VIDEO: What Jews are commanded to do in Torah vs what the Israeli government does, and much more

In this week’s Dvar Torah for Shemot, Rav Shifren discusses what Jews are commanded to do in Torah vs what the Israeli government does, and much more.

WATCH: Rabbi Nachum Shifren — JDL USA: Darka Shel Torah HaYom HaZeh – SHEMOT

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JDL USA presents Rabbi natham schiffren public speaker author and good friend of the late Rabbi mayor Kahana good week to everybody and uh we have shabot coming up tomorrow and glad glad everybody could be here as they say the faithful are assembled thank you so much for coming and joining us what are we doing here you know you’re Wonder here I am with this amazing insane beard disheveled look and talking trash about this that and the other we are the progeny of a great man somebody who woke us up somebody who aroused us each of us from our Slumber each of us individually in so many ways and we’re here to uh make sure that um that that uh that never again is actually real that never again will Jews be slaughtered like they were and I say that with trepidation because well it’s very we’re in a very difficult situation we always have been there’s always been these divisions in Judaism there they were we talked about the helist mikim yavan meaning Greece and then M the helist and what they did what they wrought upon the Jewish people was still we’re still suffering from it thousand years later this week anyway we’re talking about shot this is the Book of Exodus we are now entering a whole different phase we were in the Book of Genesis all the Jewish people Joseph his brothers and all their progyny are now in Egypt I want to point out something and and just deviate a little bit from the our talk about the Torah here you know there’s a saying that Rabbi Kah used to use and it’s a talmudic epigram it’s called how excuse me those that show pity to the to the evil will one day be merciless to the innocent what are we talking about think about it if you know that somebody’s evil and you’re kind to them and and loving and helping them and you know they’re going to kill you or your family why would you do that it’s because something inside of you is twisted or perverted and you see uh goodness where only evil exists the state of Israel is about to make a brutally horrific mistake we’ve done this before previously they exchanged a thousand murderers for one Israeli citizen think about it those is those murderers went on to murder other Jews you know as soon as the quote unquote peace ceasefire whatever you want to call it between Gaza and Israel was known all of the murderers that were in Israeli prisons said they thought this was they thought they were victorious you Gaza is like looks like Berlin after the war and yet they thought they were Victorious uh they say that they’re going to promise many more October 7ths the brother of what’s his name Yi yaka the guy that was killed the leader of the um Hamas uh he uh said there was going to be more October 7th they promised him we believe them I believe them why wouldn’t they when you see a weak Israel now I say that interesting all the soldiers that fell in Gaza Brave Israeli soldiers that gave up their lives so that more Jews could be murdered raped kidnapped sodomized there’s something really evil about this there’s something evil about a government that would do that what kind of government really is there in Israel those of us that are students and followers and lovers of the late great Rabbi mayor Kahana we know what he went what he withstood what the what the trials and tribulations he went through by the Israeli government not by Arabs the Arabs were afraid of him what kind of Israelis let me tell you something that you’re not going to hear from anybody else but me apparently Manan Bean you should rest in peace uh he started out by saying that we will never deal make deals with terrorists that was the back then it was called the PLO Palestine Liberation Organization that was in the 60s 50s and whatnot and people were pretty much in line with that however if you look at those peace people raising hands we want the we want our refugees back we want our prisoners back we want our captives back you know let me just preface by saying that one of the things that Rob G used to love to do is go to the market shuk carel Shuka carel is the marketplace in Tel Aviv m is one on off of yafo Street in Jerusalem who is in those marketplaces what kind of Jews own places there whenever reabana used to go in there they used to they used to close it down the people loved rabana they would close down their their their Falafel stands or their fruit stands or nuts or or or bread or whatever it is they were selling in order to greet Rabbi Gan and shake his hand and not be distracted by customers which which in Israel is a big thing life life is uh marginal there with the way things are with inflation and whatnot but who are those people those are mainly spartic Jews the spartic Jews in Israel loved Rabbi Kong why ashkanazi Jews never lived in in Arab lands ashkanazi Jews are white Jews Gringos whites whatever you want to call them from Russia from Germany Romania Italy they never lived with Arabs