$15 Million Bounty Raised to $100 Million On the Head of Communist Dictator Nicolas Maduro Moros!

My Venezuelan family and I would like to thank the honorable Senator Marco Rubio and the honorable Florida Senator Rick Scott for their superb leadership in submitting legislation to raise the bounty from $15 million to $100 million onto the head of the narco terrorist and fraud president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro.

It’s a fantastic idea and the funds used will be from money frozen by the U.S. government from Maduro that was garnered from illegal activity during his past fraudulent presidency.

This Communist is a mud sucking cowardly pig that needs to be removed sooner rather than later from the hallowed offices in Caracas belonging to the beautiful and courageous Venezuelan people.

We must remember our history under the courage and bravery of the Venezuelan republican conservative Simon Bolivar who liberated South America from Spanish tyranny. When he died he was originally buried in Santa Marta Colombia on December 17th 1830 and he is now buried in his home town of Caracas Venezuela.

He, like Trump, also survived assasination attempts from far left forces including one on September 25th 1828 in Bogota Colombia.

My wife and I were honored to tour his family home in Bogota in 2023. A gift to Simon Bolivar from the Colombian government for his actions giving them freedom from Spain.

It’s ironic that Spain, once the enemy of Venezuela, is now giving political asylum and protection to the rightful President of Venezuela Hernado Gonzalez who defeated Maduro in a landslide. Just like Trump beat Biden in a landslide in 2020.

Now it’s time once again to liberate and free the citizens of Venezuela but this time from a former taxi driver and Communist rectal herpes sore and eliminate the threat to freedom not only in Venezuela but also for the citizens of South and Central America and the United States.

These countries cannot accept another 8 million people escaping from Maduro’s oppression but that is their only option at this juncture. My wife has 5 brothers living in Colombia who escaped Communist tyranny in Venezuela and they just want to go home but cannot.

The Biden Administration had countless opportunities to remove and even arrest Maduro over the years but this Marxist Administration is weak and cowardly afraid of offending their communist Chinese pals who have even infiltrated Venezuela and Peru and Nicaragua.

Now the U.S. government under the strong leadership of Rubio and Scott must advertise and promote globally this $100 million reward, (once approved) especially to the Israelis because they would actually get the job done silently and would even waive the reward money.

Then this $100 million can be returned to the Venezuelan people who desperately need medicine, food and the necessities of life. So I will copy the Israeli government and IDF in this Email.

We do not want to see Maduro get sworn in as President in January 2025. So let’s get off our freedom loving asses before this date and do something to liberate this country from more Communist oppression.

Americans don’t need to enter Venezuela; we have weaponized drones that can easily take a day off from Ukraine and enjoy some warm Venezuelan weather flying over Maduro’s mansion or his inaugural celebration. He is not difficult to locate, we just don’t have the testicles under Biden to fix the problem. So vote for Trump in November.

I am a husband to and the protector of my beautiful Trump supporting, conservative, pro Marco Rubio, pro Rick Scott Venezuelan wife here with me in Florida and her family that’s left in Caracas who have lost everything due to the Chavez/Maduro reign of terror. My wife has also spoken personally with Senator Rick Scott and his Spanish is very good. It’s time JR met my wife so she can thank the Rubio team personally.

Let’s get this done.

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.

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