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2216 search results for: climate change


Going Full Orwell: Harris-Walz Equate Fighting ‘Climate Change’ With ‘Freedom’

Shh. A moment of ‘climate silence’ being observed on live TV – Morano on Fox & Friends on Harris-Walz ‘climate silence’ & pushing climate solutions as ‘freedom’  Harris Goes Full Orwell!  NYT: Harris’s New Strategy: Equate Fighting Climate Change With ‘Freedom’ – Framing As ‘Patriotism’ – ‘A novel way of framing climate change’ New […]


Watch: 2019 CNN ‘climate town hall’: Kamala Harris pushed ‘carbon fee’ that may be ‘passed on to consumers’ to fight ‘climate change’ & promote ‘environmental justice’

Then Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris on CNN’s climate townhall September 4, 2019: Harris September 4, 2019 in CNN Climate Townhall: “There has to be some connection between the fee and bad behaviors. We have to monitor whether it’s going to be passed on to consumers. But I’m going to tell you that should never be […]


Kamala Harris thinks I should be too scared of climate change to have children

Apparently, Kamala Harris thinks “climate anxiety” should give young adults, including myself, a reason to hesitate when it comes to having children. A video from 2023 has resurfaced, showing Harris describing this “climate anxiety” as “the fear of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children.” Of […]


It’s Time to Make a Strategic PR Pivot in Dealing with the Climate Change Issue

Nothing short of Traditional Science is at stake here. This is a follow-up to my post: Who is Winning the Climate Change War? There have been numerous twists-and-turns regarding the Climate Change/Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) matter over the last 35± years. For those of us immersed in this fight on a daily basis, the danger is […]


Who is Winning the Climate Change War?

Also: proof that the Climate and COVID alarmists used the same tactics… Believe it or not, there is actually disagreement with a few people as to who is winning the Climate Change war: Alarmists or Realists? An accurate response to that question will indicate the best strategy for the Realists (mostly Conservatives) to take today (e.g., active vs passive, aggressive vs laid-back, […]


Climate change increases female genital mutilation. True or false?

Female genital cutting is a barbarous practice that should have been consigned to the ash-heap of history long before this world experienced the pleasure of beholding my angelic baby face. Unfortunately, however, for the first time after a steady decline over two decades, it is now on the rise worldwide. Sadly, the biggest contributors to this increase […]


Biden Admin’s Regulatory Overhaul Is Poised To Burden Americans In The Name Of Fighting Climate Change

President Joe Biden’s administration finalized guidance Thursday likely to burden Americans with costlier regulations to fulfill administration priorities such as combating climate change. Biden’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is enacting new guidance that would require regulators to consider priorities like inequality and climate change when analyzing the costs and benefits of regulation. The White House […]


The Religion of Global Climate Change

Michael Pakaluk: Laudate Deum consistently turns qualified statements about the world into certainties appropriate only for articles of faith.  Unlike a truly scientific discussion, it does not review counter-objections or conflicting evidence.   My worry about Laudate Deum (“all you praise God”), the recent Apostolic Exhortation “to all people of good will on the climate crisis,” is that because […]


Even Bill Gates [!] is Backtracking on Climate Change

For years no one with access to major media platforms would speak up and out against the greatest political fraud of the modern age. The immense power and machinery of the left will destroy you. The idea that idiot savants like Bill Gates ((basically he had a genius for writing code) should dictate global policies […]


Wokeness, not climate change, is to blame in Maui

Over 111 lives have been lost in the tragic Maui fires that wiped the historic township of Lahaina off the map and have left authorities searching for another possible 1,000 victims. Like clockwork, corporate newsrooms have concluded that a climate apocalypse is to blame. “The explanation is as straightforward as it is sobering,” the New York […]


Fonda Leads Push for Climate Change Content in Movies and TV

Planet-saving Hollywood egos including Vietnam-era traitor Jane Fonda met in Los Angeles from June 21 to 24 for a special summit designed to show how the entertainment industry can influence the world in tackling “climate change.” The Hollywood Climate Summit claimed to unite “thousands” of filmmakers with scientists and activists in a bid to “change the industry’s […]


The Climate Change Agenda Is All About Destroying Capitalism

“We — the youth, students, and workers of the anti-capitalist, socialist, and revolutionary groups associated with the Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth International (FT-CI) in Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Chile, Mexico, France, the Spanish State, Germany, Italy, Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, and Uruguay — joined last year’s Global Climate Strike on September 24. In […]


Arsonist Charged with Setting Massive Yosemite Park Fire That Democrats Blamed on Climate Change

One might begin to suspect that Democrats set these fires in order to blame their climate change myth. Eco-terrorism. The fire destroyed over 127 houses and burned 19,244 acres of vegetation, 66 outbuildings and threatened ancient Sequoias. No media mea culpa and another one of their enormous, fantastic lies. Man, 71, charged with setting massive […]


Yes, climate change is making people depressed and angry – but not for the reasons you might think

Scaring readers out of their wits is not part of the job description of the American Geophysical Union. The American Geophysical Union (AGU), founded in 1919, is possibly the world’s premier association of earth scientists, and numbers among its members many leading climate experts. I had the privilege of attending its annual Fall Meeting last […]