the sapharic Jews lived with them and they never want to live with them again they knew who the Arabs were this isn’t a question of racism or this or that it’s just it is what it is the Arabs are going to declare war against Israel again and again and again it could be that you got some as Israeli friends or Muslim Friends The Devil comes out in times of stress and Times of Crisis uh contentiousness and he reveals himself in different people different ways whether it’s a knife in the back whether it’s an PG whether it’s blowing up a a Pizza Station whether it’s kidnapping a little girl and raping them keeping them hostage this is what Israel’s been dealing with since 19 since the day that the modern era started where there was this uh feeling of East East versus West kind of thing so what we’re have what we’re talking about here is two different different kind types of Jews I don’t want to get get into this too much but it’s there realize that it is there no normal spartic Jew is going to be carrying a PE is going to carry a peace now Banner peace now means basically I don’t care if I live or die I just don’t want uh I just want freedom I want peace I want this that and the other it’s not how life Works especially in the US excuse me in the Middle East you should know that every year Saddam Hussein may his name be blotted out every year tens of thousands of people go to his grave to celebrate his birthday why would they do that he killed half a million of his own people because the Arabs understand strength and they despise weakness that’s why they loved Biden for example he was their guy putting pressure on Israel this and that and the other that’s another story there should be an Israel that he has to put pressure on pressure on Israel needs to be ultimately independent but that’s another story this interestingly enough the statement those that have mercy on the evil people will one day be evil to those that are innocent and we see this through throughout Israel’s policies we saw it in gush katif where Israel are beaten up where where settlers were beaten up by Israeli policemen we see it at the Temple Mount why is the Jew not allowed to pray on the Temple Temple Mount is where Abraham Isaac and Jacob prayed that’s our institution that’s our Sanctuary why are we not allowed to pray there if there’s any Jews in Saudi Arabia or Iraq they’re probably praying underground hoping nobody will see them pre we saw this with the altalena um Manan was on that ship it was during the early years of the British mandate and the uh the command was given byak Rabin to kill Bean why would why would they want to do that the hunt right was called The Hunt where during the again during the British mandate Jews were cooperating with the Brits to hunt down Jewish Patriots that were against British rule this is unbelievable you can find out for yourself it’s nothing nothing new another example where the Jewish many of the Jewish leadership before State the statehood was uh came from Russia quite quite familiar with KGB and um and zaris uh fascist tactics these to kidnap you know yemenite children that knew nothing but Torah and God and mitzvot and Commandments they came from a very very backward area but they had the Torah they had the love of God that was in their eyes these people were kidnapped many of them sent to places holy places like kutas where they learned how not to eat koser food Etc so all this is going on with the clamor and the Uproar about the hostages Israel is going to make a very very serious mistake and it’s going to be done in the name of those people that have zero clue about where it’s like to live with Arabs and to deal with them what I’m what I want to really say is that um the uh the situation is grim and Israel is about ready to be pressured into something that’s going to really really hurt the Jewish people now one of the things that Rob con mentioned is the concept of War as you know there’s a very famous song by the birds in the 60s it’s called turn turn turn remember that one to everything there is a time and a season Time For Peace time for war now there’s a whole chapter in the Torah Divi devoted to the concept of what it’s like to go to war to be at War and one of the things that it says is in k Kate saying in the uh that’s the name of the paraa is that when you go to war against your enemy the first thing our commentator says well what do you mean you’re going to go War to war against your friend no the idea is that remind yourself that they are your enemy not your friend and therefore treat them as they your enemy the war in Gaza should have lasted 24 hours um now it’s known that 85% of the people in Gaza supported Hamas therefore same thing in Germany the vast majority supported Hitler why that’s why the Allies had no PO problem carpet bombing Germany if anybody’s listened to this and they know a little bit about history European history they’ll know what I’m talking about Germany was uh became a parking lot everywhere was there some good Germans of course but guess what the Allies didn’t have time to interview the good Germans that’s not how it works what Israel should have done is to compete make a cord cordone soner a complete blockade of Gaza no food no no oil no no gasoline