Trump Inherits an Economic Crisis
Possibly only President Reagan inherited a similar economic crisis as President Trump is about to come January 20th. I dare say, however, the economic crisis is deliberately not talked about, especially by the RINOs and Socialists in Congress. It is truly a crisis, and I say clearly the successful businessman, leader and strong personality Trump is along with his core beliefs in the uniqueness of America, makes him the right person to save this Ship of State from going under. My statement just now is not theatre or sensationalism but predicated on the numbers and stagnation deliberately created.
Government spending is out of control with few anywhere in government elected, appointed or otherwise even wanting to acknowledge this horrendous fact. The national debt is over $36 trillion. Americans are also facing a debt crisis at the family and individual levels. Living off of credit cards has created a serious set of issues; 25% of credit card users are maxed out, delinquency payments are rising quickly and with those who can’t make their payments anyway! Individual savings were approximately 7.5% of their income under Trump 2016-2020. Under Biden personal savings is at 3.4%. Families are facing 20% or more higher prices than when Biden came into office. The Department of Labor reported that in the first week of December 242,000 filed for unemployment, up from 225,000 at the end of November. With a “holiday hiring surge” you would think unemployment would be down, albeit even temporarily, but this is not the case, and the unemployment rise is sobering and concerning.
The magnitude of this pending crisis is deliberately being hidden or downplayed. But Trump “gets it!” Even now, a good month prior to his inaugural Donald Trump is sincerely, cleverly, boldly and with personal knowledge on how to make a dollar count at work. Just today the President-elect announced at a press conference that a Japan multibillion dollar company will be investing $100 billon into America and hiring 100,000 Americans, there was even a statement of interest by the owner of the Japanese tech company of investing an additional $100 billon into America to make the company soar and America Great Again! Wow…tell me another elected official who has the background, contacts, ability to make something similar happen? The Uniparty and Swamp creatures are so committed to making a New-World Order, One-World Government, they reside in self-made bubbles purposefully ignorant of the plight Americans are facing, and how this nation is teetering on the edge. Heck, this is part of their game plan, and they are joyous, that is, until Donald Trump won by a landslide and the American people shouted, “ENOUGH!”
Donald Trump has the experience as a businessman to turn things around. He has a proven history of doing so in the private sector. You can research the problems and financial messes he deliberately walked into and straightened out in New York City, the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey even Mara-a-Lago which he purchased for his own fun and relaxation after it had fallen into neglect requiring serious investment and attention. Donald J. Trump’s core values include believing in making things better for his having been there, to improve the life of others, and to sincerely Make America Great Again as his dad and mom taught him and his brother, and I am sure his two sisters.
The overwhelming victory in the November 2024 election was a minor miracle. The host of liars, deep state operatives in elected and appointed positions who maliciously and with forethought set out to destroy Trump, the tyrannical mega industry and business executives who placed self over the welfare of this nation and people in general, who have disdain for Donald Trump and all he stands for – were clearly identified and defeated along with their Marxist handlers and partners. Donald J. Trump has a solid battle plan to save this nation and her people, and to once again allow America to bring order, peace and even economic common sense to a world that has gone astray and nearly in chaos. His battle plan is being made public so watch and enjoy what he intends to accomplish his first 120 days in office.
Trump does not simply “talk the talk.” He walks the walk and delivers.
©2024 Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
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