Global Stability is Shaken as a Result of The Russian/Chinese Subversion of America

Americans will always do the right thing—after exhausting all the alternatives.” — Commonly credited to Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was a brilliant leader, in my memory, he saved the world from fascism in the 20th century. Donald J. Trump is the leader of the same scale-gradation, he has been spared by the God providence to save the world from Soviet fascism in the 21st century. Trump’s Victory in 2024 was loud, popular, and decisive—312 Electoral College. This article is aimed at helping the 47th U.S. President and his team by providing them with needed information to set up a Republican party as a party of common sense for the future decades in our unstable world.

The Great Unknown

On the last day of November, November 30, 2024, the Mark Levin Show on Fox News had gathered a consolation of the American conservative minds, talking about deterioration of our culture and Academic Institutions. Mark Levin asked them one question: “how does it happened to America that the radical left destroyed everything what our fathers and grandfathers have been building for 250 years? In principle, the answer from all of them has been identical: the radical left and their propaganda of Marxist Ideology. None of them mentioned Russia, Stalin, and his Intelligence Apparatus. I have to admit that Dr. Thomas Sowell recommended in addition to concentrate on facts, and I am going to do just that.

Marxism originated in the thought of the radical philosopher and economist Karl Marx, with important contributions from his friend and collaborator Friedrich Engels. Marx and Engels authored The Communist Manifesto (1848), a pamphlet outlining their theory of historical development. Marx formulated and identified in detail the tasks, agendas, and ways to achieve them in the “Theory”, as follows:

  • First – the tasks and agenda—overthrowing the capitalist economic system and establishing Socialism as a basis for the creation of a classless Communist society in the future.
  • Second – how to fulfill the tasks and agenda—through World Revolution.
  • Third – the World Revolution would occur under the leadership of the proletariat.  “Proletariats of the world unite!” was their slogan.
  • Fourth – Marxist Theory can be applied only in industrially developed European countries.

Pay attention to the fourth point:” Marxist Theory can be applied only in industrially developed European countries.” The Socialist Revolution took place in 1917 Russia, an agricultural country that has never been an industrially developed European country. Due to the irony of history, Stalin has become an ultimate ruler of the former Russian Empire spread 11 time zones. He created his system of Soviet Socialism, which was in direct opposition to Marxism—a typical Stalin’s fraud. He knew Socialism couldn’t exist without the government force. Stalin used Marxist rhetoric, while  fabricating and weaponizing his system, completely intertwined with punitive agencies. The creation of the Soviet Mafia, Socialist modus operandi, and the KGB’s Mafia/Army had been a necessity for Stalin for control and power. A devoted disciple of Stalin/Andropov, Vladimir Putin is still keeping the Soviet system of punitive agencies in Russia after the Soviet Socialism had collapsed in 1991.

It should be mentioned, Marxist theory, which opened Pandora’s box in the nineteenth century, marched across the globe to the twentieth century. It was used by adventurers, charlatans, and criminals to acquire power, to fool, mislead, manipulate, and then to abuse and exploit people around the globe. Joseph Stalin was a leader who had all the negative human characteristics mentioned above. It also should be noticed that all Marxist groups waging Socialist revolution have been defeated in Europe—countries of Western civilization have rejected Marxism. The first Socialist revolution in 1917 was successful only in Russia and Stalin’s system of Soviet Socialism has been spread globally. All so-called socialist-communist countries in the world have Stalin’s system of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet fascism. The Soviet people called Soviet Socialism—Stalinism.

To grasp the depth of Stalinism, please, read my column Failed American Intelligence: North Korea, Syria, Putin, and the Obama Connection November 15, 2024. Have you seen a ten-year old boy on the Southern border complaining that “they abandon me.” Who are they?” the boy meant Mexican Cartels, but he was wrong. It was the Russian Intel, to be precise—the KGB’s mafia/Army—Evil Doer, I have been warning you for the last forty-three years. By the way, President Biden now in Angola, the state   turned over to Stalinism, like many states in Africa decades ago. I have mentioned the KGB’s Mafia/Army for a reason—it has accountability to spread the ideology and system of Soviet Socialism globally.

The ten-year boy was talking about Mexican Cartels and their identity is the crux of the matte. The answer can expose the crime had committed by the Democrat party. Biden’s open border policy caused millions of migrants violated our sovereignty and the KGB’s Evil Doer have organized migrants putting them together. Who are the criminal gangs helping millions of migrants from 160 countries to cross our border, what their identity and purpose? I have been writing and warning the world about criminal Cartels for at least a decade. There are no Mexican Cartels, those are the Russian Cartels, created in Mexico by Comrade Stalin in the 20th century. To learn the truth read my columns, especially the latest one: Russia’s Perpetual Clandestine Assaults on the U.S. August 3, 2024.