no medicine nothing and within 24 48 Hours the hostages would have been released that’s a fact but we didn’t do it the Israelis didn’t do it the other the opposite to Israelis count out to what Biden told them to do go don’t go into ra don’t do this don’t do that not not the Philadelphia Corridor whatever it is but I’m I’m getting into this I I don’t I don’t like to but uh the only time the Israeli governments gets angry they’re not angry at the pal the uh at the terrorists the murder they’re about ready to to go to bed with these guys they’re about ready to do a swap of murderers a thousand murderers who have Jewish blood on their hands they’re about ready to give those guys up and these guys swear they’ll do it all over again what is this what kind of sane people are going to do that answerers nobody so our paral this week is the first par dealing with the Exodus the slavery in Egypt why was there a slavery to begin with well if you’ve been following the pares you can find out that Joseph was became a vice Roy a very C circuitous route became the vice Roy of Egypt and gave sustenance for his brothers there was a very bad famine throughout the land throughout all over the lands and only in Egypt was their sustenance look at how God created everything so that they would go to Egypt they would find sustenance there they would find a place to live a place to study and they were they basically um prospered like crazy so so much to the point where our commentators say that every Jewish woman has at least six kids in her womb I mean it you know alt together you know raising six sometimes 12 kids to the point where the Egyptians said that’s it enough we’re g to put these people in slavery Etc the what is the purpose of the slavery first of all what is let’s look at the name of Egypt in Hebrew it’s called MIT MIT is if you look at the words it’s if you can you can make a uh change it around and you’ll see that MIM are limitations it means in the in the T M SAR is like a border between you a fence between to your your neighbor for example MIM is limitations um construct uh obstructions as it were the Jewish people were like they compared it to like a birth like an embryo grows up in a mother’s womb not knowing anything just they were they didn’t know anything about who they were but interestingly enough they never used non-jewish names and they were there for several hundred years so this is a very big marriage uh in our prayers in our in our liturgy we talk about the uh the um Liberation from Egypt we mention it every single day right giving thanks even to this day and it says that if it weren’t for God taking us out of Egypt we still be there do you believe that it was Prett Grim Jews didn’t have much uh many options back then Egypt was the most powerful force in the world at that point and uh every day we thank God today now that we’re out of Egypt but we’re not out of matar each one of us has our limitations right each one of us if you really look in your heart and you really do a u it’s called a accounting of the Soul as it says that you’ll see that we are uh remiss on each one of us where we’re weak or we fall down and things we have to work on and one of the one of the uh principles of the slavery in Egypt was very the very first part of the the para we talked about aod Kasa hard work they were they they were they were there to make bricks as you know for Pharaoh’s uh tombs I guess the pyramids the TMO tells us that is that is that is how shall I say it that is compared to kushia Kush means a question in the tal questioning learning the tal what does this mean what does that mean we don’t have we’re not slaves anymore we’re doing back breaking work but instead interesting how the Zohar and other for sources tell us that instead of that we have the work of learning Torah learning Torah is hard work if you really want to get into it if you want to learn the T the gamorra mishna all these things takes a lot of energy takes a lot of concentration and uh not not a whole lot lot of video type stuff going on it’s all reading which in our days anybody that’s a teacher knows how challenging that is for our students they were hard work leim or bricks so the the sages said leim is like Li Li means to make sense of something to think about something to establish a code right uh LW right and then we have Kar was the was the um uh the I don’t know what do you call it the things that they made also made the bricks out of they made it with Kamar with with straw Kamar is ker ker of course anybody that studies Torah knows ker is A4 theori arguments that are that are posited in the in the talet this is the new work this is what the cabalists tell us this this is what our our our you know our tradition tells us that sort of thing but beyond that Kur barel Kur barzel is like an is like an iron furnace and that was what the the cabalist used to call Egypt an iron furnace you put something in that’s a little bit you know uh not so pure and the impurities get burnt out the whole thing the 210 Years of Slavery of being in Egypt was for the purpose of purification now you might think you know each one of the males Jewish males were thrown into the into the N Nile River right uh that’s a pretty heavy price to pay I