What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction by Simona Pipko

Simona Pipko author, lawyer, and citizen of the former Soviet Union is the primary contributor on Russian/U.S. affairs to DrRichSwier.com.

Simona is a graduate of Leningrad Law School, she practiced law as a defense attorney for twenty-five years in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn. Leaving behind her Communist husband in 1981, she immigrated to the United States with her two children. While living in New York City and teaching at the New School for Social Research and New York University, she wrote a series of articles for various publications, including The International Lawyer ABA, and Law and National Security Intelligence Report.

Simona Pipko is also an Alumni of the George F. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. She is the author of nine books and hundreds of articles published in the United States.

Simona shares alarming messages about the most dangerous threats to global peace: Russia.

Russia is a major topic for the world affairs in 2017. This book will enhance your arsenal of information about Big Brother and Russia’s policy toward America and the world from both first-hand experiences of a Soviet attorney and factual data.

This non-fiction work explores the silent, but deadly war on multiple fronts that has been going on for several decades. WW III is how the author names it. The Ruthless Soviet leader Josef Stalin began this war to fulfill his Doctrine on One World Government under the Kremlin’s rule. The brutal activities of the agency known to the world as the KGB and its international involvement and expansion will shock you.

Simona Pipko has quoted “Soviet Fascism” as being the ideology of different political groups, an amalgamation of Marxists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Radical Islamists and other left-wing groups around the globe, united under the Kremlin’s umbrella to fight Western civilization.

Rare documents used by the author validate the authenticity of “The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction”

To view or purchase this book please click here.

To read all of Simona’s column please click here.

To learn more about Simona please visit SimonaPipko.com.

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