​History is a mother of all sciences. As soon as you become aware of the Russian Cartels in Mexico, you will grasp the truth about the Russian agency the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer and its significance. For many years the COP was puzzled in the vicious circle of ignorance, talking about Marxism, as America’s #1 enemy spread by the radical Left. They won’t come out of this vicious circle of incompetence, until understanding that Marxism is dead, Stalin used it substituting his ideology of Soviet Socialism. Antifa and BLM called themselves “Trained Marxists” by continuing Stalin’s fraud, the opposite of Marxist Theory—the KGB’s Mafia/Army trained them. Fighting Marxism had diverted attention from the ideology of Soviet Fascism and Evil Doer. Marxist Theory has never been materialized in practice by any countries of Industrialize Europe prior to 1917, but in Russia. Republicans were fighting a non-existed enemy and ignoring the actual one.

Russia was spreading the ideology of Soviet Fascism, where Stalin has criminalized politics of the opposition and his devoted disciples including Putin, have been fooling and deceiving the U.S.A. and the world for the last hundred years. Friedrich Engels added his research of The Family, Private Property, and the State to the Marxist Theory after Karl Marx death. He found family as a fundamental principle of the State: “The family is a dynamic, ever changing cultural historical product, not a divinely ordained natural institution.” Friedrich Engels Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State. I disagree with the second part of the sentence, but remember the Engels idea of family’s significance as the principle of the State, because…

Stalin was preaching Marxism, to defraud people and implement his Soviet Socialism in Russia, spreading it across the globe. Under the name of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism, Stalin has criminalized politics of the opposition and his devoted disciples including Putin, have been fooling and deceiving the U.S.A. and the world for the last hundred years I recognized the ideology of Soviet fascism in Biden’s administration. There is no transparency, but a constant secrecy preventing the Truth come out. Please, remember Socialist modus operandi: lies, deception, fabrication, and fraud. All of that you have seen in Biden’s administration plus an increased violent crime—you also saw many pre-planned violent attacks on different CEOs, predominantly Republicans. Aren’t those assassinations?  Remember my definition of WWIII—Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. You witnessed all of them in Biden’s administration…

Russia: A Terrorist State

Terrorism is a violent act to achieve political agenda and Russia knows many ways to terrorize, cheat, and dupe people. I will start by using chronology. It’s unthinkable to me, but America still doesn’t know that Russia orchestrated and supervised the attacks on 9/11 in 2001. I purposely reminded you the definition of WWIII. All listed actions had been aimed at implementing the ideology of Soviet Socialism by the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer(my name of the KGB). Reading the Soviet document dating 1955 you will agree with me. It was a document by the Soviet Defense Council, the first formal Soviet decision to launch narcotics trafficking against the Bourgeoisie and especially against American capitalists:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy. …First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres.”  Russia has been drugging the world since 1955! Today, in 2024 its quadrupled by the Chinese Communists and the entire “Axes of Evil,” created by the Russian Intel and Military. Read my columns for detail.

The Political Mafia and Soviet Fascism in America

October 27, 2016.

There are hundreds if not thousands of bad actors in America. I’d like to give you some of them and examples of recruitment and infiltration: I have been following Bill Clinton since my immigration in 1981. He was the first Manchurian President, known to me. Clinton’s Mafia had been “eyes and ears of the KGB.” it continued acting under Obama by his anti-police policy in America. Clinton left another devastating legacy by assigning his right-hand George Stephanopoulos to create a one-dimensional state media, a-la the Soviets to serve Democrats. I have written a lot about George and his father’s affiliation with Liberation Theology, infiltrated by the KGB. George has “accomplished” a great deal. Maybe a lot of other Socialist Charlatans, the Con men and women helped him in his assignments. Maybe. Just look at the current American Media and you will see his “achievements…”

Discussing the Media: “Millions of viewers across the country came face to face with the realization that everything the fake news media told them about President Trump – every disgusting lie, every last-ditch smear campaign they launched out of desperation, every certainty they had announced that Kamala Harris would secure a sweeping victory – was nothing but corrupt LIES.” MSNBC and the fake news media are imploding, Hellfire PAC, 11/29/2024. In my opinion it is just to the point!

There is another bad actor —Mayor Pete, who is constantly lecturing us about democracy, repeating professionally his father, who was a lecturer of Marxism-Leninism in Russia. To lecture Marxism-Leninism in Russia, you must have ties to the KGB. When I found that information about Peter’s father, the events were revealing the real picture of WWIII. Do you know who had vetted Mayor Pete? I don’t know. Maybe you know who did vet the rest of the Biden government with 90% of them socialists and communists? I don’t know. By law it is the responsibility of the FBI to vet an upcoming government, and this is a big question! Does the FBI have the knowledge to vet Socialists and Communists bad actors’ men and women in America? The answer was the astounding NO!

