Vigilante Pedo Hunters Claim More Pedophiles In The Community Than They Ever Imagined

You hear about pedophiles on the news sometimes. Their crimes are so heinous, they can’t be common — that’s why they become national news stories. At least, this is what we all like to hope.

Yet the Daily Caller’s new documentary, “Pedo Hunters,” follows two vigilantes rooting out the pedophiles in their own community. And they say the problem is far bigger than they ever imagined.

“Pedo Hunters” is available exclusively to Daily Caller subscribers. Catch a first glimpse below.

First, the Daily Caller uncovered the true cost of the Defund the Police movement in “Lawless.”  Then, “Do No Harm” exposed the corruption at the heart of the medical establishment chopping up America’s kids. Now, with “Pedo Hunters,” the Daily Caller’s investigative team rides along with two YouTube vigilantes as they hunt for pedophiles in cities across the country.

Meet Josh and Jay: their viral tale of vigilante justice begins with feeling powerless against a system they say failed them.

Josh originally wanted to be a teacher, but when he sat down in a college course next to a man he says sexually assaulted his step-daughter — who the system let walk free — he decided a career change was in order. He decided to take the law into his own hands.

Jay says he experienced sexual assault as a child himself. But when he confronted his alleged abuser as an adult, things quickly turned ugly.

Both men are united in their love for their children and being “tired of waiting for the police.” In 2021, they decided to form DAP: “Dad’s Against Predators.” They now make hunting would-be pedos a full-time job, recording their “hunts” and posting them on YouTube.

Originally, they thought hunting pedos would be a waiting game. They were prepared to wait a full month before they caught their first “prey.” Not many people can be this sick, after all. After their first day, they were shocked.

“This isn’t what we thought it was gonna be,” Josh explained to the Daily Caller’s investigative team.

“We thought we might be able to get like one a month, or something like that,” he continued, but “everywhere that we’ve gone, we’ve never come up empty. Like we’ve always got at least a couple predators.”

“Our first day catching predators, we caught three in the first 24 hours, and from then, we kind of knew like — this is, this is different,” he concluded.

The sheer prevalence of predators inspired Josh and Jay to take their show on the road, so to speak. They now travel around the country, rooting out predators in other communities. And they’ve had success in “every city that we’ve gone to.”

No matter where they go, the process is the same. Josh and Jay troll dating apps to lure would-be pedos out from behind their screens into the open with the sickening promise of a good time. Sometimes, the men on the other end of the screen need some coaxing; that’s where AI generated photos and videos come in. Once the men are aware their intended prey is just 13, the real hunt begins.They set a time to meet somewhere in public, like a CVS or a Target store, and confront their prey with the vile messages. Often, the men try to deny the accusations as the duo begin a public shaming: “This man is a pedophile,” they yell to the entire store.

The point is to highlight the danger within the community. Many, like Josh and Jay themselves, don’t truly know the people who walk among them. Dad’s Against Predators announces it for the world to hear.

Join the Daily Caller for a wild ride as we uncover what it’s really like to be a Pedo Hunter.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To watch “Pedo Hunters” and help support future investigative documentaries, please consider subscribing.


Gage Klipper

Commentary and analysis writer.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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