If this kid was my son he’d be alive today, helping elect President Donald J. Trump — Sadly he’s dead and in hell

Most sons, follow their Dad, that’s what Dad’s are for, to raise up good kids.

That’s my point.

Don’t get all crazy about the Trump thing, but that’s what I’m doing now, so my son would probably be helping me.

Maybe your son would be helping you run your shoe store or fix your car, or help you paint the house, or help you kill as many Jews as possible. 

That was Musab Al-Maqsqas’ job, to kill as many Jews as possible.

Musab was not very good at his job.

According to an official HAMAS report, yesterday in a battle with the Israel Defense Forces, Musab was “martyred.”

“Martyred” means he was killed in a gunfight, where his young body was ripped to pieces by machine-gun fire, as Musab tried, ever so hard, to kill as many Jews as he could. 

HAMAS, Musab’s family and friends are cheering his death and thanking Allah for giving Muslims a way to heaven, by getting slaughtered at the business end of the IDF’s Tavor assault rifle.

Even Musab is happy!

At least that’s what he tells us in his prewritten Will to his family.

I want you to read the “Will of the martyr Musab Al-Maqsqas,” and tell me on what planet can a “religion” be taken seriously that brainwashes from day one, kids like Musab to believe that God (Allah) wants you to grow up and kill Jews as your main purpose in life?

Now, don’t waste my time by telling me that Musab did not waste his life but he “gloriously ascended into the light on his way to Al Quds and then ultimately to Paradise,” where Musab has earned unlimited sex with many fabulously beautiful virgins and to close the deal, Musab will have an eternal erection.

I gotta admit, to a sexually repressed teenage Muslim boy, that reward is kinda enticing.

Which is EXACTLY the demonic reasoning behind the whole scam of “kill a Jew, win a Virgin!”

Please objectively read Musab’s Will, through his eyes, and you will see a teenager, who is a true believer in Islamic Jihad and totally dedicated to killing Jews as his main purpose in life. 

Did you get that?

Musab has been taught by his Mom and Dad, family and friends that killing Jews is the life purpose of those under “occupation,” of the Jews.

Musab was not some “Lone Wolf” or “Radicalized Muslim.”

He is but one of a million young wolves in Gaza and the West Bank, nursed in a land and by a pack of “Institutionalized” Jew Killing, teeth gnashing, Muslim wolves, with his only escape, killing Jews in Jihad.

This kid had no chance to ever help get Trump elected, or help his dad paint the house or go to a soccer game, you know, do the things that normal teenagers do in life.

Musab was raised up to be a killing machine and proudly so, as you can see in his Will.

So, I ask you again, on what planet can a “religion” be taken seriously that brainwashes from day one, kids like Musab to believe that God (Allah) wants you to grow up and kill Jews as your main purpose in life?

Could Musab’s fiery commitment to jihad be related to Islamic doctrinal teachings as detailed in the thirty-page, HAMAS Covenant?

Here are just a few of the HAMAS teachings that Musab followed:

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory). 

“If faith is lost, there is no security and there is no life for him who does not adhere to religion. He who accepts life without religion, has taken annihilation as his companion for life.”

“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).

I could be mistaken, but when a “religion” teaches its children to kill an entire nation of people, especially “people of the book,” I gotta believe that “religion” exchanged the word of God with the word of Satan and its followers spend eternity not with beautiful virgins but in complete separation from the real God.



The will of the martyr Musab Al-Maqsqas:

“Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him.”

To my family and friends,

Here I have fulfilled my wish and embraced martyrdom in the path of Allah with the determination of fighters. I have departed from this fleeting world, hastening to the eternal and everlasting abode in the gardens of bliss, to meet the chosen one, peace be upon him, with the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs, and the righteous. Know, my family, that I did not leave you out of distress or loneliness, but martyrdom called upon me after I had long wished for it.

Mother, forgive me, the pleasure of the Lord upon me is tied to your pleasure, and my wish will not be fulfilled unless this bond is released. My wish will only be complete with your patience and you considering me as a martyr, a fighter in the path of Allah, raising His word first, and as revenge for the blood of the martyrs of Palestine. Do not cry for me, but ululate, for this is the wedding of your martyred son.

My beloved brothers: forgive me.

Be a support to our mother and grandmother, and be among the patient who seek reward. Stand firm and strengthen one another, and forgive me if I have wronged any of you. Hold fast to the religion of Allah and His firm rope, and continue on this path after me.

My will to you, my family, my friends, and my loved ones, is that no one should cry at my wedding to paradise. Rather, distribute dates and ululate in the wedding of martyrdom. Wrap me in a shroud with the inscription “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” and place on my head a headband with “There is no god but Allah” (Soldier of Allah). I ask you to bury me in the camp, in the cemetery of the martyrs. I insist, by your honor, bury me in the camp and not elsewhere.

In conclusion, I say to you, see you soon, God willing, in a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous.

Our last prayer is praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

Your son and brother,

The living martyr, Musab Al-Maqsqas.

On a personal note, I cannot read Musab’s Will, without a tear in my eye, for such a wasted life.

©2024. The United West / Defend The Border. All rights reserved.

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