See Change?

Some recent Sea Changes – alterations in direction that impact the way things are heading: The Internet, cell phones, Trump’s second term. After 75 years of America progressively moving left, the pendulum has swung decidedly to the right with the beginning of the Trump era sea-change. The Democrats “pushed” themselves out of the picture.

There’s an old Jewish saying: “You get too pushy, nobody likes you”.

Pushing wokeism, DEI, transgenderism, military appeasement made the Democrats too pushy.

About 25-30 years ago, artists and photographers who did not embrace digital technology were soon unemployed. Today, AI is displacing creative artists, writers, research and visual entertainment.

WATCH: AI-Generated Concept Ad for Levi’s by RenderNet

The Trump era sea change is evidenced by Republican solidarity; the softening of the liberal media; international anti-liberalism; and some Democrats moving right.

However, the greatest sea change occurred from 1944 and 1964 — the birth years of the baby-boomers. Their sheer liberal numbers generated economic surges, a less-confrontational military philosophy and a more permissive sexual and recreational drug society. Their impactful transformation also spawned high levels of air/water pollution, climate-change, incivility and crime.

It’s an enigmatic irony to juxtapose Joe Biden, born in 1942, to Donald Trump who was born in 1946 and whose nominees/appointees are post-boomers.

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