Blue State Colorado Experiencing the Consequences of its Communist Legislature

Greetings Colorado legislators,

My name is Karina and I am originally from Venezuela now happily married to my brave and honorable retired military husband here in the free state of Florida.

In Venezuela one of my close family members was viciously shot in the head by the same Communist Chavismo gang called Tren de Aragua, which has now overrun multiple housing complexes in the sanctuary state of Democrat Marxist controlled Colorado.

A Maduro gang taking by force apartment buildings from American citizen’s with guns that Comrade Kamala Harris wants to illegally and unconstitutionally take away from law abiding citizens and lawful permanent residents denying them self defense.

In Venezuela Nicolàs Maduro the installed president also disarmed the Venezuelan people before he stole the election from the Venezuelan people in 2018 and then implemented his Communist policies and again he stole the election in 2024 so he can continue his tyranny.

Venezuelans are seeking freedom and prosperity for their children and grandchildren but over 8 million of my fellow countrymen have fled Venezuela to other countries including my brothers now living under protective asylum in Colombia.

I see no difference in the mindset of the Democrats running Colorado and in the White House from the Communists running Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Nicaragua, China, and North Korea.

You are all the same mindset thriving only on unprecedented power and lies not legislating constitutionally for the best interest of Americans.

You are now experiencing the consequences of your continued support of the Communist Democrats and the open border policies of Marxist Kamala Harris who wants to dismantle Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and defund the police destroying Colorado.

You are going to feel continued unprecedented pain and suffering and destruction of lives in your great state of Colorado from these Venezuelan thugs and criminals who were welcomed warmly at the border and released into the USA without being arrested and deported by the Biden Harris government.

Colorado is a Communist blue state but hopefully one day the good citizens living there will wake up and realize that Democrats are no better than the Maduro inner circle.

It will be interesting to see the excuses and Marxist propaganda that will be unleashed from the office of the Governor of Colorado another homosexual Stalinist with his Marxist ideology destroying this beautiful state.

Karina Ross

Translated into English by Geoff Ross
Pace Florida

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

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