WATCH: President Trump Suggests Moving ‘Palestinians’ Back to Where They Came From

“Build housing in a different location where I think they could maybe live in peace for a change.” — President Donald J. Trump

The ‘Palestinians’ were a made-up people invented by Soviet propagandists during the Cold War.

In reality, they’re Arab Muslim settlers, many of whom moved to Israel not that long ago. For example, the al-Husayni clan, who gave us Hitler’s Mufti and much of the ‘Palestinian’ Jihadist elite, moved to Israel in the 18th century.

Yasser Arafat, the godfather of ‘Palestinianism’, came out of Egypt.

A Hamas leader even admitted that they’re mostly Egyptians.

Why not have them move back to Egypt?

Questioned about his earlier Saturday call with Jordan’s Abdullah II, Trump said he had asked the king to take additional Palestinians into his country.

“I said to him that I’d love you to take on more, because I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess,” he told reporters aboard Air Force One.

Trump said he would like both Jordan and Egypt to house people and that he would speak to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi about the matter on Sunday.

“You’re talking about a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing,” Trump said, adding that there have been centuries-long conflicts in the region.

He continued, “I don’t know, something has to happen, but it’s literally a demolition site right now. Almost everything’s demolished and people are dying there, so I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing in a different location where I think they could maybe live in peace for a change.”

This is the common sense guy people love.

President Trump has good instincts. Unfortunately, he keeps being surrounded by bad advisers who try to get him to embrace the same old failed policies of past administrations. And it’s happening all over again.

Hopefully, that common sense prevails again over the new era of the swamp now clambering into the Department of Defense and the State Department.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield is an investigative journalist and columnist with a strong interest in the historical origins of the crises tearing apart our nation. A Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, he has covered national and international events, broken stories, and shown how the lessons of history can be applied to the present.

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Calls For 1,500,000 Gazans to Be Moved to Egypt and Jordan

WATCH: Move ‘Palestinians’ Back Where They Came From

RELATED VIDEO: NETANYAHU: ‘Thank you President Trump for giving Israel the tools to defend itself’

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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