UK Now So Orwellian Even Meta Data About Truth Too Dangerous For The British To Mention
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” — George Orwell. 1984
Meta data is information about information.
For example:
A guy commits a crime, and the police suspect it was him, but don’t have a warrant to tap his phone. So they check the available meta data on his phone such as who called, when did they call, and for how long. They can’t hear the conversation, but they can know that say, his mother called at the time of the crime and he didn’t answer, when he normally always answers and they talk for over 20 minutes. But this time he didn’t pick up at all or his phone was off.
With this and similar kinds of meta data, they can get a warrant to do whatever more intrusive searches they want.
When it comes to Muslims committing acts of terrorism or major crimes, we here in Dar al Harb have learned to use meta data to know the motives and nature of these events.
Back in the early days of the jihad on us all, we would hear that a man named Mohammad or a variation of same, would say, randomly stab a bunch of people in the neck while yelling the Arabic Phrase, “Allah hu ackbar”. We were not told this was an act of Islamic jihad, but eventually even the slowest picked up on it.
Then, they stopped telling is the name of the perp. If it was a Muslim name, we knew. That little bit of meta data as enough for us to have forbidden information. It was a Muslim killing random infidels as his religion commands him to do. So they stopped telling us the name, usually for several days or a week till any proper outrage had passed and there was no fear of anyone doing anything effective to stop the mass importation of Jihadis into Western nations.
They also stopped telling us that people yelled allah hu ackbar while committing these acts. Witnesses would be suppressed. Then they would start to not just lie by omission, but lie of fabrication. A dozen years or so ago, the media, facing ever more ludicrous rules from communist organizations like the National Union of Journalists, would create special rules for reporting on what they called “minorities”. Which seldom means minorities, but always means anyone but a white male had to be ‘protected’ such that people might not form a negative opinion about a hostile group before that group was too powerful to control us all. So they started claiming that the jihadi was mentally ill. They would report that the attacker, who usually followed koranic instructions for killing infidels to the letter was mentally ill before they even claimed to know his name. So somehow, they got his medical records unsealed within an hour and without even knowing who it was.
At that point they didn’t care that we knew they were lying to us. There was bugger all we could do about it.
Nonetheless, those of us who cared to know the truth carried on, interpreting meta data into reality as we could. When we heard a nameless person entered a church and cut the head off of a priest for instance, and wrote something in a foreign language, we knew it was a Muslim waging jihad against the infidel in the land of the infidels.
The next big squeeze on what we could know and say came when a Muslim waging jihad on the infidel stabbed something like 11 little girls at a Taylor Swift dance party killing three of them in Southport England. The lies of omissions started. He was a good boy from somewhere in Wales.People who correctly said it was an act of Islamic jihad found themselves sentenced to a year and a half in prison. The public got the message. We cannot interpret the meta data of Islamic jihad as such, or we will be destroyed.
Please watch the whole video below, produced by a regular fellow in the UK trying to describe what is obviously an act of jihad where a nurse was stabbed so badly she is described as having life changing injuries.
This the scariest video out of the UK in many ways. The fact that the public is now so Orwelled, for lack of a better term, that they know they may not speak aloud the truth if it contradicts state narratives, and narratives who’s intent is to destroy every aspect of them, is horrifying.
WATCH: UK: Nurse STABBED In Hospital ATTACK In Manchester!
RELATED ARTICLE: UK: Muslims rape 13-year-old girl, cops tell her father he must let it go or be arrested for being racist
EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.
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