Critically Thinking about the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Federal Healthcare

There is now an unprecedented opportunity that Critical Thinkers (that’s us) should take advantage of.

Arguably, for the first time in modern U.S. history, the federal government is:

  1. open to making radical changes in government agencies,
  2. has the right political perspective, and
  3. is receptive to citizen inputs.

Yes, there are always reasons to be skeptical — but the upside is so great that we should assume the best, and offer assistance. For those who are incurably cynical and say no, then you are foregoing your future rights to complain!

I’m polling my Critical Thinking Substack readers as to their best ideas regarding the Department of Health and Human Services (FDA, CDC, etc.), Department of Education, Department of Energy, EPA, and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). [I have a connection with RFKjr, but if you have any good relations with the upper echelon of any of the other Departments, please email me.]

Let’s say that this is the scenario:

a) we are given five (5) minutes for a face-to-face meeting with the Secretary of each of these Departments, and 

b) we are asked to limit our suggestions to three (3) items. Due to these rules, we need filter out many ideas so that we are left with just three (3) succinct, important, doable recommendations.

Since we’re starting off a New Year, I’ll dedicate upcoming commentaries to each of the above-mentioned Departments, one at a time. In each commentary, I’ll propose MY suggested three (3) recommendations for a specific Department, and then Critically Thinking readers can constructively weigh in with support or any improvements on what I’ve proposed…

Then we’ll try to get each end product to each Department’s Secretary.

To get the ball rolling, I’ve drafted up three (3) recommendations for DHHS (RFK Jr.). Feel free to suggest edits of mine, or better ideas, in the Comments, below…

Recommendation #1 —

Bobby should formally adopt the slogan: “Real Science, not political science,” or something akin to that.

That should be the umbrella of his campaign to reform US health policies: he wants to root out the political science that has infested many US healthcare agencies. It’s important to specifically spell this out as most citizens are technically challenged and are not aware that this is what is transpiring.

IMO, this is the core health issue, as Big Pharma and other self-serving parties are aggressively pushing political science. As a result, the FDA, CDC, AMA, etc., have completely lost touch with their mission statements, statutory obligations, etc.

For example, the FDA’s use of Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) of Paxlovid and formal Approval of Remdesivir is simply putrid. On the other hand, the FDA’s resistance to such therapies as Ivermectin (e.g., here) is criminally incompetent.

See the unique side-by-side comparison I put together of these two options, plus every other major pre- and post-COVID treatment. To my knowledge, no one else in the country has published this type of analysis. This powerful (but easy to understand) table quite clearly exposes which COVID-19 treatment options are Real Science and which are political science.

Recommendation #2 —

The FDA’s drug, etc. Approval process (particularly EUAs), needs to be radically upgraded.

The objective would be to change Approvals/EUAs so that they are genuinely Science-based — not due to politics. Tackling this critically important part of the FDA’s incompetence would be a wise and powerful strategy, as fixing the FDA’s therapy Approval process would have enormous ramifications across the rest of the FDA and the medical establishment in general. This would profoundly benefit American citizens.

Since the objective here is to cut to the chase, I wrote out a two-page summary of major changes that the FDA should be mandated to make, regarding their awarding of any medical product an EUA or the more formal Approval.

Since Bobby will have some power over the FDA, these very specific — and scientifically justified — reforms should be able to be mandated on the FDAAccomplishing these would be among the most significant US medical changes over the last 50 years…

Recommendation #3 —

The public needs to be re-educated about the extreme importance of maintaining good health.

Prevention is a hundred times better than experimenting with ailment cures. This includes basics, like: balanced nutrition, proactive care (e.g., exercise, good sleep, etc.), and maintaining a strong immune system. These are low-cost, mostly simple efforts that almost every American would benefit from fairly quickly.

Note: the fact that Fauci, Birx, et al stunningly didn’t say a word about any of these regarding COVID-19, is proof positive of their estrangement from real Science.

Yes, I am fully aware that there are a multitude of other healthcare related issues — and several of them are significant. The question is, if you only had five minutes to speak to RFK Jr., and were limited to your three (3) best recommendations, what would they be?

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