would say right and nonetheless you can’t really have a people that are going to be starting a brand new way of life a new connection with the only exclusive connection with the creator of Heaven and Earth he he decided in his will that there would be a Torah that there would be there would be mitzvot Commandments that would be ours our Legacy till till eternity till the Messianic era so in order to have that we talked about that before the Torah was given to the ish ishmaelites was GI to the basically the the progeny of Esau progeny of Ishmael they refused it they didn’t want to know it was in it the Jewish people however said God whatever is in it we will do you cannot get a people like that unless they’re lock step into doing exactly what they’re told okay there used to be a saying let my people go remember when the Russians Russian Jews were in Russia and communist Russia there was a whole bunch of people act said let let our let our let my people go that they took that from the Torah but what they forgot to put in that in that in that uh slogan is let my people go so that they will serve me on this Mountain sh Bahar the mountain of course was Mount Si and what happened there we became a a we became a people a Jewish Nation so the whole concept of this C Barelle that we mentioned this purification this I mean it’s kind of like going into a 5,000 degree heat and coming out if you survive that you’re going to do exactly what you’re told your mind your soul your body will be a vehicle for godliness that’s that was the whole purpose you’ll remember that Abraham had two options during the the Covenant of the parts some of you may recall in the Book of Genesis and U he fell asleep he had a nightmare God told him you’ve got you’re you’re you’re going to be a your progy is going to be a great people but they will go to they will be enslaved uh if you choose slavery that’s fine or you could choose Purgatory going to hell that sort of thing Abraham chose slavery and uh this is this is it I mean what happened there was the Jewish people became a nation they understood that God took them out of Egypt the 10 plagues of course we remember during Passover and that was the whole purpose right what’s interesting uh another interesting thing it says in the in the paraa that that Pharaoh told the uh told everybody in it’s funny he didn’t just throw tell the the Jewish M made servants to throw the Jewish baby baby boys in the Nile River he did it to his own people too I I could still because they realize that the savior of the Jewish people will be their his water as it were would be through water you recall the you’ll recall the the uh situation where Moses you know he he struck the rock with his with his um staff and water was going to come out and that that whole thing but anyway um yeah so it said it says that the Pharaoh said keep the girls alive the throw the boys into the river so the capitalists will say now what do you mean keep the girls alive Living For What adultery idolatry witchcraft sorcery Egypt was called the the erat arit remember it was a very evil place and this is what they wanted to do they wanted to turn the Jewish girls into be just like them interesting when you look at back when you look back at the at that little story there that snippet you have to sometimes look at your go back to your your um uh class pictures right the 50s 60s whatever look at your first grade class picture second grade class picture those are kids that didn’t have iPhones there was no you know Beyonce there was no whatever all these other things it was real simple some people are glad that those days are over the Eisenhower years whatever you want to call them but you know what I remember we played a lot of football a lot of baseball came home at night and we did our homework and we were tired we went to bed nothing to distract us we were studying we were learning we’re reading as a teacher of over 20 years I can tell you that there’s anybody that thinks reading is on a computer is the way to go is needs to think about it again so with all that having been said this parti starts a brand new a br brand new uh pathway for the Jewish people for us to think about matar MIT Egypt limitations what are we who are we how are we able to get closer to God and no matter who we are no matter what you are no matter what your background is no matter what your ethnicity is there’s a certain level of human conduct that that needs to be promoted and that’s the whole that is the whole thing of the light of the Torah spreading out throughout the whole world and uh if you talk to the original colonists like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson they’ll tell you that at some point Hebrew was going to be the language of the American colonist didn’t work out that way but but um anyway we are very grateful thank God we are free and the Egypt that we are talking about this week is far away from us but we still have a lot of work to do and with that I will wish everybody God bless you all take care pick up a couple of books occasionally look at Psalms look at the Parsha and our hope and prayer is that we do have true peace and uh with that I will say shabbat shalom.

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