Concerning the thesis that all actions by many Western governments in the past 20 years have been purposefully created to destroy and kill us

Please click through to RAIR Foundation and have a look at this article.

There are several videos in it, and one or two you may have already seen. But together in this context, I think they offer a lot of eye-wash.

Stephen C once said offhand, that the reason people don’t take the red pill is because things are so unbelievably horrible when you actually see reality as it is.

The linked article is a collection of recent videos from Michael Yeadon, Stephen Coughlin, The Saudi Psychiatrist from the previous post, Charlie Kirk and a couple of other data points which resolve to a pretty solid conclusion.

The intent of all these measures, from mass immigration of people who hate us and our culture, to the curious pandemic about which, everything said was a lie, then forcing a lethal gene therapy on us containing a number of vectors of sickness, (most recently discovered is SV-40 used to create cancer tumours in mice) pretty much only makes any kind of logical sense if the intention is to erase us all, our history, our identity, or lives from existence.

I may make this a sticky post.

Frankly I am hoping for a lot of well reasoned comments to explain why and how I am wrong. Because in a certain sense, if I am not, there isn’t a whole lot more to say.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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