America Held Hostage: The Great Condom Caper and the Theft of U.S. Tax Dollars

This scandal would be laughable if it weren’t funded by your tax dollars, further polluting a swamp already brimming with senseless and misguided policies.

First, picture this: A poor elderly woman, tears likely in her eyes, called our Christian Action Network, desperately needing help to pay her skyrocketing electric bill. Sadly, we could not help, faced with our own skyrocketing electric bill.

And then we learn this:

The wizards in the Biden administration planned to send $50 million—your money—halfway across the world to Gaza. And not for emergency food aid or vital medical supplies, no. They were buying condoms.

A staggering 151 million condoms!

That’s enough to give every adult male in Gaza about 300 condoms.

Ask yourself: Who needs 300 condoms? What are they preparing for? An apocalypse of pleasure?

This isn’t just wasteful; it’s a slap in the face to every American who’s ever glanced at their dwindling bank account and wondered how they’ll make ends meet or pay their next electric bill.

But it gets worse.

This rotten egg is just one in a basket overflowing with fiscal stink—$47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia, $32,000 for a Peruvian comic book that transforms LGBTQ narratives into heroic sagas.

These aren’t just footnotes in the Biden ledger; they are symptomatic of a deeper rancid—an ideological crusade funded on your dime, without your consent, while you try to pay electric bills and (I dare say) buy a carton of eggs.

And as you sit in your living room, wondering if you’ll need to choose between heating and eating this winter, these bureaucrats are patting themselves on the back for their cultural enlightenment, using your money to do it.

It’s not just condoms and comic books.

No, it’s $20,000 for drag shows in Ecuador and half a million dollars promoting atheism in Nepal.

It’s as if the federal government is using the taxpayer checkbook to play Santa Claus for every left-wing cause under the sun—except that Santa uses his own money, not yours.

Enter Donald Trump, back in the White House, like a sheriff in a lawless town, promising to bring an end to this grotesque carnival of spending.

Trump, with the unwavering Marco Rubio at his side, vows to cut off the spigot that has fed these ludicrous projects.

Let’s call it the Super Trump Demolition (STD), and not a moment too soon.

Because if there’s one thing we know about Trump, it’s that he doesn’t just drain swamps—he dries them up. He turns them into fields ripe for American growth, not fertile ground for the seeds of foreign folly.

So, to the deep state operatives and their globalist cheerleaders who may be watching, let me say this: buckle up. The free ride is over.

The American people have someone in their corner who’s ready to fight for them, not against them.

Trump’s not just going to audit the waste; he’s going to obliterate it. And to those who’ve been playing fast and loose with our money?

They’d better start pinching pennies — they’re going to need every last one.

It’s time to end the madness and restore sanity and accountability.

With Trump at the helm, let’s just say there aren’t enough condoms in the world to shield them from this STD (Super Trump Demolition).

It’s high time we take back our country, one dollar, one dime, one debauched dollar-spending debacle at a time.

Martin Mawyer is president of the Christian Action Network, which he founded in 1990. Located in Lynchburg, VA, CAN was formed as a non-profit educational organization to protect America’s religious and moral heritage. He is the author of several books, including You Are Chosen: Prepare to Triumph in a Fallen World.

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