of the author. CVFC PAC supports the election of US military combat veterans to the US Senate and House of Representatives.

The editorial begins: Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association.” Reading the piece, you’ll learn a lot: “they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on to arrange financing and facilitated for Barack Hussein Obama to be accepted as a student to matriculate at Harvard Law School.“ This is the real Kamala Harris—the fourth American Manchurian President within America’s Socialist Mafia under the Democrats’ name. Isn’t this a quadruple cover-up, a fraud by the Democrats???

A short and brilliant column by Geoff Rose testifying to that: “Kamala Harris is laying out a Communist manifesto to fix an economy she created with Biden’s destructive economic policies. It’s amazing how uneducated the people are that support her Marxist proposals.” Comrade Kamala Harris Releases Her First Communist Economic Manifesto August 18, 2024.

It is not a coincidence that RFK Jr. the son of assassinated Robert Kennedy has endorsed the victim of the recent attempt to assassination Donald J. Trump, a man who will save us from Socialism/communism. Both men love our country. Please, remember my definition of WWIII. “WWIII: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations.” Do you now see the collusion of the Democrats with the Evil Doer???

If you still have illusions about Russia, you would never be able to understand a global war against Western civilization and American capitalism, waged by the Terrorist State of Russia since the 20th century. The economic wellbeing of America depends on our knowledge of the danger of global instability, because today, we are copying the Europe of 1939. Yes, the Europe of Hitler’s Germany began WWII to expand FASCISM globally. We won WWII, losing millions of young men and women. We should prevent the next war by all possible ways. It is a Must. I am a former Soviet attorney, who loves America and writes a history of the terrorist State of Russia and its Intel Apparatus…

My fellow Americans!

Prevent Democrats from implementing Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism in America! Don’t repeat a mistake Europe has made in the 1930s! Save the American Constitutional Republic for our children and great children!

Read my books and columns, educate yourself by learning the truth. We are in a dramatic chaos in America due to the Dems’ treason!

Vote them out!

To be continued and at

©2024. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

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