We The People

America is at a point in time to reassess the American purpose. The election of Donald Trump was far more than a political victory, it was a resounding statement by We the People that we had enough! Not only did We the People across the nation demonstrate it was time to reassess our nation’s purpose, but also the posture of those seeking election at all levels as to their clear and even already demonstrated beliefs and actions. While facts matter to voters, the psychology of the political environment actually sways voters. The nation’s overall management economically, structurally, security, values and traditional principles along with the political environment was being eradicated to the point of erasing our very foundation as a sovereign nation.

Democrats were incubating for years the Marxist beliefs but brought forward more clearly during the Obama eight years. Other than in keynote Democrat states like California, New York, Washington, Illinois as an example, many Democrats at local and county levels were surprised not having seen what they, themselves, had spawned and brought forward now for all to see. The communist tilting Democrats in the U.S. Congress would be simply an enigma if the general populous had been properly informed by media, but that was not the case at all, especially as the preponderant majority of media across America is complicit with the socialist movement and the building of a global government erasing all national sovereignty. Don’t leave RINO Republicans out of this mix. Political ranks have been closing over many years to thwart our Republic, to alter our Constitution, to ignore the Rule of Law, and extinguish the values and principles our Forefathers brought to us as a gift. The dedicated move to indoctrinate students from grade school through college to global Marxism is strong and apparent.

It was Benjamin Franklin walking out of Independence Hall in Philadelphia after the Constitutional Convention adjourned in 1787, who said in response to a question shouted at him by a lady, “Doctor Franklin, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” To which Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

“A republic, if you (we) can keep it.” We have politicians (very few servant leaders) in offices today working NOT at keeping our republic but transforming our country into something it was never, ever intended to become. We are being pushed by former 1960s angry anti-America activists who are rage-filled pro-Marxists having recruited underlings who are “dumbed-down” by an educational system no longer preparing students to assume responsible positions in society and have no idea of the history and meaning of this exceptional nation. These Marxists who have hidden as mere liberals no longer hide their intentions to see America bowed, even broken. They no longer want the Constitution as the Law of the Land unless they can convince all around them the document is really outdated and should be used merely as a guide. Chip…chip…chip away at the Constitution and other founding documents until these guiding set of beliefs are merely an idea, a fluid set of suggestions.

Where are the protectors of our great Republic? Where are the defenders of this exceptional Nation? Where are the public office holders who will stand and not make their reelection a priority; make moving up to the next available higher office their agenda; or be concerned to position themselves for maximum financial gain by corporations and lobbyists? Where are the elected officials who understand and seem to “get it” that their highest responsibility is to represent We the People!

We The People helped push back against formable forces to see Donald Trump once again become the leader this nation desperately needed. We The People are still needed to help Trump push back and again bring proper administrative order and responsibility to all aspects of government. We The People need to be preparing to find those willing to serve at local, county and state levels and help Trump Make America Great Again! Our Founders gave us a blueprint to follow so America could be that exceptional nation, under God, other countries could look to for their own ways of order and governance. The war for the soul of America is not over, we won a battle, a big battle, but more is coming. Stand strong and not afraid and follow Trump’s example as he arose from being shot.

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