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1223 search results for: Green Energy


John Curtis Has History Of Raking In Thousands From Green Energy Donors

Utah GOP Rep. John Curtis, who splits with many on the right on the issue of climate change, has received thousands in campaign donations from green energy donors, according to Federal Election Commission filings. Curtis recently jumped in the race for outgoing Sen. Mitt Romney’s seat in 2024 after initially opting against such a bid, […]


Another Green Energy Co. Failing after Getting Millions from U.S. Government

Reminiscent of the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars Obama dispersed to failed green energy ventures, a struggling solar energy company that received millions from the Biden administration is about to fold. The northern California firm is called SunPower and it is dedicated to energy storage and solar power. Last summer the Department of Energy […]


Blue States Are Stripping Rural Counties Of Ability To Prevent Green Energy Takeover Of Their Communities

Several blue states have deprived rural counties of the ability to reject the massive green energy projects that corporations want to site in their communities, while green industrial interests and environmentalist groups have poured money into state capitals. Michigan, California, New York and Illinois have all passed legislation that consolidates authority over land use issues […]


The Green Energy Industry Just Had An Absolutely Brutal Week

The past week has been marked by worrying developments for the state of the green energy industry, suggesting that President Joe Biden’s sweeping climate agenda could be imperiled. Offshore wind companies are cancelling projects and executives are sounding the alarm on the state of the industry, while solar companies and indexes have seen their value continue a […]


New Study Shoots Down Biden’s Claim that Transition to Green Energy will Create Jobs

The grim reality is that the transition to green energy will be catastrophic for the economy, and if it is fully followed through, will reduce the United States to Third World status. The Biden regime seems intent on making life as difficult as they possibly can for Americans, and aiding and enabling America’s foes in […]


‘License To Kill’ Whales, Dolphins Handed to Offshore Wind Power Companies in Biden’s Green Energy Push

Since December, Dozens Of Whales And Dolphins Have Washed Up Dead Along East Coast Beaches, Especially The New Jersey Coast. Greenpeace launched its “Save the Whales” campaign on April 27, 1975. But in the ensuing years, Greenpeace has gone full Orwell. Greenpeace is no longer interested in saving the whales. It may actually be aiding […]


Joe Biden’s Hydrogen Slush Fund Means More Dollars Wasted On The Green Energy Boondoggle

Nearly 50 years ago in 1976, congress authorized the Hydrogen Program managed by the National Science Foundation. Then in 1983, Bush and Congress threw more money at hydrogen as an alternative energy source. Last year Congress and Biden, in their infrastructure bill, created a $9.5 billion dollar hydrogen slush fund. The Europeans have also authorized $5.2 billion euros for their hydro slush fund. Since 1839, scientists have been working on hydrogen […]


Experts Blame Green Energy Policies for Europe’s Full-Scale Energy Crisis: ‘A warning to the U.S.’

We are watching the villainous Left deindustrialize our societies, under the guise of climate nonsense. All while they fly around the world in private jets, which emit far more green-house gasses into the atmosphere. The Green Movement is a total assault on capitalism, our freedom, and our entire way of life. It’s implementation will cause […]


Germany To Lose $265 billion By 2030 Due To Green Energy Hoax

The Green Movement is a total assault on capitalism, freedom, and our entire way of life by the Far Left global elites. It’s implementation will cause significant economic decline in countries throughout the world. Furthermore, if this movement is not stopped, you can expect massive instability in your cities and your towns, and your communities […]


Biden’s Rollback of NEPA Reforms May Haunt Green Energy Projects

In a long-expected move, the Biden administration on April 19 restored federal regulations requiring rigorous environmental reviews of proposed major infrastructure projects, undoing policies of the Trump White House aimed at streamlining the process laid out in the 1970 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The NEPA process was notorious for its red tape and litigation, […]


U.S. Faces Electricity Shortages Heading Into Summer, as Grid Operators Warn of Limits of Green Energy

Evidence shows America’s power grid is increasingly unreliable and struggling to keep up with energy demand. With more than 25 years of executive experience in the utility industry, people tend to listen when MISO CEO John Bear talks about energy. And the message he’s sending about electricity shortages as Americans head into summer is clear. “I am […]


Biden and the Alexandra Ocasio Cortez’s Green Energy Agenda

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC) is neither a climatologist or scientist. Before she was elected to Congress she was a bartender. Nothing wrong with being a bartender but creating a program called ‘The Green New Deal’ is above her pay level. Nevertheless the Biden White House is in the process of implementing AOC’s Green New Deal […]


China’s Stunning Green Energy Collapse Should Come As No Surprise

As reported in the FrontPageMag article “Red China Tried To Go Green, Now It’s Going Dark,” the U.S. is currently experiencing widespread supply chain disruptions caused in part by China’s disastrous renewable energy collapse, which has led to a severely crippled economy brought on by widespread power blackouts. Democrats tout green energy as a “clean” and “renewable” […]