Carbon Copy of Maduro, Castro, Lula… Meet Comrade VP Kamala
There is nothing new under the sun. Everything is just copied, reworked, duplicated, and redesigned to meet the needs of the moment. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, tells his readers that if they want to be successful, they should find a leader and copy their policies. I wonder if the DNC took Hill’s advice? It seems as though Kamala took a few lessons from Joe, and learned to plagiarize. Kamala doesn’t have enough creativity to come up with ideas on her own. Maybe, they both have the same puppet master?
How many times have they called Trump “Hitler, a Nazi, a Fascist”? While we are looking for their new plans, programs, and policies, they are busy copying Trump. What will they do to fix the America that they broke? Stealing the plans of Trump, maybe they should just forward her website to Trump’s policy site. It seems to me that is all they have.
During the DNC convention, we were constantly reminded of the Joy we were feeling, as our country falls apart. How much JOY there was, “Strength through Joy” is their theme.
The government will bring you joy. Really! What better JOY than to watch as the prices of everything we need escalates daily? The Joy of choosing Food, Gas, Medicine, or Rent. The Joy of paying thousands a month to live in a shoebox. The Joy of watching our country be invaded by 3rd world illegals, and listening to them complain that the 4-star hotel should be a 5-star hotel that Americans are paying for them to stay in. The Joy of watching America’s children give up their seat in school to a child that is taught to hate America. In the meantime, we listen to Snopes-biased garbage tell us what is True and what is False, and basically, we are wrong. It is False to believe that the DNC copied this phrase from the Nazi play book.
Please look it up. “Strength Through Joy”
Well guess where that phrase Strength Through Joy come from?
“We see what can be, unburdened by what has been.”
I was determined to find out where this phrase came from. This phrase is a modified version or interpretation of the verbiage from Communist leader Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), a motto of his regime to justify killing or starving millions in an attempt to bring about a socialist utopia in China.
Have you noticed that every Kamala solution for the mess she creates, ends in the destruction of the very program she proposes to fix? This is because it is the goal of the Communists to destroy the West.. They hate free thought. You can’t show the group you are trying to conquer that, if they learn the skill of individual free thought, they won’t need the government. Their want us to believe that we are too stupid to exist without the government. So in the name of fixing things, they instead, destroy.
Kamala’s tax proposal to tax unearned income will cause the loss of private property. In order for us to pay for the invaders, she intends to tax the equity of our property, regardless of whether or not we sold it. Example; You bought a house for $200,000. The next year it is valued at $300,000. You made $100,000 if you sell it. Whoa, not in Kamala’s eyes!
You owe taxes on $100,000 whether or not you sold the house! 25% please, or $25,000, where are you getting $25,000.m? What happens if the house drops in value the next year? Will the government give you back that money? HA. Not in this lifetime!! Many people use the equity in their homes to start a business. How can you do that if you start out owning the government money?
The Education Unions have destroyed the schools. Hatred of family and country is taught daily. This is evident by the amount of uneducated gangs we see in our cities.
Regarding the wonderful border bill everyone is bitching about, supported by the RINOS, Globalists, and Commie Dems in Congress: Did you ever read it? It guarantees 5K illegals a day, that we, the taxpayer in debt for $35Trillion, have to pay for.
It gives no money to complete the Wall and turned CBP into application takers, with no power to turn anyone away, since there could be no vetting. It guarantees more drugs and cartel members flood America. But not to worry, it’s DTJ’s fault for not passing it. Last I looked, DJT is not President.
Why are there massive amounts of murders, rapes, robberies, car jacs and cartel members in America? (Rapes have increased 60% in the U.S.). Oh, I forgot, the MSM says we are crazy, again. Many people don’t believe the crime exists, because MSM doesn’t report it. They want us to believe that crime is down.
Sorry, the invaders are here doing their job to harm, scare, rob, rape, and kill the Americans. Joe and Kamala invited them and does not prosecute them, turning a blind eye to the crimes they commit. In America, immigrants have a permanent Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card, no matter what they do.
Aurora is not the only city in America with violence!
This never reported demise of America is due to the Globalist policies of outsourcing and illegal immigration. Both parties are at fault. The Defund the Police policy of the Harris administration exacerbated lawlessness. Will she fix the problem she created? No she can’t because all of her policies rely on the people being dependent on the government programs. The programs once in place will deplete the resources of the middle class while feeding the upper class. That is called communism.
As more people investigate and realize what these fake policies will cost them, their life/freedom, liberty and prosperity, they are beginning to turn to MAGA. Trump is just a place holder putting in place policies that will enable MAGA to grow and prosper on their own.
This week we have 2 wonderful people who escaped communism. They will tell you their life experience. Hopefully we will be smart enough not to experience the same.
Make sure you vote. Is America worth saving? Do everything you can to energize you and your family and friends to vote. Your life and freedoms depend upon it. Over the weekend listen to the show.
©2024. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.
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Podcasts and Articles:
Guest: Jennifer Zeng, was born in Sichuan province, China in 1966. She was arrested four times and held as a prisoner of conscience in a labor camp for a year. In the camp, she was physically and mentally abused, and subjected to attempted brainwashing and electroshock treatment. She fled China in 2001 for Australia, wrote a book about her experiences, and eventually settled in the United States. There is also a documentary about her life. You can find Jennifer’s current reporting on China and her other work on the Web at and on her YouTube channel (Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng 2.0).
Websites: Inconvenient Truths, Jennifer’s World
Guest: Ciprian Ivanof, was born in communist Romania to ethnic Russian parents in a poor village. He got sick, was put in the notoriously bad orphanage system, and then was adopted after the fall of communism. He lived in poor neighborhoods in DC, moved back to post-communist Romania from 2001-2006, studied History at the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities, and then studied law at American University in DC.
Guest: Chris Wright, is an independent liberty activist in the leadership of Potomac Tea Party, a national Tea Party based in Northern Virginia. He founded and is president of the first and only nonprofit formed to empower grassroots activists with small financial grants. He founded the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) in 2013 to counter communist influence at home and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has presented to the Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, and been on Breitbart and LevinTV. Mr. Wright has also formed a number of national teams fighting the Woke Mob
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