“Those who read my columns are familiar with the name Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). I have been telling the story of his recruitment by the KGB in Ethiopia 1970s 10-15 years ago. He is a long-term KGB’s actor, Socialist Charlatan like Soros, mayor Pete and six Dems running for the U.S. presidency in 2020. All of them, described in my columns. They are now destroying our political and economic systems from within. Don’t you think that it is for this particular reason the FBI has submitted my name to the FISA Court and the Court made me a Foreign Agent in 2002 with consequential ban of my writings? The FBI has been a part of the Dems and prevented you from learning the truth about Russia’s Intel, then in 2002.” Biden: The Left’s Decoy for Socialist Subversion.

​I hope you now understand why I am writing and warning you about the Russian Intel, precisely about the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer for forty-three years. The moment I write this, the U.S. Supreme Court began debates sex changes for transgender kids. Trans fanatics in the media (you now know their origins) have been marketing and propagating trans people for decades to help implement the ideology of Soviet Socialism. And, it is again Russia. Yes, if you read my columns, you would know that to spread the ideology of Soviet Socialism, Russian Intel has been using all human weaknesses, including sex, gender and procreative rights since 1950th. Read my columns and this one: Stalin’s Cult of Personality in Biden’s White House

I have already written several columns about Russia’s human trafficking under the Warsaw Pact, selling blond girls to Arab countries in the 1950s to the 20th century. It began 70 years ago by Russia. Now it is developing a new kind of dirty tricks to divide Western society and family by implementing trans people and trans fanatics in the media are propagating that. “The ideology of Soviet fascism was embraced by the Dems. It wasn’t mere leftism. You saw a radical army of Socialist Mafia in action, presented by the Dems—distortion, sabotage, deceit, subversion, and intimidation, cheating, lies, bribery, fraud and violence. All of those are the exact attributes of Soviet Socialism.” Read my column: WARNING: Evil is Attacking America August 22, 2018.

Yes, the FBI has been a part of the Democrat party since the 20th century and, I believe prior to making me a Foreign Agent in 2002. The students’ protest in 200 Universities and colleges is the result of the collusion of the Dems with Russian Intel—a creation of a Fifth Column, the FBI has overslept.

“Fifth column, clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal. The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39).

Author: The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica › topic › fifth-column Fifth column | Definition & Facts | Britannica” So, it is a group within a country who are sympathetic to or working for our enemies. We can sadly summarize it by the end of 2024.

There is more sad and dangerous news due to the Dem’s subversive activities-events. The Dem’s open border policy has allowed our enemies, a socialist-communist cabal of China, Russia, Venezuela and Iran to harm us with impunity. The covert activity of the KGB’s Mafia/Army covering up successfully all the socialist-communist countries of the new “Axis of Evil.” Read my column: Putin’s Soviet Socialism is Claiming Over the World: The Middle East, The Democrat Party, and White House August 12, 2024

Mystery Drones 

Mystery drones are moving over Military installations across America, the U.K. and Germany. Nobody knows their identity, not the FBI or Pentagon. The U.S. has capability to shoot them down, but avoided doing that. Why? Why is Biden’s White House so dismissive? I don’t trust Biden’s team. I don’t trust two-faced John Kirby who assured us that there is no danger. I am not an expert in the drone’s mystery, but writing about the terrorist state of Russia I got some ideas. Maybe it is Putin’s preparation for WWIII. Maybe. Just look at Biden’s team that announced an open border policy with millions of migrants crossing our country illegally—with gigantic harm to us. As I have already found out it was done with help from the Evil Doer, who gathered those millions globally. The factory producing drones in Iran was built under Putin’s personal supervision many years ago.

I haven’t changed my mind—the shameful surrender of Afghanistan in August 2021 had been designed by Vladimir Putin and executed by the Biden White House. This connection can explain many strange decisions and pardons of Biden’s White House. If you know Stalinism only by reading my books or columns, the recent events in Syria will give you the chance to see it’s life on the TV. and you will get a real notion of crimes and death spread globally. Syria has been Russia’s proxy for over fifty years. Read my republished column: Failed American Intelligence: North Korea, Syria, Putin, and the Obama Connection November 15, 2024

We are living in the age of a hideous amoral ideology, embraced by the Dems. I named it Soviet fascism, which continues threatening the Western way of life for decades and we were not confronting it successfully. What we witness in America today is the result of our Intel’s inability to expose this menacing Evil and show the aggressive and criminal methods and tricks of socialist/communist Left fighting our way of life to take over the American Republic, the system left to us by our Founding Fathers. The KGB is leading this fight against a successful capitalist-Donald J. Trump and America the Beautiful. Only by reading my columns can you learn how to fight the KGB’s Mafia/Army—Evil Doer…

Merry Christmas America the Beautiful!

Merry Christmas the 47th U.S. President Donald J. Trump!

©2024 . All rights reserved.

To be continued and on

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