Here is Trump’s Plan to Purge the Pentagon

Outstanding comments by my wife Glynnda who served as enlisted in Army including a tour in Korea. Also see article below her comments.

She has it right — if females can meet standards to serve in direct combat units okay but put them in all female units and see how that works out. Her realistic comments would rattle female Senators like Warren, Gillibrand, Hirono, etc. who tried and failed to give Pete Hegseth a hard time during confirmation hearings. Now someone has drummed up an ex Sister-in-Law to berate Pete — shades of hearing son SCOTUS Associate Justices Kavanaugh and Thomas. They really don’t want him in charge because they know he will clean house and get DOD back to priority of combat readiness and deterrence of war.


This is exceptional news. I read the attached article and I think that many officers are going to be called on besides the panel mentioned in the article to “clean house” in the military. I would stand 100% behind this effort……I believe men like Royal, Luis Quinones (if he is not already doing this), Jeremy Brown, Glenn, Lee, Emmett and many others who have served honorably in combat as Rangers, leaders, Special Forces, etc. to bring true military readiness, proper military decorum and weed out lefty plants throughout the ranks. Our military desperately needs these leaders to make the military the lean mean fighting machine it once was.

Step one: those freaks of nature who have been posting their “feminine side” on social media need to be section 8’d immediately along with those who have requested transitional drugs, surgery, etc.

Next, all active duty and national guard need to undergo physical testing and if they don’t pass, given 6 months to shape up or get the boot

Next, the damage done to the military by allowing women to achive combat roles is immeasurable. All females who have been given a combat role, should be requalified at the same standards that males face. If they are able to pass great! They may have their combat role….in a female-only unit. Males change on the battlefield and the distraction that a woman brings takes away from effective battle readiness.

Next, all troops, should be separated by gender. Introducing women over the decades has caused serious problems throughout all areas of the military. I served over 30 years ago and took basic training at the first all-female company on Fort Jackson, SC. They allowed male drills to preside over our training…..a HUGE mistake. There were drills losing rank, being removed from their status throughout the company for their involvement with female trainees. I was dropped for push ups once during my training by a tough female drill….she kept my silly little 19 year old butt in line and I respected her. The others looked ridiculous as they were manipulated by the females who they were screwing after hours….idiots.

I had zero respect for them…some of them were good men and didn’t test the waters with me, but there were many examples of NCO’s who we were supposed to respect and learn from, all over Fort Jackson who were just a bunch of dumb asses who couldn’t exhibit enough leadership to “keep it their pants”. The females who were complicit should have been drummed out immediately. Just consider how much damage those females did during their military career!

During my service I was sexually harrassed continually by ranks from private to captains….I cannot believe they were willing to actually get with me and take a chance with their career and then trust me not to tell on them and not ask them for favoritism what dumb asses!.. Most who can’t control themselves are quite easy to manipulate. It is no coincidence that communist forces have used the “honeypot” method to infiltrate the US gov’t. I can only imagine how many military careers were destroyed by unsavory and dishonorable females willing to use their bodies to get ahead. Their some excellent men who do not engage but as my platoon leader, they felt their job was to “protect me or watch over me”… would that go on the battlefield?

Females at every level should serve only with females and males with males….that includes all MOS’s including administrative and support positions and as much as possible civil service the same thing. It would certainly not completely eliminate the problem but boy would we see serious change all across the military!

Sexual involvement between soldiers is doing unbelievable harm to the military. The number of families that have been destroyed by soldiers getting together with each other instead of their spouse is immeasurable, lessens military readiness, promotes favoritism and sexual harassment has become a norm….separating by gender is absolutely essential if we want to get a military ready for action again. I feel sure the original plan behind integration was a Marxist move designed to weaken the military… worked.

President Trump should allow chaplains to pray and counsel soldiers in the name of Jesus Christ immediately.

Glynnda White
Event Director

Here’s Trump’s Plan to Purge the Pentagon of the Woke Brass

Matt Vespa | November 12, 2024 11:30 PM

President-elect Donald J. Trump is sending signals to the military brass. They’re going back to protecting our country, killing our enemies, and enhancing our national security. The era of woke nonsense and sensitivity training is over. The Wall Street Journal first reported on Trump’s plans for the Pentagon, alluding to the “chilling” effect it could have on the officer corps, but the president-elect has a mandate and should use it.

The reported executive order would create a “warrior board” of retired generals and other senior personnel who would review the leadership qualities of the officers in question. There’s no re-election effort lingering overhead either, so don’t be shocked if this executive is issued. It’s time to clean house (via WSJ):

The Trump transition team is considering a draft executive order that establishes a “warrior board” of retired senior military personnel with the power to review three- and four-star officers and to recommend removals of any deemed unfit for leadership. 

If Donald Trump approves the order, it could fast-track the removal of generals and admirals found to be “lacking in requisite leadership qualities,” according to a draft of the order reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. But it could also create a chilling effect on top military officers, given the president-elect’s past vow to fire “woke generals,” referring to officers seen as promoting diversity in the ranks at the expense of military readiness. 

As commander in chief, Trump can fire any officer at will, but an outside board whose members he appoints would bypass the Pentagon’s regular promotion system, signaling across the military that he intends to purge a number of generals and admirals. 

The draft order says it aims to establish a review that focuses “on leadership capability, strategic readiness, and commitment to military excellence.” The draft doesn’t specify what officers need to do or present to show if they meet those standards. The draft order originated with one of several outside policy groups collaborating with the transition team, and is one of numerous executive orders under review by Trump’s team, a transition official said. 

The warrior board would be made up of retired generals and noncommissioned officers, who would send their recommendations to the president. Those identified for removal would be retired at their current rank within 30 days. 

Continue reading.

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RELATED VIDEO: Report: Trump may create “warrior board” to remove “woke” military leaders

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