Proposed Legislation for 2025: A Permanent Ban on Unconstitutional Red Light Cameras in Florida

Greetings Dr. Rudman, Representative in the Florida State House,

My family and I hope you are doing well and enjoying your new political career in Tallahassee. Long time no chat.

I have a “Recommendation for your 2025 legislative session”.

Let’s follow the leadership of the Texas legislature and Governor Abbott who signed into law Texas House Bill 1631 which banned the unconstitutional use of red light cameras infesting the great state of Texas.

Let’s do the same thing here in the woke cities across Florida who use red light cameras as a way to collect revenue under the pretext of public safety.

I recently challenged the Mayor of Pensacola’s decision to install 13 more red light cameras in his woke city of 4 flags which violates the 4th amendment rights of citizens.

We elect sheriffs and deputies to protect the public not cameras which will no doubt send out bogus tickets once the yellow light timers are probably adjusted to ensure folks get a ticket.

I challenged the woke Mayor of Pensacola and disagreed strongly with his big brother borderline socialist approach to unconstitutional law enforcement with his new 13 red light cameras.

He immediately responded publicly via the Mayors email account accusing me of running red lights in Pensacola with an intent to harm people. Seriously you can’t make this up.

This is your typical left wing borderline communist knee jerk slanderous reaction to a Florida resident and military veteran who disagrees with his method of invasive unconstitutional law enforcement.

This individual needs to be removed from the Mayors office in Pensacola sooner rather than later before he costs the taxpayers of Pensacola some serious money.

My attorney is reviewing his slanderous emails (which he has since apparently deleted but they can be recovered) in a possible violation of Florida sunshine public record laws.

The local FBI field office in Pensacola will also be receiving my report today regarding the Mayors potential sunshine law violations.

But the “real solution” to this woke unconstitutional agenda across Florida is to eliminate these cash collecting red light cameras that prosecute without due process state wide.

We hire sheriff deputies to constitutionally enforce red light runners not inanimate objects like cameras that make mistakes. As for the Mayor of Pensacola I recommend he consults with his appointed city attorney in regards to his public statements against me .

Best regards,

Senior Chief Geoff Ross
USN retired

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